Creating a Service

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Services can be added to your node in order to extend the functionality of a Bitcore node and Bitcoin itself. Services are very simple to write if you follow the guidelines below.

Services are intended to be node modules themselves. This is because we would like to leverage all the good things about npm. Create a node using these directions. If start bitcoin daemon service will not require Bitcoin code or the blockchain, feel free to skip the sync of the blockchain. Every service that connects to your bitcore-node must implement some methods interface. A Bitcore node will call your service's start and stop methods, for example:.

The code above will help you get started. Additionally, your service should inherit from EventEmitter or Start bitcoin daemon a bitcore-node prototype. The dependencies should also be noted. In the example above, we are depending on bitcoind. Bitcoind is the interface to the bitcoin daemon and the blockchain. We need to symlink our service into our created node, assuming the created node is called mynode and exists in your home directory:.

Be sure to publish your service to npm! This helps others re-use your service and make bitcore-node even better. Please see the npm site for more details. Now your development version of bitcore-node is symlinked into your node modules and any start bitcoin daemon to this project will be picked up by your node. Creating a service is easy. Start bitcoin daemon encourage you to create your own services and publish them to npm.

Creating a Service The purpose of this tutorial is to demonstrate how to create a start bitcoin daemon for a Bitcore node. Concepts Services can be added to start bitcoin daemon node in order to extend the functionality of a Bitcore node and Bitcoin itself.

Creating a Node Create a node using these directions. A Bitcore node will call your service's start and start bitcoin daemon methods, for example: Setup the Symlinks We need to symlink our service into our created node, assuming the created node is called mynode and exists in your home directory: Conclusion Creating a service is easy.

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Bitcoin is a decentralised digital currency which has been growing rapidly in popularity and use. This blog post covers some technical topics about the Bitcoin block chain, which you might want to read up on the subject beforehand. The standard Bitcoin client, Bitcoin Core has three networks it can run on: This is the real Bitcoin network, with the block chain that everyone uses.

Every now and then the developers nuke the ledger to prevent selling off testnet bitcoins, and also to reset the mining difficulty low enough so a CPU can effectively mine. Currently it is called testnet3.

The testnet runs on a different TCP port, has a different genesis block , and the Bitcoin addresses start with different letters. New in Bitcoin Core 0. It also has its own genesis block, and when you start your client, no peers are registered, and nothing is initially mined by anyone. After the initialisation of the Bitcoin Core daemon, i.

I have created a Docker image which simply allows you to run Bitcoin Core in a Docker container. After cloning the repository, hop into it and run:. There is a version 0. We are going to run two docker instances, one for Alice and one for Bob. Both containers will run their own Bitcoin peer using bitcoind , and initially the only thing in common will be the regtest genesis block which is hard-coded in Bitcoin Core. Run the following commands in their own windows:.

Start bitcoind on both containers like so:. The rest of the examples will use this. Using rt, this is the equivalent of the previous command:. Right now there are no mined blocks, and no peers connected.

A log entry in both peers should appear similar to the following. If not, try it again or wait a bit. Just on Alice, run setgenerate , and once that is done, check out your new, freshly mined 50 bitcoins:. Block rewards are released after confirmations why?

To do this, just get one of the nodes to quickly mine 6 blocks:. And the final screenshot shows Bob just received 6 blocks and his balance is now 42 bitcoins:. The Bitcoin Core testnet loading screen.