Failed bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox, other platforms said to be under investigation by U.S. prosecutors

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February 26, Attorney Preet Bharara has sent subpoenas to Mt. Gox, other bitcoin exchanges, and businesses that deal in bitcoin to seek information on how they handled recent cyber attacks, a source familiar with the probe said on Wednesday.

In the attacks — technically known as distributed denial of service attacks — hackers overwhelmed bitcoin exchanges by sending them thousands of phantom transactions. At least three exchanges were forced to halt withdrawals of bitcoins on Feb. Gox, which was the largest at the time. Gox never resumed service before going dormant on Tuesday, leaving customers unable to recover their funds. Karpeles posted the following statement on the Mt.

Bitcoin, a form of electronic money independent of traditional banking, relies on a network of computers that solve complex mathematical problems as part of a process that verifies and permanently records the details of every bitcoin transaction that is made.

Investors deposit their bitcoins in digital wallets at specific exchanges, so the Mt. Gox shutdown is similar to a bank closing its doors — people cannot retrieve their funds.

The losses were most dramatic on Mt. A second source familiar with us attorney subpoenaed mt gox other bitcoin businesses source case said U. A third source said the U. Federal Bureau of Investigation was monitoring the situation.

Bitcoin has gained increasing acceptance as a method of payment and has attracted a number of large venture capital investors. Bitcoins are lines of computer code that are digitally signed each time they travel from one owner to the next. They are the basic unit of a new online economy which runs independently of any company, bank, or government. Because bitcoins allow people to trade money without a third party getting involved, they have become popular with us attorney subpoenaed mt gox other bitcoin businesses source as well as technophiles, speculators — and criminals.

Bitcoin was launched in by a person or group of people operating under the name Satoshi Nakamoto and then adopted by a small clutch of enthusiasts. How do you get bitcoins? Bitcoins are found by solving complex mathematical equations. However, the more bitcoins that are found, the harder the mathematical problems become.

Us attorney subpoenaed mt gox other bitcoin businesses source way is to buy bitcoins through an exchange. Like any other currency, bitcoins are only worth as much as you and your counterpart want them to be. In its early days, boosters swapped bitcoins back and forth for minor us attorney subpoenaed mt gox other bitcoin businesses source or just as a game.

One website even gave them away for free. As the market matured, the value of each bitcoin grew. Is the currency widely used? On the one hand, leading us attorney subpoenaed mt gox other bitcoin businesses source payment processor BitPay works with more than 20, businesses — roughly five times more than it did last year.

On the other, the total number of bitcoin transactions has stayed roughly constant at between 60, and 70, per day over the same period, according to bitcoin wallet site blockchain. Is bitcoin particularly vulnerable to counterfeiting? A network of tech-savvy users called miners keep the system honest by pouring their computing power into a blockchain, a global running tally of every bitcoin transaction. The blockchain prevents rogues from spending the same bitcoin twice, and the miners are rewarded for their efforts by being gifted with the occasional bitcoin.

A lot of the mischief surrounding bitcoin occurs at the places where people store their digital cash or exchange it for traditional currencies, like dollars or euros. Is that what happened to Mt. It suffered a crippling theft inand several experts have since accused the exchange of ignoring warnings about a software glitch which could enable hackers to silently drain the business of its bitcoins.

The glitch was recently fixed, but not before Mt. Gox imposed a ban on bitcoin withdrawals, feeding speculation that the exchange was out of money. Simply put, this allowed hackers to slightly alter the details of codes to create thousands of copies of transactions. These copies slowed the exchanges to a crawl, forcing them to independently verify each transaction to determine what was real and what was fake.

A document circulating on the Internet purporting to be a crisis plan for Mt. Jacob Dienelt, who trades bitcoins and sells paper bitcoin wallets, said people he knows in the bitcoin community in New York stopped using Mt. Gox when the exchange stopped dollar withdrawals several months ago and said all withdrawals had to be in bitcoin.

He said has not been subpoenaed. Filed under FP Tech Desk. Failed bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox, other platforms said to be under investigation by U.

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