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The old Victorian house on Gorham Island. You get the idea. There must be millions. I remember the Greyhound Bus Station where the old Peppermill used to be.
I also remember the town dump where Landsdowne Condominiums are located. I believe that location was a town dump since the Civil War. I was from that part of Westport so my early to mid s memories are from that area. Walt Elwood, a WWI vet, made the best pancakes. I remember he had a breathing problem because he was the victim of a mustard gas attack during the WWI.
Chubby lanes and those red plastic monkey things they put on the cups of your soda! Sam goody, Sport Mart,. Carousel toy store and of course Bedford elementary school, which is now town hall,. I was a good friend of Ed Hall, although I never had him as a teacher. He grew up in St. The Norwalk Hour had a great article about him in or I had Miss Spencer in First grade there.
He was my Fifth grade teacher there. I played for Coach Hall. I think that was also true for other teams that tried. He was a wonderful teacher and coach. He had a beagle dog named Gator and was over when his son was born.
Ed Hall made the final cut to play for the Jets. I think it was for the Jets, but it could have been the Giants. Everything was fine until they found out his age. I believe in that Norwalk Hour newspaper article about him, the complete story is in there. High undefeated basketball team in was the pinnacle of my athletic career. I hated milk especially when it had gotten tepid by the time we kids got to it..
I would complain that mine was sour, he would take a sip of it can you imagine that today???? He had eyes in the back of his head. Ready catches him in the act, produces a hand pump and made him pump them up and then for a week would let out the air and make him pump them up again.
I remember Barry Mills very well. I was in Greens Farms School with him and the poor guy used to get tormented about his weight. I really feel sorry for the way everyone treated him. I know he died at an early age, maybe in his 40s. I do remember Mr. Pierce 1st name was Ed?
Many if not most of us had been students Coleytown until then. That was his name, Ed Pierce. Somewhere I had heard that he went to Australia to teach. I do remember he used to bite his nails. I have to laugh at some of the crazy things one remembers about their former teachers. I think I started at Burr Farms the first year it opened and went into Fifth grade.
His name was Howie Fuller. Do you remember Howie Fuller? You were very kind. In my era and those that followed , Mr. And yes, I remember Howie: He would have been Staples Class of Pierce had the dubious distinction of being the first teacher that I absolutely could not respect. I had been so fortunate up til then, then … Mr. I used to march up to correct his errors uninvited on the blackboard with evident malice, horrid child that I was.
The Aussies probably ate him alive! Your read on Ed Pierce is spot on! I grew up in Saugatuck, where the Turtle Pond was a daily skating spot for us. We ate ice cream at the counter at Bears, still in the same spon on the corner at the RR station, but no more ice cream. We also skated behind the wall at the RR station, and played in the abandoned houses on the property.
Can you imagine we had all that to ourselves. Now it it a private road with only a few of the old estate home left and lots of beautiful new homes. We warmed ourselves, after a hard day of skating, near the pot belly stove in the RR station waiting room, New Haven side. They actually let us build fires in it. Dinner was always served around five. Saugatuck School on Bridge Street was our beloved school. Six years of the best education one could ask for.
Walt Mellilo and Coach Lou Dorsey who are still with us, were local Saugatuck men who became wonderful teachers, knew our parents and made sure we did the best we could in school. Yes Vivian Testa is over years old and lives in town.
She was the best art teacher too. I could go on and on but these are the memories that stand out in my mind today. Gordon and Miss Huck, then on to the hilarious, brilliant, although a bit good crazy 2nd grade Mrs.
She could throw a reading workbook all the way across the room but we learned from her. She was a favorite. And for art, Mrs. Good to know Coach Dorsey still with us — he was great. He was really into teaching about fitness.
What about the mysterious Jockey Club? What was that place really? How about the silver domed steaming dishes coming out of the West Lake kitchen on a winter night? And the girls who danced in cages at the Ice Cream Parlor? Different days now but those were some wondrous years of Westport. He was a left-handed batter. I have been addicted to the Facebook page for over a week just loving all the memories.
But, best of all, I am forever indebted to Jim Warner for posting pictures of my mother and his mother, when they were on the Staples Ladies Bowling Team!
Another picture was posted that had my father in it with the PAL Midget Football team, that was from the local newspaper. Another one that I had never seen. I am so grateful to all who have shared a memory, person or picture on that page. The thread goes on forever and may we never forget our roots in this town! Speaking of which, Nancy herself posted a fascinating photo of Babe Ruth signing a baseball for her dad at Norwalk Hospital after her dad, a volunteer Westport firefighter, was injured with other volunteers in battling a Westport fire.
The Babe had been playing golf at Longshore when someone told him about it, and he went over to help cheer up the firemen in the hospital. Dan, I signed up with the New Canaan FaceBook equivalent and the funny thing is, aside from the same local reminiscences of schools, teachers and locals, there was a thread or two about our New Canaan ties to Westport. In our teen eyes, Westport was a great place to visit, shop, hang out…and several of us liked it so much, we moved here.
First — Thank you to my childhood friend, Chou Chou Merrill, who had the heart felt and brilliant idea to put this group together for us!!! It has been a wonderful experience, catching up with classmates from Coleytown El on and connecting with fellow Westporters.
It has been a special, fun and healing time for me — — and most who have participated. Army and Navy store with Ticketron inside. I slept of the street to be first in line to buy Who tickets.
Does anyone remember her? I had her in Fourth grade. I remember a Miss Teeves most likely spelled wrong who married Mr. They both taught at Greens Farms School in the s. Do these names ring a bell with anyone?