Norwegian student Kristoffer Koch buys $27 in bitcoin in 2009, now he owns an apartment

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Every time I read some story like this. I look up to the stars and shout " What have I done wrong? I mined bitcoins back in the day. Hey man, you still made a massive profit and helped build liquidity in the system.

Don't beat yourself up too much. Without you being a first mover, there would be no way the value would have reached where it is now. I don't see it as a race of who's gonna be number 1 coin, they are kinda complementary specially if bitcoin doesnt get segwit. Due to a technical fault, it has been republished here, on a new page. Nobody uses it yet though.

I can't buy drugs with it. I can buy drugs with bitcoin. Ethereum isn't even in the running. I remember when mining was easy and you could actually get full bitcoins in a relatively small amount of time, or when it was so cheap you could easily buy several thousands. Imagine having like 2, BTC today.

Litecoin just received Segwit less than a month ago and is still in the process of creating their Lightning Network to full scale, which is the part of the software that makes it revolutionary for $27 worth of bitcoin.

At the moment, Bitcoin takes days to confirm and has very high fees. When lightning network is fully implemented, it will take minutes to confirm and the fees are minuscule. Litecoin is at the stage where the technology is there and is still being implemented fully, it is just still growing to the commercial recognition stage. In my opinion, it is more than worthy for any cryptomaniacs investment portfolio.

Good for general commercial public and daily spending, quick transactions and low fees. Can also do everything that Ethereum can for cheaper. This article was originally published on 29 October I'm not saying alt coins will be the most useful thing $27 worth of bitcoin the world, but $27 worth of bitcoin find a way of making trends out of everything and I could definitely see people trying to $27 worth of bitcoin rich quick" like people who bought btc in early days.

So in my opinion, now is a great time to buy anything crypto. The crypto trend hasn't even $27 worth of bitcoin yet. We're in for a wild ride. I doubt litecoin will ever reach that price. That is not bad though, litecoin is IMO the most readily available fiat alternative where you wont get slammed with excessive fees for trying to use it like with bitcoin.

Nobody said it was a race. The future has a place for several different cryptos. No single crypto will apply to everything. I'm sure there are a lot of people out there like this man. Everytime I read these, I slap $27 worth of bitcoin few times for forgetting the wallet code. Had around 10 bitcoins when they weren't cool $27 worth of bitcoin. Like us on Facebook Rebrn facebook page.

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