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This is an archived post. Want to send a tip to someone who doesn't have a USD bank account? From what I understand, nothing changes from the perspective of users with Bitcoin denominated accounts.
I would start pree by. It charges no transaction fees for micropayments. We welcome suggestions, questions, and other feedback. The US dollar is probably going to be around for at least a few more years, so we figured we needed to play nice and interoperate. You won't be able to vote or comment. By enabling ACH, ChangeTip now offers the opportunity to a much broader audience for whom the promise offered by Bitcoin has not yet quite caught on. It is organized by Verified Solutions, software.
Changetip bitcoin exchange Your bitcoin address: Open a CoinJar today to use our simple digital finance tools. Since tipping can be triggered from anywhere Reddit, YouTube, Twitter, etc. Beginning next week we will be actively exploring all possible solutions. In about two weeks an educational cryptocurrency market will take off. You can also explore the Bitcoin Wiki:.
Find live bitcoin charts at Blockchain. This is awesome, way to go Changetip! Plus, dealing with the US Banking and Regulatory system wasn't a barrel of giggles. The promotion is valid for users depositing minimum I got a tip of bits.