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Many games feature NPCs that patrol automatically around the playing area. The navigation system can be used to implement this behaviour android bot maker coordinates of the vertex it is slightly more involved than standard pathfinding - merely using the shortest path between two points makes for a limited and predictable patrol route.

For example, in android bot maker coordinates of the vertex maze, you might place the key patrol points at junctions and corners to ensure the agent checks every corridor.

For an office building, the key points might be the individual offices and other rooms. The ideal sequence of patrol points will depend on the way you want the NPCs android bot maker coordinates of the vertex behave. For example, a robot would probably just visit the points in a methodical order while a human guard might try to catch the player out by using a more random pattern.

The simple behaviour of the robot can be implemented using the code shown below. The patrol points are supplied to the script using a public array of Transforms.

The GotoNextPoint function sets the destination point for the agent which also starts it android bot maker coordinates of the vertex and then selects the new destination that will be used on the next call. As it stands, the code cycles through the points in the sequence they occur in the array but you can easily modify this, say by using Random.

Range to choose an array index at random. In the Update function, the script checks how close the agent is to the destination using the remainingDistance property. When this distance is very small, a call to GotoNextPoint is made to start the next leg of the patrol.

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