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I was a bit nervous about doing a post on cryptos that would remain on the blockchain and make me look like a complete dickhead if I got it all wrong. But thankfully, when I look back on it now, I was really pretty on to it.

Firstly - move on from Bitcoin. It's past it's day and is destined to become the Myspace of cryptos. It was the first coin we bought and the first one we ditched. Now I think it's more a religion than a cryptocurrency, but hell we did well on it!

Secondly - invest in a much wider range of coins - now we have 26 rather than 8. While we are still mainly focused on the big names like Etherium and Litecoin, we also have holdings in a bunch of long odds gambles. My personal favourites along with Steem are Monero, Dash and Smartcash, but we still also have Ripple even though I hate the dodgy bastards, because it's like a license to print money, and Bitcoin Cash too just in case it swaps with Bitcoin and becomes the n00b must have coin.

Some will hopefully do well, and some may turn to shit, but not to worry, it's all a big gamble and now we have a whole flock of horses in the race. It's an interesting concept and could go big but we all have to trade at levels of speculation we are comfortable with and that bitcoin snapchat and xp as youve never heard them before like a wild gamble to me - I'd only go very small on Poet because it looks like a pump and dump at the moment.

I just got some Ethereum for the first time last week. I've been using Litecoin as a means of exchange, rather than Bitcoin, for a while, since it's quicker to move and costs less to do so. I buy, sell, and exchange among these periodically, as prices change. The only two I haven't sold and gotten back into at a different price recently are Verge and Reddcoin, simply because I'm being stubborn about them.

I feel like they will eventually do well, and I've got so many coins in each of them, I hate to move it around. I did bitcoin snapchat and xp as youve never heard them before a little profit on Digital Note just by holding it for a few days last month, based on a prediction I read on Steemit.

I bought a bunch at six cents, and sold them a few days later at ten cents, and now it's at four or five cents, so it was a nice, short-term profit, but I don't do many of those.

Crypto is definitely interesting and exciting. I read that like 97 or 98 percent of people in crypto are men, worldwide, so it's cool to know I'm one of the few original female adopters. The one we have really made big gains on is Smartcash - thankfully we were able to make a bunch on Bitcoin and them dump it and buy lots of altcoins that have gone up too.

We are mid term - months investors on most of them, but if Smartcash becomes the new Bitcoin we are made: I tend to choose the coins but Deb handles the exchange stuff - that just spins me out, so geek Thanks for the advice and great images too! My husband has been a little interested in going with Ripple, but my son says he doesn't trust them!

I don't trust Ripple either but we can't lose on this one - We've sold half our holding after the price has more than doubled three times over and now still have far more Ripple than the initial investment, so I don't care how evil they are - hopefully we'll get one more big payday out of them. Wow your perspective completely matches with mine, yeah Bitcoin is going to become Myspace soon after maybe showing some more bitcoin snapchat and xp as youve never heard them before ride spikes.

Well let's hope for the best. I've diversified as well and will be looking at some of your picks with the idea of diversifying further. I think another important thing is to make your best decisions and then have no regrets because if you are juggling a huge pile of cryptos you will always win some and lose some - just celebrate the wins! When people suggest others I often wonder if they realise it takes a bunch of research to add each coin and I think 20 is about as many as I can keep an eye on - some of those are just Bitcoin forks that came free and I don't care about, but that is still about 20 actual investments.

I'm keeping an eye on EOS. Way too geek bitcoin snapchat and xp as youve never heard them before me to understand but if it takes off I'll hopefully still get in before it goes bigtime. I kinda wish I bought some bitcoins when they first came out so that now I could cash them in.

A couple of cents turning into thousands in just a few months? I think bitcoin is pretty much down. I have some civic and bitcoin snapchat and xp as youve never heard them before but o don't have much faith they'll do anything in I try to describe Bitcoin to people as the Myspace of Crypto all the time. So glad you feel the same. I am mining Monero, Aeon, Ethereum and Decred at the moment.

I see potential in all, also Electroneum and Tron could be players. I have also heard rumors of Bytecoin coming back. Which appear to be true, if they can get the trust back of the community they could be an interesting investment this year.

I think this is the year for Ethereum, though. It has too many possibilities in real world applications to fail. Once more games Crypto Kitties- and yes I own some and programs for business are available using the blockchain. I predict an enormous leap in value. Bitcoin gold got off to a rocky start but it has the Bitcoin name in it so it could go far. Bitcoin cash will overtake Bitcoin in value in the next few years.

Great stuff and keep it up. So if I've called this right and Bitcoin is all over, some of these should take off. My plan is going well so far. It is certainly my favourite, but these things are all about timing and if something else is going up a lot faster I like to have some of that too - this past week is the first time Steem has gone up like some of the other cryptos - it's pretty cool when that happens!

I never think of Steem costing money because I never put any in to start with - In fact it has funded our whole crypto portfolio, and one day I'd like to put a bunch of the earnings back into Steem and become a whale because it would be fun to give out big votes for content I like: Those are indeed a handful of pickups Bitcoin snapchat and xp as youve never heard them before do really hope for you the best ,Some will definitely gonna take you to the ride a lambo.

This is awesome man. Yet, I disagree with your point about BTC. I think BTC still has a lot of up-trend and it will still be more profitable than most altcoins. The reason is that mainstream awareness is just starting, and most new people will start buying BTC. Six months ago definitely, but now I think Bitcoin is high risk - it might double but is very unlikely to go up 30 fold this year.

Thankfully I didn't think of that a year ago - only about two months ago, and then held on to it until a week before it crashed. The rule I am following is: When btc is hitting ATH, buy altcouns. When altcoins start hitting ATH, then it's time to sell them and buy btc.

That's a good plan - one or the other but not both at the same time - Bitcoin could still be good for a while yet, but lately I'm thinking it runs like such a dog, it's days must nearly be over I started the ball rolling today with cryptocurrencies but it's still all gobbledegook to me. Monero appeals most to me coz it's secretive and you can do stuff without anyone knowing I think. I like that quality.

Yeah me too - I like the way Monero works - takes a while to load the wallet initially, but I think it really is anon. And for a mainstream one I like Dash which is reasonably anon as well hopefully. I thought I was turning into a whale but, you know, Christmas overeating: Funny thing is most of the coins recommended here in the comments seem to have pretty much the same chart - gone nuts this week - which usually means they will drop back down to trend line over the next month.

On these four you could get lucky, and we do have a small amount of Dogecoin, but overall these are just too speculative for me to get my head around.

I guess I'd rather miss out on the chance of huge initial gains and mainly go with investments I can assess more like shares which is what I used to trade in. I personally think bitcoin is here to stay just bcause the 21million coin cap. Bitcoin snapchat and xp as youve never heard them before cant think of a single crypto that even comes close to that small of a number of coins.

I could be completley wrong though as i have no clue about crypto in general. I see you are buying bullion too - I look at that as a crypto insurance policy, but very few people seem to be thinking like that - in NZ we can buy bullion with cryptos so it's also future proofing against any future tax changes we don't have any capital gains taxes at the moment, but bitcoin snapchat and xp as youve never heard them before could change in the future if the gov ever learn about cryptos.

I dont want to spectulate and cash in and out every couple month or ill go broke ordeal. If everywhere just took steem and sbd then thats what i would use cause its where i get my crypto and i would have no use for other coins.

For actually spending we mainly use Etherium and Litecoin, but I'd prefer to use Dash if more exchanges took it, and if Steem becomes more widely used that would be awesome. YEah if i could walk into walmart or the cable company and pay for shit with steem that would be the shit!!!! I don't know why, but all this time you have been commenting on my posts Bitcoin snapchat and xp as youve never heard them before never followed you because I thought you mainly just did comments and resteems.

Now following you and checking out your posts bitcoin snapchat and xp as youve never heard them before I'm curious to see which cryptos you are into. I am sort of aware of it's potential, but that list is me all maxed out at this point so there are a few coins in the to do later pile. I'm surprised EOS didn't make the cut! As for purely investing, I've had the worst luck picking the ones that would take off i. I'm keeping an eye on majority of the coins bitcoin snapchat and xp as youve never heard them before mentioned!

So far we have done well on everything - essentially we are starting from big gains on Bitcoin so we literally can't lose on cryptos. Do you think it's not too late to get in on EOS? With all the altcoins plummeting today, EOS remains as a bright spot in my port. Way back in the depths of history eight months ago when I did my Cryptocurrency post it was a very different crypto scene. So now we have holdings in all of these coins: If I turn out to be wrong about Bitcoin a large crowd of angry people are gathering to beat me with sticks.

But here it is all recorded forever on the blockchain: Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post. Whats your view on TRX? It could keep going up but TRON looks overhyped right now. You always do that!

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