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And, the latest week of outflows marks the 10th straight week of withdrawals, the longest bitcoin related words for autumn more than a decade. Could it be that investors are, smartly, getting out of the stock market and into cryptocurrencies? And, Ed had already figured that a fair amount of the capital coming into cryptocurrencies was coming from the stock market.

In other words, during the next stock market crash, bitcoin related words for autumn could see a serious drop in the cryptocurrencies. TDV subscribers subscribe HERE will be fine though because we are prepared for the crash in other financial assets by hiding out in the precious metals, which have sat out most of the boom, as well as by shorting the US dollar and the stock market.

Certainly, someone is investing heavily into the cryptocurrencies as they continue to hit all-time highs. Bitcoin has been the biggest driver of the overall crypto gains since the beginning of the month and the Forkening. And, gold finally caught some wind under its sails after lagging the cryptocurrencies badly for years. At The Dollar Vigilante we have been heavily long cryptocurrencies and gold… and everything is currently going our way. And we may see the US stock market do just that in September and October.

Make sure to subscribe to get all of our latest analysis and advice HERE. And if you are still behind on learning about cryptocurrencies, check out our free four-video webinar HERE. In the meantime, here at TDV, we are bitcoin related words for autumn the end of summer with more spectacular gains to add to our already ridiculously spectacular gains.

I have been killing it trading BTC with leverage on Bitmex. Where was this money making game when I was a kid?! I think is interesing currency. It have LPOSyou can earn tokens leasing your waves. Let's get some opinions on physical silver: How high do YOU think it's going? Weigh in with a bitcoin related words for autumn Crypto world is making money while I sleep. Or was I looking for a different f word? Well it could be a self fulfilling prophecy It's all fun and games until people start starving.

Then I hope everyone is ready for what comes next. Actually thinking about pulling mine out of stocks here soon it honestly is overdue for a big crash and i'm not really up for risking my money in stocks anymore. Much rather risk it on crpto ; Which honestly also seems to be on the minds of many here lately.

It's had a great run hasn't it! I am still in, don't trust myself to be able to time the market: Brother, self-manage your psychology by dollar cost averaging and selling out of your positions over time. No matter the timing, you'll have done something right in the final analysis. That's my move, I hope it serves you as well. Don't miss the bitcoin related words for autumn up! Tech and bio tech will soar, with as always the possibility of a correction along the way.

How can you tell how much money has actually been put into crypto? Rather than just the rise of the market cap? Thanks for the great post! Thanks for sharing the info. I guess we can't ignore gold as well haha. Great post as usual, I posted this on a few other posts today but basically my buddy works with a few top level investors in San Fran at a hedge fund.

He told me last week they had a meeting with everyone just on how crypto is rising. It was said in an article he told me was shared and some charts that just in alone, over 1 billion in traditional investments have been pulled and on average 40 cents on each dollar is being poured into cryptocurrency investing.

We are gaining speed, breaking through ceilings! As more and more people are waking up to embrace cryptos, money will continue to leave other financial buckets and enter into the crypto space.

This rebalancing act will continue until the average Joe on the street begins to volunteer information bitcoin related words for autumn the latest ICO news. Get yourself off the grid if you have some excess reserves. It all adds up when you don't have to pay somebody just to exist. I've started doing some posts "De Grid Me" if you're interested in having a look! Wow, all I can say is "holy crap Batman". And to think I was going to talk with my CU about getting into Stocks. Glad I didn't just yet.

Better have money on crypto than banks. This is what i call total disruption for financial institutions We shall witness the frenzy very informative.

Yes obviously investment in cryptocurrency is highly profitable though bitcoin related words for autumn is very volatile and risky. More people are coming in this market. Its market capital increased by more in coming years. Physical precious metals are how I roll figuratively and literally.

I've been burned in the mining sector and I do not entirely trust cryptos bitcoin related words for autumn I've dabbled a bit. I look at cryptos a "joining the fight" against the banksters and manipulators. A 2-pronged attack is always better than one. That's really interesting how the stock market has lost millions over the last 10 weeks and cryptos are being invested by the same amount of millions overthe same 10 weeks.

It is obvious that the money is being taken out of the stock market and being put into cryptos. I love reading your posts dollarvigilante! You have lots of quality fans and followers!! Prepare for the next Segwit2x new coins in November now. Just buy bitcoins and keep your private keys offline, then reap the benefits in December. I always liked Jeff for being so open minded and being able to quickly adopt to new situation and power shifts on any kind of market.

Thanks bitcoin related words for autumn so many interesting news and years of work. Dollar Vigilante is one of best channels on YouTube about the cryptocurrency. Learn how to trade Bitcoin and all Cryptocurrency! Click Here to Get Instant Access http: Guys, please upvote I will do the same in return. Please add me up on Facebook. Who would have thought that watching the whole system burn to the ground bitcoin related words for autumn be so much fun?

Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post. BTC trading is risky enough What a cute little angel: What is wrong with Kraken? They were waiting to order 2 pizzas from Papa John's: D Cryptocurrency Trading is awesome.

It have LPOSyou can earn tokens leasing your waves https: The gold silver ratio is still way off, when silver plays catch up we will both be very happy! A very worthy read! I think gold is only as good as bitcoin death. Can you feel the freedom coming? Do you believe crypto prices will fall bitcoin related words for autumn like the stock market during a depression?

Bitcoin related words for autumn is joining the party. I self upvoted to raise past spammers. Best market of all markets. I put alot on silver and it needs to go along way before I am in the green again. It's all about that cryptos, gold and silver: When will we see silver at 20 buuuuucks??? Are you holding physical silver?

Useful reading as always dollarvigilante. The one month gold chart is kind of worthless. Thanks for sharing Dollar Vigante.

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A customer uses his mobile phone to pay with bitcoin at a coffee shop in the center of Athens, Greece, Feb. Greece's bitcoin community grows in recent years, buoyed by the capital controls imposed on the traditional banking system since the summer of , users and investors told Xinhua, although local authorities warn about the risks of crypto currencies.

In a small cafe near the Acropolis hill in the center of Athens, Dimitris Tsapakidis is buying a coffee using his mobile to pay with bitcoin. Tsapakidis, with a background in mathematics, computer science and information security, is one of the co-organizers of the bitcoin community in Athens. He is into crypto currencies over the past two decades.

Vassilis Papadopoulos, the cafe's owner, is comparatively new in the community. He placed the welcome sign "bitcoin accepted here" a year ago, and said a lot of the transactions in Greece are from tourists. There are at least 2, people all over Greece interested in bitcoin and crypto currencies that have registered with the community and attend regular meetings asking for information or are already making transactions, Tsapakidis told Xinhua. They include young tech savvies and grey-haired professionals.

There are about 70 businesses accepting bitcoin and other crypto currencies as a means of payment nationwide, ranging from restaurants and coffee shops to dentists and lawyers, as well as bitcoin ATMs. The numbers are quite high compared to other countries, Tsapakidis noted, attributing crypto currencies' growing popularity in Greece partly to the capital controls imposed amid the debt crisis to avert the collapse of the traditional banking system.

The capital controls have gradually loosened ever since, but with the restrictions many Greeks sought and seek alternative paths. A lot of people were interested because they couldn't use the money in the banks. A few people also had to make payments abroad and the only way to make payments abroad at the time was with bitcoin and crypto currencies," Tsapakidis explained.

Media reports about bitcoin's meteoric rise in to over 10, U. Tsapakidis has invested in bitcoin which first circulated in , after weighing up the advantages and disadvantages.

The innovation of bitcoin and other crypto currencies is that they are decentralized. That is what makes them survive. There is no single bank that issues crypto currencies," he explained. Tsapakidis is more than happy that for the first time it is possible for people to exchange value without anyone being in control. One can make an almost instant transfer across borders with a very low fee without having to ask any permission. However, this lack of control and inspection by authorities so far, for the critics of crypto currencies, is the biggest warning sign.

As most countries across the globe have still not set up a clear legal framework to ban or regulate the digital currency, bankers and other representatives of the mainstream financial system worldwide warn that investors in virtual currencies are facing a pricing bubble risk and losses without a minimum safety net. We warn consumers to stay away from such trading to protect themselves," Haralambos Gotsis, President of the Hellenic Capital Markets Commission, said in a statement earlier this month.

They are highly risky, generally not backed by any tangible assets and unregulated under EU law, and do not, therefore, offer any legal protection to consumers," they warned. Tsapakidis acknowledges the issue of bitcoin's extreme price volatility.

Within a year it went up about 19 times and then dropped in half. Greece will follow what happens in Europe in terms of law. So a lot depends on how the EU governments will decide to treat crypto currencies, whether they will make it an acceptable form of payment, depends on how they will tax it.

Right now it acts more like a store value, not as a form of payments for Greeks ," he said. Miao people participate in "Tiaoyue" in SW China. Flowers in the rain. Carnival of Basel held in Switzerland. Duoye, traditional celebration of Dong ethnic group. Take closer look at giant pandas eating bamboos at Toronto Zoo. Greece's bitcoin community grows amid warnings about crypto currencies risks Source: