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Crypto funds psychedelic research. Secret Service agent who investigated Ross Ulbricht admits stealing Bitcoin. Two bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg crypto exchanges licensed in the Phillipines. Shapeshift sidesteps securities, may de-list some tokens. Be bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg to listen in to the whole podcast to get more information, insights, and thoughts on each of them from Darren, Pedro and JJ! Bitcoin Cash became more profitable to mine this week, and many miners jumped on for a profit.

During this time, Bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg blocks came bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg at a rate just under 5 per hour. Currently the Bitcoin Cash network is somewhat frozen with a block coming out around every six hours. We suspect that this is to trigger an emergency difficulty adjustment and bring Bitcoin Cash bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg to profitability.

During that six or seven hour period all transactions cleared with a bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg just bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg 2MB. The possibility of bigger blocks on the bitcoin cash chain made this possible. The interaction of two bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg SHA coins has been spectacular to watch.

Interesting, to say the least. My bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg without emergency difficult adjustments suggests that bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg would be a bias for both coins to be at a high difficulty. OmiseGO is the newest product from the company Omise, a Thailand-based payment platform. Omise has been in business since offering white label software developer kit that allows bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg Point-of-Sale interfaces and Stripe-like functions.

Southeast Asia has these token-based payment systems in wide use mostly with the telecom providers. These providers typically have closed-loop systems. OmiseGO bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg looking to offer a better solution: Previously it was thought OmiseGO would make use of the upcoming Raiden bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg but now it bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg clear they are skipping right to Plasma. Scalable Autonomous Smart Contracts. Plasma has been revealed and a working draft of the white paper is available bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg reading.

The bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg are Joseph Poon, the author of the lightning network, bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg Vitalik Buterin. These locations have become a place where censorship is at an all time high. It is commonplace to see comments and threads removed for any number of asinine reasons. Lately, Michael or theymos, has bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg hard at work creating a fictional world around Bitcoin. At this point it would be fair to call it a cult or religion. The latest inquisition has surrounded Bitpay and the upgrades needed to the Bitcore client in order to fulfill the 2X portion of SegWit.

Ever bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg the fork of Bitcoin Cash, Adam Back and employees of BlockStream have argued vehemently against the notion that the blocksize increase and subsequent hard fork should happen. The bogeyman has always been the increase in blocksize and the hard bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg that bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg accompany it.

Now that this bogeyman has bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg once bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg dispelled with the bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg split bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg Bitcoin Cash, the narrative has bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg some luster, the fear mongering is receiving diminishing returns, and the only option bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg is apparently to ban anyone who seeks to upset the fairy tale. If you are looking for more philanthropic opportunities, you may want to consider donating to the Free Ross Ulbricht project.

We have yet another news story that illustrates just how corrupt the U. In this installment, Shaun Bridges admits to stealing bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg than Bitcoins out of a federal account on BitStamp and then attempting to money launder them through BTC-e and Bitfinex.

Bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg was a methodical, intentional theft of funds. Given the latest revelations, their testimony ought to be thrown out bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg evidence and Ross Ulbricht given another chance to prove his innocence. It is coming from a small base but increasing. That is why bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg decided to require [the exchanges] to register. The exchange says that it hoped the move will contribute to making the underlying technology accessible for all South Americans.

In bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg announcement made August 16,the exchange bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg said it would suspend commission fees for Ether and Bitcoin trades until September 30, ShapeShift may delist tokens that could be classified as securities.

On August 17, ShapeShift bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg a statement detailing its hands-on approach to securities compliance. This means that we may bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg to delist some types of tokens from the bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg, which is unfortunate bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg our users who have enjoyed the ability to participate in these experimental and innovative technologies.

We first talked about Expanse back bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg episode more than two years ago. There was no ICO or fundraising event, rather a reserve of Bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg was created for the Development bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg at the bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg block and is bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg in a smart contract.

The latest news from the bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg team has the first prototype of The Expanse DAO being released in bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg near future. They are announcing the launch of TokenLab to aid in token sales on the Expanse blockchain. Please be mindful of any and all regulations regarding cryptocurrency in your particular jurisdiction. Your email bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg will not be published. Notify me of follow-up bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg by email. Notify me of new posts by email.

Stream this podcast episode: Scalable Autonomous Smart Contracts Plasma has been revealed and a working draft of bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg white paper is available for reading. Under the Howey Test, a transaction is considered bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg be an investment contract if: It is an investment of money There is an expectation of profits from the investment The investment of money is in a common enterprise Any profit comes from the efforts of a promoter or third party Expanse Update We first talked about Expanse back in episode more than two years ago.

Bitcoindotorgbitcoinorg Us JJ — jj neocashradio. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email.

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