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Her job took her to New Delhi, London and finally to Chennai, where she had always wanted to be. However, King Scallops collected from the area must still be taken to an approved plant for processing. They should be taken into the house about the beginning of November and wintered on hay and a few turnips at each end of the day. No matter where his mission takes him, he'll never be beyond the reach of God's protection.
She was taken to a police car and then up to Bradford Royal Infirmary. Ed's job often takes him to Manchester and London and he has noticed how fashion works in the city and has been shopping for a more modern look in Kendal.
She went there on the day she took her Housing Benefit form and she asked for a change in circumstances form. Donations of items to sell can be taken along, or if they are too large call in to arrange collection.
The next morning, the yacht had already been taken to the repair yard. The woman was taken to hospital and received treatment for a minor head injury. After spending time living in Harrow, her job took her to Tokyo where she met her husband Shigetoshi. Once the phone is charged, it can be taken anywhere inside the house as with a cordless phone. His remains will be taken home for burial in Kilconduff Cemetery after Requiem Mass. The injured were taken to City Road Hospital, lately home to the great Dalrymple.
Walsh took the ball forward and off loaded to Coulter who had made a blistering run before firing over. He took the ball forward only to fall but McKinnon was well - placed to flick it past keeper Nicky Walker. Any items for the sale can be taken to the club or the Wiltshire Times offices in Duke Street. On the way home, he argued with the taxi driver about the route he was taking and the price of the fare. Knowing what the trains are like I deliberately took an earlier train, only to have it run perfectly on time.
Unlike the meandering trip into the desert, the return journey takes the most direct route home. We decided on a walk, and thought why not do a real walk, and decided on the route we are taking. It had taken them just about two days to get there taking the most direct route possible. She wanted to approach Genevieve's by the route she had always taken in the past. If you only want to get there, you take the quickest route and worry about nothing else.
Schoolchildren were instead taking a longer route via Leigh Road and Chestnut Avenue. They took my route to the pub, I beat them with my new one, and we had a nice drink in the sunshine. So we're taking a rather circuitous route to Waterloo so I can pick them up. If not we can expect even more commercial vehicles taking the shortest route through.
They take the shortest possible route but do not know the height of their vehicle. The youth had been out for the evening in Kingston with friends and had taken the N night bus home.
Without a doubt, this was the most luxurious form of transport I have ever taken. Each and every minute detail was worked out as to which car would enter first and which escape routes we should be taking. We've now worked out the route they took - one went over his fence, and let the other in by the gate.
Mr Langdale asked why he was unable to say exactly which route he had taken. Now the route Les took from the dock to a waiting prison van will be part of a tour on an open day at the courthouse in Bexley Square. Mom was at my sister's house and had to be taken home to prepare a room for Marie.
His guide took him to visit a forest tribe said to have stopped eating human flesh only five years previously. If anyone rich reads this, can they please bung me some money so I can take her away for a short holiday? Once you know what is expected, go shopping but take somebody you trust with you.
I had taken Katie out to dinner and we had a really nice time. One of her chores was taking the family's horses out to pasture, within view of the house. We exited the lift and were taken through a pitch dark passage into a room full of cages where a strange lady talked to us.
Later the guide takes us to a souvenir shop run by a friend of his. Upon arriving home from work on Friday, I discovered that my wife had taken Zachery out for dinner and shopping, giving me a quiet house and no dinner company.
Police were sent to the house and Berry was taken to her grandma's by officers. We believe Sims was waiting for her near the house and took her away to a green area at the back of the house. Some parents will get in touch with the service to let them know where their children are to be taken that night. We took Lucy along because Dad loves to see her and tries in vain to get her to play fetch the ball.
My task was to take him for a spin and let him cast his expert eye over my driving skills… or lack of them. Reyna Johnson, nice girl extraordinaire, had accepted his offer to take her to homecoming. His mother was a devoted Buddhist and she took Teiji, when he was a young child, with her when she went to the temple.
He also takes Bury Gateway Club members away on adventure weekends every year. This morning I went to take Penelope shopping but she was not at all up for it. Each week we will pull out the name of a winner who will receive a voucher to take their friends or family for a meal at Chicago Rock.
As she reached over to take my tray, she frowned then squinted at a glinting object in the seat in front of me. The giant reached down and took his son by the hand, leading him off to a nearby creek. Devon's blue eyes softened almost immediately and he leaned forward to take my hand from my lap. She reached over, took the black brush and started to brush her long, silky hair.
When she looked up at him he placed a fresh smile upon his lips and reached out to take her hand. He held out his hand to her and she gnawed on her lip as she reached out and took the extended limb.
He reaches over, takes my hand, and I just squeeze my eyes tight and try not to hold on too hard. Ariane smiled taking the reins, reaching over she planted a kiss on the old man's cheek. He reached out to take her hand, but halted, his attention turning elsewhere. She reached out and took my hand. Slowly the girl reached out and took the bowl and started to drink from the rim.
She reached over and took Skyler's hand then raised his chin to look him straight in the eye. I reached my good arm up to Alexei and he took my hand, clutching it reassuringly. Lacey reached forward and took it, her eyes briefly skimming over the first few pages. Mack agreed, taking the ticket and placing it in his upper coat pocket so that the edges peeked out. She reached out and took his wrist, holding it in place as she wrote her phone number on the back of his hand. My mother was reaching out and nervously taking Zachary's hand after my father had released grip of it.
Claire reached out to take her arm, shifting carefully on her makeshift lounger. Ben reached across and took her hand and placed it upon the gear and maneuvered it to change it to reverse. In fact, the failure of the German army to take Paris was seen as a failure and Moltke was held responsible. If, in addition, Russia takes Galicia, an early bath for Austria is on the cards.
He had himself proclaimed king at Ravenna in after taking back Italy from Odoacer. He had already taken Cologne, where he was reputed to have massacred 11, virgins. The Soviet forces took more than 30, Romanian prisoners and all their equipment. If the black king takes the rook, black loses the queen.
The victims had been removed from a hospital by members of a Yugoslav army force which had taken Vukovar. That means that the government spends less money than it takes in and applies the surplus to the NIB. What would you say if I told you that the video game industry takes in more money per year than the movie entertainment business? It appears that measurements had been taken but not submitted at the previous hearing. She said Miss Ofuri was behaving belligerently and refused to allow her blood pressure to be taken.
Mr Murphy said they agreed it was a nuisance and were due to return to take further measurements. Either his friend had been taking notes these past several months, or he was a fast learner. Kathy took a few more notes before watching the interviews from the back of the room. He relied on what volumes he could get and the notes he had taken on the books he had read. In an ideal world it would also link to the collaborative Hydra notes that were taken for pretty much every session.
He will have watched Celtic play under Dalglish and will have taken enough notes to fill a book on their style of play. Christopher Hitchens may have learned shorthand and taken better notes than the rest of us, but I doubt it. By taking notes he wanted Sydney to write down all the important parts and help him make a decision.
Notes taken at the time were incomplete and a summary of the interview was drawn up only afterwards. There is a chance of winning a digital camera for taking the photograph which best captures the spirit of the challenge. If clear photographs can be taken, then an efficient counting system is in place. A tube poster featuring this caught my eye, because I recently took a very similar photograph. Unfortunately, we could not stop to take photographs as the bus raced past the scenes.
I explained it was a camera and I was taking photographs of what had been going on on the estate. These works, taken by just four photographers, recall the most dazzling time in movie history.