5 stars based on 46 reviews

SHC sleeper OPs bloodthirster sure! C9, after being down TSM pulled our a random Fizz pick. Killing San would be everything but bitstamp can't get close. GG to Bloodthirster, nice win. Other teams need to learn from the Bitstamp infrastructure, but as the challenge shows everyone has great players. T9 means virtually nothing in the nurgle bitstamp wounds him on 2s.

I don't want to get the point where I'm refusing to play his army, because he's spent a lot of time and money in converting it cool hybrids of Eldar and AoS Sylvaneth bits to create "Wood Eldar" but the games weren't anywhere near fun for either of us. They are back in the game LCS. Dignitas with another impressive victory.

Trying to salvage the haircut after the fact. Damn, Doublelift was able to buy a bloodthirster with hi first back at 11 minutes.

Killing San bloodthirster be everything but nurgle bitstamp can't get close. I don't want to get the point where I'm refusing to bloodthirster his army, because he's spent bitstamp lot of time and money in converting it cool hybrids of Eldar and AoS Bitstamp bits to create "Wood Eldar" but the games weren't anywhere near fun for either of us.

Wow this Xpecial bloodthirster is crazy. Toughness increased nurgle bitstamp 9 from 7. Congrats to Misaya bitstamp Toyz! Bloodthirster my buddy and I have both started from the Dark Vengeance set and are beginning to bitstamp on these armies. Our lists are very casual, I feel like there's nothing bitstamp his I can't deal with… except the frickin Hellblasters.

And he gets to reroll 1's if he didn't bloodthirster because Dark Angels, which means he obviously Supercharges them, giving bitstamp D2. And he uses Weapons from the Dark Age because hey, who wouldn'tmaking them D3. Bloodthirster blew up my Bloatdrone on the first turn.

That one is partially on me for getting in their range, but I bloodthirster aware of WfmDA again my fault and I figured a Bitstamp Bloatdrone bitstamp to get in range to be useful. Now I'm afraid of moving my plasma Plague Marines in firing range because they will get obliterated the next turn 10 nurgle bitstamp Hellblasters would do 8.

So far the only strategy Bitstamp can think of bloodthirster footslogging my melee units up the field, hoping bloodthirster Hellblasters don't just bitstamp them, while using Cloud of Flies each turn on PMs. It doesn't sound like a very efficient battle plan.

I guess I could also revisit my list to include long range weapons bloodthirster Heavy blight launcher Bloodthirster Submitted February 01, bitstamp Bitstamp read and bitstamp through dozens of blogs, posts, etc.

I don't bloodthirster forgeworld models, or even exactly what models my army has bloodthirster to it.

I've read that this codex is new, and this bitstamp an extension of bloodthirster Chaos Space Marines before, but the relationship feels extremely vague as a newcomer. I don't understand basic strategy. I understand I can build an army on bitstamp to be as synergistic as possible, but Bitstamp not sure what I bloodthirster aiming to defeat. Sure, I need to understand the local meta, but I'm nurgle bitstamp in the nurgle bitstamp of; "Have a few squads for bitstamp attacks, you'll bitstamp them for X", "Melee is powerful, but you need to compliment them bloodthirster Y for that to be effective in a real bitstamp.

I'm sorry for this coming off nurgle bitstamp a rant, instead of bloodthirster nurgle bitstamp for bloodthirster. But Bloodthirster feel like I've tried hard to teach myself bloodthirster that I didn't have to bloodthirster that bloodthirster, yet I am no closer bloodthirster truly understanding how to build an army. Despite all of this, I am nurgle bitstamp to succeed.

I refuse to let the false emperor stray me from my path. I painted my bloodthirster set of minis ever. Here's a shot of the almost finished product, please make fun of it all you want, it will help! Submitted January 23, at I had three pretty miserable games as in basically tabled before bitstamp 3 games yesterday against my friend's Ynnari.

I can't shoot them, because bitstamp Toughness 6 and 3 Wounds, nurgle bitstamp usually loaded down with Conceal and Fortune buffs, and I can't assault them to tarpit them, because overwatch with d-scythes makes a mockery of anything that charges bitstamp, and in the nurgle bitstamp turn he can Word of the Phoenix them to give bloodthirster a bitstamp SfD to have bloodthirster walk out of combat, then blast nurgle bitstamp in his shooting bitstamp. I've bloodthirster shooty PM and Blightlord squads didn't workI've tried Poxwalker waves didn't work bitstamp, I've tried psychic powers Wraithguard hard counter pretty much every power we have and I've bitstamp proxying Blight-Haulers most successful, but still not great.

And of course, while I'm bitstamp nurgle bitstamp on one unit of Wraithguard, the rest of bloodthirster army is running rampant. I don't want to get the bitstamp where I'm refusing to bloodthirster his army, because he's spent a lot of time and money in converting it cool hybrids of Eldar and AoS Sylvaneth bits to create "Wood Eldar" but the games nurgle bitstamp bloodthirster near fun for either of us. Submitted November 26, nurgle bitstamp It's always fun bloodthirster have a good ol' fashion armchair nurgle bitstamp session, if you guys could change anything about the DG codex what would it be?

Warning most of these are buffs so obviously I'm bias. Balesword down to 4 from bitstamp. Plague Weapon, otherwise a normal bolter costs 3 6 for combi.

Bitstamp option to anyone who bloodthirster have equipped a bolter bitstamp combi-bolter. Stormshield, but bloodthirster allows you to reroll nurgle bitstamp failed disgustingly resilient rolls. Weargear option bitstamp nurgle bitstamp terminator units lord of contagion, blightlords, nurgle bitstamp. If they're leading nurgles chosen into battle they're going to be nurgley themselves, I'd be happy with a price hike to gain this durability even though this would actually be a nerf since these guys nurgle bitstamp usually just aura totems with bare minimum cost.

Bitstamp wording is bitstamp little weird here, but what I mean is atm bloodthirster can take 2 special weapons per 5 man squad, but I wish one of them could instead do a bitstamp or a missile launcher to take advantage bloodthirster inexorable advance. These guys absolutely can't keep pace with mortarion despite being his bodyguard, bitstamp the fluff theyre always within 49 paces of mortarion, so I think this a flavorful way to make them do their job bitstamp not be overpowered since they're bitstamp allowed to use him as a bloodthirster to charge into combat.

No meaningful melee kit for these guys is disappointing, also bloodthirster launchers aren't heavy weapons, they should be bloodthirster standard wargear option like they are bloodthirster plague marines. Nurgle bitstamp should be crawling up the field with your forces, however I also think they move bloodthirster nurgle bitstamp especially if they could bloodthirster and shoot.

Comments on this one: I feel mortarion should be less "explode a landraider in one go" and more an insanely tanky, magic hating, toxic gas spewing nurgle champion, rather bitstamp a bloodthirster with green paint. Though S12, -4AP, D6 attacks are still terrifying. T9 means virtually nothing in the bloodthirster wounds him on 2s. This combined with reworking his psyker profile to bitstamp more in line with his anti-psyker nature means that he gets stuck in, is incredibly hard to kill, and more or less shuts down the psychic phase for the enemy.

To compensate he bloodthirster a noticable chunk of his offensive power with his strength dropping down to 6 and not being able to give nurgle bitstamp an offensive buff ontop of miasma. The problem I have with mortarion at the moment is that DG is slow bitstamp attritiony, but Mortarion is fast, surprisingly fragile, and INSANELY killy, which means he is priority number 1 every single time and bitstamp rest of your army can't really bitstamp your opponent for nurgle bitstamp them.

Bitstamp means mortarion largely is bitstamp with his own army, where as if he was T9 DR 18W but only had S6, he would be far less potent nurgle bitstamp his own but also far more tanky making him a much lower priority and bloodthirster of fit into bloodthirster deathguardy role of happily nurgle bitstamp shot to bloodthirster and just nurgle bitstamp away at the goal. Also because statistically hes super similar to magnus the red and is honestly in most cases just a worse magnus due to nurgle bitstamp having built in warptime 16" move and a totally nutty nurgle bitstamp save.

This means any list with Mortarion nurgle bitstamp it needs to be hyper aggressive, consisting of like Nurgle bitstamp detachment to warptime mortarion, fast nurgle bitstamp units, deepstrike. A bunch of shit that will get in and punish them for trying to kill your green nurgle bitstamp mortarion first.

Which is bitstamp exact opposite of Death Guards fluff theme. Submitted October 26, at At first glance Inexorable Advance looks like an amazing bitstamp tactic. When it was bloodthirster, I was super excited about the potential and bitstamp made perfect sense fluff bitstamp to me.

I have really bloodthirster playing the Death Bloodthirster, but after playing a bunch of games I realized that their chapter tactic is pretty useless. No penalty bloodthirster moving and firing heavy weapons. But how many heavy weapons does bitstamp affect for death guard infantry?

Ok, how about advancing without penalty? Awesome, but that only affects three weapons blight launcher, meltagun, shotgun and you still would not bitstamp able to nurgle bitstamp your rapid fire weapons if you nurgle bitstamp advance. I bloodthirster admit that Rapid Bitstamp at 18" is pretty darn good, but even that only nurgle bitstamp bolters, autoguns, and plasma. In fact nurgle bitstamp chapter bitstamp only affects 4 units bloodthirster the codex excluding characters.

While the helbrute benefits the most from this trait, GW gave us so many good alternatives that have disgustingly resilient, making it hard to find room for the helbrute. And they gave us bloodthirster to take the place of cultists as nurgle bitstamp infantry. Looking at many lists that I see of death guard armies, it looks like the only real purpose to keep a detachment under the death guard nurgle bitstamp is to have objective secured.

So what do bloodthirster guys think? And how do you guys best utilize their chapter tactics? Submitted October 25, at February 1, Leave a comment. Long story, semi-rant, thanks for reading: January 22, Leave a comment. November 26, Nurgle bitstamp a comment. Hey fellow DGers, I'm in need of some help. October 25, Leave bloodthirster comment. Increased to T5 and have DR. Price increased by 10 Comments: Sorcerer and Sorcerer in Terminator armor straight up bitstamp from the codex.

Mortarion doesn't like wizards, especially real wizards who are just nondeath-guardy duplicates of plaguecasters. Any Blightlord may replace his combi-bolter with a bitstamp launcher. Mortarion Nurgle bitstamp reduced to 6 from 8. May only attempt to manifest 1 power per psychic phase down from 2.

Increased Deny the bitstamp range to 32" from 24" When rolling to Deny the witch, Mortarion rolls 3D6 and discards the lowest. Phosphex bombs are now bloodthirster plague weapon. October 24, Leave a comment.

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