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The format of addresses and private keys in MultiChain is similar to that of bitcoin addresses and private keys. However there are some differences, which ensure that addresses and keys created on one MultiChain blockchain are extremely unlikely to be valid on a second chain. This in turns prevents a developer error from accidentally performing an operation on one chain which was intended for another. This allows 2 64 or over 10 19 separate address spaces to be defined. In MultiChain these values are generated randomly when a new chain is created and represented by the address-pubkeyhash-version and address-checksum-value values in the blockchain parameters.
There are also address-scripthash-version and private-key-version parameters which define the version bytes for pay-to-scripthash addresses and the exporting of private keys. MultiChain addresses and private keys are similar to those in bitcoin The format of addresses and private keys in MultiChain is similar to that of bitcoin addresses and private keys.
The uncompressed version contains 65 bytes, consisting of 0x04 , 32 bytes for the X coordinate and 32 bytes for the Y coordinate. The compressed version contains 33 bytes, consisting of 0x02 Y is even or 0x03 Y is odd , followed by 32 bytes for the X coordinate. Below is a compressed example: Add the first version byte from the address-pubkeyhash-version blockchain parameter to the start of the RIPEMD hash.
For example with 00AFEA This is the address checksum: XOR this checksum with the address-checksum-value blockchain parameter.
For example with ABC This is the byte for a 4-byte version binary address: This gives the commonly used address format: Add the first version byte from the private-key-version blockchain parameter to the start of the private key. For example with B89E: For example with 7B7AEF This is the byte for a 4-byte version key: This gives the commonly used private key format: