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Bitcoin price manipulationwhy the cryptocurrency is vulnerable
My expertise is telling stories as a keynote speaker to make people laugh and help American businesses and families adopt tactics to make healthcare more affordable. But lately I feel like an expert in another area: Maybe I am an expert now.
Is it an actual asset? What tangible object do I get? What if you lose your laptop? So let's put the topic to rest right now. I was a Chief Executive Officer for ten years. Now I am an entrepreneur with multiple companies. I am grateful for this.
But it was all made possible as I learned at an early age to take note of the gifts different individuals have, and when someone is more savvy than me on investments or business, I pay close attention to their advice. I read the newspaper and trade magazines daily, I have my entire career.
So I have been reading about Bitcoin since it was created. Then in October , I watched the Bitcoin documentary on Netflix.
You all should to. Here were two key takeaways. First, while the criminal element may have been one of the first groups to embrace Bitcoin, they were just a small fraction of early adopters.
Those who also became early adopters? Very wealthy, successful businessmen. These are examples of business minds greater than mine. Bill Gates is also rumored to be an investor in crypto. So while the criminal element saw value in the confidentiality component of cryptocurrency, the millionaires saw this confidentiality as a means to finally escape someone else controlling their money. In addition to their prized wealth, the millionaires are emotionally and egotistically invested in seeing cryptocurrency, Bitcoin in particular, succeed.
And the millionaires want to prove the world wrong. And I believe they will prove the world wrong. Second, I realized that I understand Blockchain enough to understand that most people will never be experts on the subject. The long term strategy is to take a portion of your crypto investment and hold it for the long term. And the short term strategy is to buy low, sell high and pull your initial investment out and play with house money on the long term strategy.
Again, I am not providing investment advice Its not rocket science. You do not have to be a rocket scientist to invest. So my wife and I bought three Bitcoins in November.
What did I learn from this? They wont let it fail. Let there be no doubt that the criminal element supporting crypto in its infancy provides an easy out for those resistant to change, threatened by crypto growth and unwilling to support. But that was a small fraction of those investing, and a distraction from the fact that very successful wealthy businessmen and women have finally identified a means to maintain currency and wealth with absolutely no government control.
Most highly successful businessmen I know are control freaks in some manner. So when you equate those two facts, crypto being a long term, sustainable investment makes perfect sense. Your holding it, and when you cash out, report it on your tax return and you have done everything by the rules. Again, I am not offering advice, just stating a clear path to implementation. Crypto is about control, and the lack thereof. Stop worrying about understanding Blockchain, leave that to the geeks.
Every investment has risks. Crypto is no different. The silence is deafening. Do you recall any dot-commers who got rich even though their product never succeeded? Enough of the naysaying. Step aside, watch and learn. He is a keynote speaker on healthcare affordability, Blockchain in healthcare and healthcare reform. His newest book Health-Wealth: Is healthcare bankrupting your business?
Find him as Dr. Josh Luke on LinkedIn, at www. I am not giving advice, but here's the deal Here are your answers.
I have a Ph. But do I need to? That someone else is the government.