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It was created out of a desire to provide people with the ability to transfer value to each other without the need for a centralized third party to verify the transactions. Think of Bitcoin, Litecoin, Monero, and Dash to name a few. These functions represent the core of why bitcoin was created.

Another core aspect to Bitcoin is the fact that it was created to be open source. By making the code behind Bitcoin open source, Satoshi Nakamoto gave anyone the opportunity to learn from, build on and expand beyond it.

These second generation blockchains have unleashed smart contracts. These allow for customizable transactions. You can custom create transactions to execute however best fits the needs of the parties involved. Crypto revolution have just startedno one can stop ethereum is like internet the next bitcoin even so, it is showing us how difficult it can be to scale when the network experiences huge influxes of transactions due to an exponential growth of users.

The beauty of open source is that it gives developers the ability to see how a network is designed, and now with the ability to see how things are panning out, they can make changes right from the start in an effort to avoid trouble in the future. Delegated Proof of Stake works like this: There are a set number of Witnesses, usually a small number, who work to mine blocks and monitor the network. These Witnesses gain this position by being voted in.

Because all votes have equal weight this can be seen as a decentralization of the voting process, i. Because there is a smaller group of individuals working to secure the network, needed changes can occur much more efficiently.

Also, because Witnesses are reliant of votes, it is in their best interest to pay attention to the concerns of the other participants on the network. I think you are wrong in saying that all votes have equal weight in dpos, i think the stake counts for strength of vote. It makes it easy for others to vote people out even if they have large stake. This helps break the highly concentrated wealth distributions might have in addition to performance review by community that can fire them.

Hey, thanks, interesting, so approval is needed before one can become a witness, who does the approving part? Yeah, otherwise it would be impossible to do without proof of identity.

You could argue that share holders are not interested in destroying their own wealth but a witness majority could theoretically e. Dan not too long ago made an article about the need for identity in order for good governance, link. I think he makes a valid point as it would make the possibility for a true democratic model. One could argue that anonymity is more important, but I do believe this full transparency might cause for a real game changer. Yes, i have read that article, it was nice to see that Dan still cares about his older children.

He is right but i would miss to have a 2nd anonymous account, curious if something like that will happen. Oops, i just noticed i was not following you yet after all these nice chats: Each share single BTS crypto revolution have just startedno one can stop ethereum is like internet the next bitcoin example holds equal weight.

I think that is what she was trying to say. Simply amazing the things we can do with blockchains and honestly it is all just getting started. No one really got super interested in it till about just a little over a year ago now and like you said look at how far we have come already. Do you have anything to say about LBRY? I think blockchain will eventually grow to replace the Internet as a way to store, transfer, and track information.

Welcome to the ground floor folks: Bitcoin next leg https: We have come so far in terms of the general public accepting and supporting the new technology, certainly. In terms of the technology being deployed and changes industries we have not even scratched the surface and this of course is a great thing. Blockchain and cryptocurrency are really amazing and very useful in many ways. Just imagine you can launch a project anywhere with less effort compared to fiat.

Collecting fiat currency from different investors in different countries is very hard but through bitcoin and altcoins things become easy, faster and efficient.

Shame on me that I didn't learn about the blockchain and cryptocurrencies earlier because I'm a very IT related person as a programmer and and a pc-fanatic as long as I know me. But the last weeks I got the attention by chance someone would like to buy something with bitcoin and I helped him.

So I got into this and up to now learned hundreds of hours daily about this new technology. I like the DPoS system but I fear that it may make it easier to hamper networks that use it.

Is it easier to target hundreds of mines or thousands of users or 20 or so crypto revolution have just startedno one can stop ethereum is like internet the next bitcoin. If we're living in a future where state players see crypto as a threat, then the more underground a network is the more likely it is to gain use when legislation, regulatory and other As states move against crypto or seek to co-opt their movements then it could be as simple as using their current toolkits to either move their own witnesses into positions of power or threaten existing witnesses.

As it becomes more dangerous to be a witness people will question if those remaining are really acting in the networks' best interests. I'm of the opinion that there remains the very real possibility that the carrots and sticks used to cripple crypto will be hard to deal with, but there may be many who continue to see the utility in distributed networks that are privacy-oriented even in such an environment. In fact users of steemit may avoid a lot of the more detrimental attacks and notions of this crypto as a tool of bandits, thieves and smugglers may get dismissed, as the faucet encourages the identification of the users.

And just so I'm understanding this right, graphene boils down to using filters to cut down on the size of the block a node has to download, and isn't btc segwit compatible? If it turns out to that this and other such technologies operate in the wild without a hitch then it's all the more evidence that bitcoin is pretty much dead in the water as far as mass adoption goes as it's ultimately replaced in use even as a "store of value". Good as gold my ass if the tech isn't up to par. Bitcoin will continue to rise for now because the Dollar is dying, but Steem and others can rise over Bitcoin in the next few years maybe.

We are in big global transitions and Bitcoin is still pretty new for some people. So, we may not be there yet for too many people to make it pass Bitcoin to better alternatives. It takes maybe more time for that to happen. Commenting so I can find this tomorrow and watch those videos at the end. So for every new technology that can fundamentally change society, there is always a fear factor associated with it and many times a bubble like we see in crypto bubble is essential for its wider adoption.

The whole block chain technology is very early stage. I think during this process, there will be a bubble, crash and recovery and more new things!!! Thanks for all of the hard work that you put into these videos. I have crypto revolution have just startedno one can stop ethereum is like internet the next bitcoin about a few new great projects because of your videos. Its amazing how fast everything is evolving. I feel like we have ways to go before we reach the full potential of the blockchain technology.

Thanks a lot heiditravels. After reading your post. I didn't understand what the graphene really meant. I went ahead to do a little research on graphene which i will love to share. Graphene is an industrial strength software platform for deploying third generation cryptographically secure decentralized ledgers known as block chains.

I learnt alot about the different generations. You are one of my favorite youtuber follower. I like to keep track with your insight information and latest news in the space. I would say, you and Amanda Johnson are the prime women pioneers in the movement of blockchain plus everything associated with it. Tambien, Estas crypto revolution have just startedno one can stop ethereum is like internet the next bitcoin bonita! Great explanation of the three generations of Blockchain, thank you.

I think Blockchain as a service plays a huge part in the third generation of Blockchain, and is the key to spreading mass adoption. While the third generation does not specifically focus on it, I think that passive income cryptocurrencies also play a part in mass adoption - everyone loves passive income!

I have a blog series all about how to make some passive income with cryptocurrencies. I found you on youtube in October. You were the first one that got me crypto revolution have just startedno one can stop ethereum is like internet the next bitcoin n cryptocurrency and surprisingly Steemit.

Thanks for sharing so much information. I had same experience Heidi. Found your videos over the holidays. I think you do a great job and make it understandable for many of us. Am here on Steemit now because of your video and so far so good. Would love to see a video s about your opinions and also maybe some personal experiences with investing.

Thanks again for sharing your crypto knowledge! I am fairly new to Digital currencies and understanding the dynamics behind the Blockchain system- but I am learning and very keen to get as much knowledge as possible- I hope to someday earn a living off of my investments and hope to eventually become a property owner all over the world as a result: Thank you for adding to my body of knowledge and helping me along!

I'm also new to digital currencies but had a larger IT knowledge and learned the last weeks, every day, hundreds of hours. A shame this technology was there for so long but no one get interested in. I hope in the future will money have not that value in our heads as it has nowadays.

The complete industry could transform for the better now. What's going on is soo huge, but at the moment, most people don't realize it when you talk to them. As some said earlier: This is bigger than the rise of the internet because this will disrupt this old shitty fiat money system.

Every day, this will get bigger and no one could really stop it.

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Install Tenta Browser free. Unlimited VPN, data encryption, video downloader, media vault, and more! By Corey February 28, With the advent of blockchain many useful applications which had previously been deemed impracticable, are now brought to the forefront and are being developed at break-neck speeds.

In the previous post we went over a simplified version of how a blockchain works. Now that we have a grasp of how blockchains function we can start getting into actual use cases. Cryptocurrency is the moniker given to tokenized assets that are implemented using blockchain technology.

This can refer to digital money such as Bitcoin or Litecoin but it can also refer to tokenized assets such as distributed storage solutions. Think Dropbox meets Bittorrent. Tokenized assets are implementations of blockchain technology that do not perform the function of a currency; there are many of these projects currently being developed, such as Golem or Storj , that fit this structure.

The name "cryptocurrency" can be a bit misleading due to the fact that not all cryptocurrencies are an implementation of monetary applications. Yet most people still refer to cryptographic assets as cryptocurrencies. While it may not be important which term is used, it is important to understand the difference between the two.

Why does blockchain provide such a solid foundation for a cryptocurrency implementation? Well, there are several ideas worth discussing. Bitcoin is the most well known and most widely used cryptocurrency. It is the original, the flag bearer. It is slow to change relatively and it is conservative, at least when compared to other projects.

All of these attributes make Bitcoin what it is. But it is more than the amalgamation of these attributes; it is the start of a revolution. Bitcoin proved that blockchain is a functioning and useful technology that will stand the test of time.

Bitcoin enables individuals across the globe to transact in an efficient and near frictionless environment. Bitcoin was designed from the ground up to be a disruptive technology. It is a more effective and efficient mode of transacting. Some will argue that Bitcoin does not actually fulfill all of these goals and at this time that may be a true statement.

But this is not an indictment of the underlying technology; it is simply growing pains for a complex and ambitious technology.

Over time these kinks will be worked out and new projects will appear. No one could have comprehended the idea of social media or the sprawl that tech giants like Facebook and Google have. Blockchain and the crypto assets associated with it will follow a similar pattern.

Bitcoin is essentially a digital currency implemented using a blockchain. This is a tangible use-case and something that nearly all people can understand. Bitcoin is just one implementation of blockchain. Ethereum takes a bit of a different approach. Instead of being locked into one use-case i. In its most basic form, Ethereum is a programming language built on top of blockchain technology. This allows individuals to construct smart contracts. Smart contracts are a way of setting an agreement that will execute a specified chunk of code when a predetermined condition is met.

Smart contracts can be as simple or as complicated as a developer wants and they are a very powerful tool that will enable unknown functionalities. Ethereum allows individuals to create new crypto assets by utilizing the Ethereum platform. The platform provides the tools required for developing and instantiating any ideas a developer may have.

For the most part, Ethereum has been used for initial coin offerings ICO's and crowdsales. While this is a very useful function, Ethereum is capable of much more. Decentralized Applications are another potential use case for Ethereum.

While as of now there have not been many Dapps, Crypto Kitties is probably the most well known Dapp on Ethereum. Simply put, it is a platform where individuals can exchange Ethereum for unique and rare digital kittens. While people may disagree with how different projects are managed or what goals they choose to pursue. The beauty of blockchain and crypto assets is that anyone can start their own project and pursue the goals they themselves deem important.

By creating the tools and laying a solid foundation, we are setting ourselves up for a bright future full of innovation. We are living in a time were information is king and technology is power, these tools will help set the stage for an abundant future and will help us realize dreams that were previously not possible.

The next installment will cover five simple steps anyone can use to get involved in the community and purchase your first crypto. Sign up for Tenta newsletters and stay up to date on our latest announcements, privacy updates, and more. Tenta VPN Browser blog. Install Tenta Browser free!

Cryptocurrency Cryptocurrency is the moniker given to tokenized assets that are implemented using blockchain technology. Decentralization Decentralization makes it so no one party can control the entire network and gives each participant on the network an exact copy of the blockchain. Each time a transaction is processed, all copies of the blockchain are updated.

This keeps all copies of the blockchain up to date and adds built-in redundancy. This attribute is intended to prevent centralization and make the system censorship-resistant. By spreading the data across so many hosts, it makes it extremely difficult to compromise the network.

Security By utilizing industry standard encryption algorithms, we can say with a high degree of confidence that a properly implemented solution will be quite secure. When the data is encrypted, a public key and a private key are generated. Because the keys are separated, an individual that wishes to receive a payment is only required to divulge their public key. The public key contains the address to where the payment should be sent; because of this separation of duties the private key is never exposed.

The private key is the password that unlocks a wallet and allows assets to be transferred. By offering up this information, the individual is exposing everything an attacker would need to compromise the account.

Transparency This transparency lets anyone explore and audit not only the source code but also the blockchain using a piece of software called a block explorer. This allows anyone to view individual transactions, view balances of specific addresses and much more.

Allowing participants to take part in this process encourages involvement and an understanding of the system, which in turn leads to consumer confidence. Enter Ethereum Bitcoin is essentially a digital currency implemented using a blockchain. Subscribe to our newsletter Sign up for Tenta newsletters and stay up to date on our latest announcements, privacy updates, and more.

Install Tenta Browser Free! Start protecting your online privacy today with Tenta Browser.