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Dispenses product from drums as well as both 5 and 7 gal. This pump replaces the snap-on 7 gal. Piston-type pump for use in 5 and 7 gal. Pump is equipped with necessary flash suppressor and grounding clamps to safely conduct any static charge from product and containers when being used. Corrosion-resistant propylene and stainless steel pump mounts directly to any wall or sink. One push of the plunger draws liquid detergent through plastic tubing from any size container. Equipped with necessary flash suppresser and grounding clamps to safely conduct any static charge from product and containers when being used.
Constructed of durable PVC with viton O rings. Siphon drum pump provides large volume flow without leakage. Primarily for use with highly corrosive products. Piston-type manual transfer pail pump. Ideal for large users who keep bigger volumes on hand or take advantage of bulk product deliveries.
PVC and polypropylene construction is resistant to most common cleaning products. Ideal for users who keep larger volumes on hand or take advantage of bulk product deliveries. Do not use with solvents, flammables or products normally packaged in a steel container. Solvent Pail Pump Steel solvent pail pump that allows high flash point solvents to be pumped safely and easily.
Dispenses 8 oz per stroke Not for use with flammable solvents. Safety Pail Pump Piston-type pump for use in 5 and 7 gal. Dispenses 8 ounces of flammable solvents per stroke Discharge nozzle allows adequate filling of most sprayers. Safety Drum Pump Steel drum pump. Pump dispenses 8 ounces per stroke Allows flammable solvents to be pumped safely and easily. Delivers 11 ounces per lift stroke Can be used with most detergents Not for use with solvents. Acid and corrosion resistant throughout Absolutely no fouling due to rust and corrosion.
P Drum Pump For dispensing cleaner directly from drums. One Gallon Bottle Pump Recommended for use with hand soaps, disinfectants, and dishwashing products. Dispenses one ounce per stroke Fits all regular and flat shelf one gal. Pail pump produces up to 6 ounces per stroke. Pump produces up to 6 ounces per stroke.