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Congratulations to dogecoin for adding merged mining! Unfortunately, since at this time pycoind doesn't support AuxPoW , dogecoin is currently not working beyond block , I hope to get AuxPoW implemented soon, as we love dogecoin and it would also open up the beginnings of supporting namecoin. Part of being a full node is verifying each input of each transaction of each block.
Unfortunately this is slow. Once I have verified the blockchain successfully validates against pycoind , I will add checkpoints. Checkpoints allow blockchain validation to skip old transactions, and the node can catch up to verify and relay new transactions.
In the meantime, pycoind is still a useful library for many tasks, such as analysing the blockchain, working with addresses and experimenting with script. Just an FYI, the patent US has expired, so everyone should feel free to compress their elliptic curve cryptographic public key points to their little hearts' contents. Although patented, the patent has never been challenged, and would certainly not have stood up in court as ECC point compression was published in a paper a year prior to the filing and was co-authored by one of the patent author hence, was well aware of the prior art.
A more in-depth argument for the invalidity of the patent can be read here. A Python wrapper for the C implementation of the scrypt algorithm, providing tremendous performance gains. This is as official as Bitcoin gets. A bitcoin and altcoin vanity address generator, with GPU mining support. Excellent piece of software and still highly useful, despite not having any updates in the last 2 years. For now, the readme.
It covers most of the high-level aspects of the API and utilities, but it should eventually be expanded on here. See the Cookbook section. The pycoind application and library is released under the BSD License. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
Want that certain feature implemented sooner? Want to help me justify the time I sink into this to my girl friend? Connect to one of our live nodes running the pycoind full-node: A pure-Python full-node and library for bitcoind-based bitcoin, litecoin, dogecoin, et cetera crypto-currencies.
This site is licensed under the MIT License.