An open-source bitcoin blockchain API

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One thing I get asked for a lot on steemstats. The problem I ran into was in the way steemstats was designed - blockchain explorer open source is loaded in real time from the blockchain.

I needed a way to store and retrieve data based on time and date - steemdb. Before I go further, this post will be split into two parts: It also serves as a playground for new ideas and experiments. It's a block explorer at heart, but doesn't feel like your typical explorer. You currently can't do anything that requires a login - steemdb is all about exploration for the time blockchain explorer open source.

This post is going to get long, so for those of you who need a TLDR, I'd invite you to scroll through the small gallery of images below that show the various pages available. The account view breaks blockchain explorer open source the different components of an account into separate tabs and tries to make blockchain explorer open source information easy to digest.

You can look at anyone's account with this detail. It also charts and shows historical data for some areas of information to track changes over time. It's not mean to be a replacement to steemstats, but blockchain explorer open source tool that steemstats could link to to learn about others. Much of this data will be available on steemstats. I'll also hopefully be providing some public APIs of the same thing for everyone else to use. This blockchain explorer open source all dependent on how optimized I can make the data and how much the infrastructure would cost to scale.

This was my take on how I'd want to explore the data behind a post. It's not interactive at this point, but already provides a bit more insight than we have here on steemit. It features the content broken out into a blockchain explorer open source view based on data aspect, and a sidebar that shows you about the author, other things they've written, and other meta information.

I've also included buttons on each post to quickly view it on steemit. This section is a mirror of the witness page on https: It displays information important to the witnesses and miners on the steem network.

This section was designed as an experimental view of data on the blockchain. This was my first attempt at organizing the data on steem in a more "content silo'd" fashion to see how it could be browsed.

I plan on doing a number of experiments on different ways to view the content in an attempt to help determine the best way to present it. My thought is blockchain explorer open source I'll be able to move a lot faster blockchain explorer open source it's a database, not a blockchain and help prototype what sort of things we may see here someday on steemit. It's pretty interesting to go back in time and view what was popular on specific dates.

It's even more interesting when you pick a tag, and blockchain explorer open source paginate by date. I've found a few posts that I never would have seen by doing this. The short version is more historical data, charts, APIs and ways to view the data that exists on the blockchain.

One of the biggest goals with steemdb is to help people learn about all the various aspects of the steem platform. The steemdb platform will also be used to show the community alternate ways that the content here on steem can be presented.

I plan on trying out a bunch of interfaces you're likely familiar with to see what works best and what the community would like. I feel the best way to actually garner feedback is with a blockchain explorer open source, so I plan on delivering them, hopefully with the help of others! Let me start by saying I most definitely followed the mantra of "do things that don't scale" for this prototype.

If I never updated this code ever again, it wouldn't be scalable to the size that I believe steem can achieve. In fact I don't even know how the servers will hold up with the announcement and general usage of the site. Gotta love these alpha versions! Just like steem itself, if you're going to get involved, you're going to have to be able to figure blockchain explorer open source things work without documentation for now.

Learn to ask questions - lots of them. I'd invite you to join the steemdb channel on steemit. If you join to promote your posts Technology stack was chosen based on technologies I've used recently, not what's best. I'm still working full time on other projects and steem is still only a portion of my time each week.

So if Blockchain explorer open source needed a hammer, and all I could find was a rock, I used it. That doesn't mean these technologies can't change and be adapted. Remember, it's an alpha and an experiment All of this is encapsulated in a variety of docker containers that's controlled through docker-compose.

Since this is the first release, a firm direction hasn't been set in stone. I'd like to see a number of improvements, as well as some optimizations, to really firm up it's core. There are also some loftier goals of removing the frontend from PHP, and using something like react.

I will get a full development environment guide up in the coming weeks. It's going to take a LOT of disk space and some patience blockchain explorer open source the setup. Currently, completely unoptimized, it's consuming It just so happens I wrote a guide on a web instance of steemd a few weeks ago. The first step of running steemdb is going to be letting the services run for like hours as it creates your database. I'm pretty excited about this project, being able to query the database for pretty much any bit of information is like having a super power.

I will do my best to keep the community up to date of changes, digest feedback, and help shape it into another great tool for the community to use. Philosophically, steemdb is what I'd consider to be the 3rd and final part of the trinity of projects I've been working on:.

These projects combined will hopefully form a powerful open source combination to help contribute to the overall steem ecosystem. As a current developer, backup witness, writer and normal guy - I hope to continue being a meaningful part of this community far into the future. Thank you all for your support! Thank you for your dedication to this enterprise and thrive on! All for one and one for all! I'll surely be using this and you got an extra upvote from here.

Thank you for everything you do for the Steem community! I find your tools extremely helpful. I have some suggestions I think would make them even better. I just released a little tool for Steemit a few days ago blockchain explorer open source http: It provides stats and analytics plus free custom short vanity URLs for Steemit articles.

I'm not much of a coder, but I wanted to provide a valuable tool for this community. I hope you'll check it out: Thanks for all your great contributions! Thanks for making this tool available. I especially support Experiment 1 Vote per day https: This Steem blockchain explorer is long overdue and steemd can use some competition: Another fantastic contribution, jesta!

I was super excited that you included a tech section! Your efforts have helped me immensely. It's my "go to" page for all things Steemit. This is very cool. I'm loving the various sites that let me view Steemit data in different ways and this is yet another option.

Thanks for doing this. I have a few ideas for other Steemit related services I have been blockchain explorer open source around blockchain explorer open source my head and it seems every idea I come up with the current API is a major design limitation.

It's just too difficult and expensive to get at older data. The only way I could think of to solve this is to pull every block and parse the information I need into a local db that is optimized for the searches I want to perform. I haven't had the initiative to attempt that though, and now you have gone and done it.

I look forward to looking over the code when I have the time to see if I can integrate into my projects. Super good work man! Great work jestaalmost what I needed in terms of additional functionality that steemstats did not have.

The blockchain explorer open source data charts are actually quite useful to see how things have progressed. You probably have not seen my idea, but maybe you can consider further extending some of the functionality like I'm describing here: Comes handy when you want to respin articles which are older that 12 hours and you can't edit them any longer. Jesta this is a really good start - so congrats on this - i will def push a donation to you.

A couple of thoughts blockchain explorer open source side:. I've been waiting for this since you teased it in the chat. Thank you for all you're doing for the community! I hope you don't mind Me throwing in a shameless plug on your behalf- if you haven't already you should upvote jesta as a witness. This is definitely someone we want running the backbone of Steem!

Actually, I made a similar website http:

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