Automated trading systems: seriously?
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These days, there is a lot of hype surrounding auto trading systems. If you are a regular subscriber to any Forex website, you have probably seen ads or received emails promoting trading systems. Every company claims to have the best trading best automated trading system and to be able to make massive returns.
Of course, we all know that most of these robotic trading software systems are not even close to what they are made out to be. A majority of you have probably tried one or more systems and seen them fail. First of all, it is sad to say that many people in the business of selling these trading systems do not best automated trading system care about the success of their customers. One common reason why even honest companies fail is a lack of testing. For instance, a company may develop a trading robot and test it on a master account and have very high profits for three or four months.
A robot trading on one account, with one broker, and at the times that best automated trading system trader happens to have it running does not give you a complete picture of whether or not this robot can be successful in the long run NOT EVEN CLOSE!
Another way that companies go wrong is when they release trading software that is completely built around the current market conditions. Many times a company will discover a strategy that is raking in the cash and turn it into an automated trading system, do some quick testing and ship it out.
When a customer buys the system, it may work for them for a while, but as soon as the market conditions change, the robot is useless. This is where you need optimization.
A good trading system should be based best automated trading system a proven strategy that has worked for many years and then is only slightly modified as the market conditions change. Considering all of the things that these companies do wrong, we wanted to make sure we did a few things right:. Not claim that our system wins every trade and can turn a thousand dollars into a million dollars in a month…… We understand that trading is not gambling.
The way to truly succeed in Forex is to have larger winners than losers and win a solid percentage of your trades, and that is what we designed our system to do. We understand that most systems fail because they have not been tested in enough scenarios. Because of this, after best automated trading system developed our system, we gave it to about real traders, just like you, to do extensive testing.
They all traded it their own way with whatever broker they chose, and gave us feedback constantly. With best automated trading system feedback and testing results, we optimized and critiqued the system until it reached its full potential. Base it on a proven strategy that has worked for years…. The Catapult is, in fact, a trading robot; best automated trading system unlike most of these other systems out there it has been properly built, tested and optimized to be successful both now and in the future.
This is why I believe that the Forex Catapult is the best system around. Considering all of the things that these companies do wrong, we wanted to make sure we did a few things right: The following two tabs change content below. Winners Edge Trading was founded in and is working to create the most current and useful Forex information and training available on the internet. Latest posts by admin see all.
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