How to Add Videos to Your PowerPoint Presentations

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Supercharge your PowerPoint productivity with. Image Export converts PowerPoint slides to high-quality images. Merge Excel data into PowerPoint presentations to create certificates, awards presentations, personalized presentations and more.

Resize your presentations quickly and without distortion. Language Selector switches the text in your presentation from one language to another. FixLinks prevents broken links when you distribute PowerPoint presentations.

Shape Styles brings styles to PowerPoint. Apply complex formatting with a single click. Any word at the end of a line will break after the character closest to the margin, and wrap to the next line without a hyphen.

If the spaces in your text have for some reason been replaced with non-breaking spaces, PowerPoint sees the entire text as one word, so it will break it in odd places when it's forced to keep the text within the bounds of the text box. Or you can run this bit of VBA on the selected text box es to replace all non-breaking spaces with regular spaces:.

This is more common than you might imagine, especially if the presentation has been "touched" by a Japanese, Korean or Chinese system. There's a setting that lets you forbid line breaks in the middle of words, but to get at it, you need to enable Japanese or Korean or Chinese language editing. Once you've done that, you can get at the correct setting and in case the problem recurs, it does no harm to leave the additional language enabled.

After doing this and saving the presentation, you'll probably want to go back to Microsoft Language Register and set the default language back to English. The rulebooks are very different and don't mix well. PowerPoint adds odd linebreaks, breaks lines in odd places or in the middle of words http: PowerPoint adds odd linebreaks, breaks lines in odd places or in the middle of words Problem You have some text.

Your text might have no-break spaces instead of normal spaces [Tip of the hat to Alvaro in the Microsoft Answers forum for finding this one] If the spaces in your text have for some reason been replaced with non-breaking spaces, PowerPoint sees the entire text as one word, so it will break it in odd places when it's forced to keep the text within the bounds of the text box.

Or to replace non-breaking spaces throughout the presentation, try this: In any text box, enter a non-breaking space hold down the ALT key while you enter on the numeric keypad. Select and copy the non-breaking space character you just entered. On the Home tab Editing group click Replace. Click in the "Find what: Click in the "Replace with: Click Replace All to replace all non-breaking spaces with regular ones.

Or you can run this bit of VBA on the selected text box es to replace all non-breaking spaces with regular spaces: Here's how to enable Japanese text editing: In PowerPoint and previous: Choose Japanese and add it to "enabled languages. Remove the checkmark next to "Allow Latin text to wrap in the middle of a word.

Go to Home Paragraph click the icon in the lower right corner of the Paragraph group to open the Paragraph formatting dialog box. Go to the Asian Typography tab of the Paragraph dialog box. App folder Double-click Microsoft Language Register. App to launch it. Did this solve your problem? You may link to this page but any form of unauthorized reproduction of this page's contents is expressly forbidden.