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Or if I get Ether from a transaction, then where can I see it, from whom did I get it, and when. Schaeff I have done for my send what you have proposed. What I see here is the called contract. I do not see the subtransaction.

How can I get the data, that during the execution of this contract, 1 Ether was sent. How can I get the sender and the receiver? Usually the remaining gas minus a small amount to pay for the call op itself. How much Ether or wei rather to send with the call.

The offset where returndata should be written into memory. Sign in to start talking. Is there any way to copy or duplicate a mapping? With no keys to pull out the data, or the ability to iterate it seems whenever you use a mapping you might as well be saving all the keys to a separate array.

Ethereum block explorer abcd aren't trying to copy mappings? Seems like a big roadblock everyone would have ran into with how much they are used in the examples.

Then why is it being used in every example to store balance data? You can't update a contract that uses that as storage. I literally read every post about it. I get I could design a contract now that would use that as data storage because tis a very poor choice. So what exactly is your contention? I have contracts that are using mapping to store balance data.

I want to upgrade those contracts by copying over the balance data to the new contracts. Its just a simple struct mapping. VoR the signature is something like: I work mostly with the compiler and even I goof up sometimes and am still learning it. Put it in the docs if you find a good way to get around it.

VoR however, the abigen generated go method look like this: Int, errorinstead of proper uint[] array as return. It's the same reason you can't do block. Can you not explore the recent blockchain from inside a contract?

Browser solidity I wouldn't recommend for testing the actual values. I would recommend it only to see if it compiles. Yeah, it's frustrating that browser solidity doesn't decode the ABI of responses. Hi all, if I write an explicit zero value of the type in storage, am I charged or is that free?

In other words, do i need to check the value before assigning it to a persisted variable? I believe writing 0 to a slot is equivalent to deleting it, so you get refunded gas if it was nonzero. If you set t[] to 1, it takes gas. It doesn't appear to matter whether the slot was previously set to anything, though, which is odd. Gsreset is charged for setting something to 0 or changing a nonzero element to another nonzero value.

Gsset is charged for setting something from 0 to a nonzero value. Rsclear is refunded when setting something to zero, which the web compiler evidently doesn't measure.

It only costs 50 to sload, so it probably actually is worth checking if it's already zero before setting it after all. No, just the simulator and by reading the paper. On the PT what is your idea? Can you list some ethereum block explorer abcd for end to end development writingdeployingdapp dev of smart contracts on Ethereum Both public chain and private chain environments?

I used truffle and wanted to more know more frameworks. I guess Eris industries also has one. I need a float variable for my constructor for exaple 9. When I use send within a contract: If you're on the main net https: From what block chain feature? I think it is a basic requirement in any system dealing with a money like commodity Schaeff I have checked myself with the Mist wallet, what happens when I send from within the contract, e.

Can I do it as well? Any recommendations on how best to do unit testing of solidity contracts? Arachnid use private network with mist wallet. That's broadly the right thing, but there must be a way to do it without ethereum block explorer abcd to bring up an entire blockchain each time. Browser solidity does it Arachnid when are you in private server and mining with 1 thread then this is no problem, you can allocate some funds for self with the genesis block and done. Sure, except a good unittest is self contained, and doesn't have persistent state.

And cheap to run, too. This looks like it might be a good start: It's ethereum block explorer abcd node package, so I expect it runs anywhere node runs. You can do it with https: I want to write unittests, ethereum block explorer abcd in JS. This library looks okay, but doesn't seem to support instantiating ethereum block explorer abcd contracts. Aha, this is more like what I wanted: Looks like it needs combining with a Javascript test framework.

I haven't done JS unit testing in the past. This shows you the first tx of the th block. If "to" is equal to your address, then you were transfered Ether. Do it for every tx and you have all your inbound and outbound etc transfers. Schaeff I think his point is that it doesn't show contract-invoked transactions, only the top level transaction.

I could be mistaken. But there's no obvious place in that struct for multiple outputs. No multiple outputs, but another tx in that block. That would make sense to me But contract-invoked transactions are part of the same top-level TX. Schaeff I have checked ethereum block explorer abcd block on the testnet, but I couldn't find the subtransaction My hypothesis was that "internal" txs were normal txs that the explorer somehow linked to their parent ethereum block explorer abcd.

Yes, if you just want to get ethereum block explorer abcd out of a contract into a DApp, that's definitely the way to go if you can. Arachnid I simply want to have a proof that my contract ethereum block explorer abcd sent the money to the "winners". But I cannot do it now. On the other hand, block explorers CAN do it. They know something which we don't. Not something you can easily do yourself. If you can still modify your contract, make ethereum block explorer abcd output an event when funds are sent.

Arachnid yeah but it needs much ethereum block explorer abcd resources gas, block chain space, etc. And it's readable by anyone. It's the right way to do this by design. Arachnid Are you sure internal tx are really a thing? If I sent a tx to contractA that sends a tx to contractB that sends a tx to contractC that sends money to D, it's going to be recorded ethereum block explorer abcd a single tx on the chain?

Just cast it explicitly with bytes32 myuint. The second thing that comes to mind is that you could have simply sent out money in excess of what you'd reserved for fees. Impossible to say without seeing the rest of the code. Unless Solidity is seriously weird, that should upcast feePercentage when it tries to multiply a uint with a uint8.

I'll work on reducing my code and reproducing. I do send out money, but I always calculate that as this. For instance, if I specified solc: This ethereum block explorer abcd in me having to update my project every time you guys make a minor release.

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