Bitcoin Miner

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The miner works without hash rate. 10 gh s bitcoin miner test my internet speed the miner is easily get defective working in the high temp environment. The hash rate is in the normal range, but there is no temp shown on the Miner status The hash board is easily get burnt if there is no temp shown on when the real temp is high.

The detector is damaged on one of the hash board that lead to the other two hash boards have the issues on display. Test the 3 hash boards one by one to controller and let it running for about 5 minutes, find out the issued 10 gh s bitcoin miner test my internet speed board and ship it back to repair. If that hash board works well, you can keep it.

There is no need to repair it until the hash board is totally defective. The hash rate is lower than normal. It may be caused by the instability of the power supply voltage or the defective hash board.

First of all, 10 gh s bitcoin miner test my internet speed replace the power and 18 pin cable to try. Some chips are lost. X shown on the Hardware Version. Hash board cannot be detected. There is no information shown on the Miner status interface. The miner works with normal hash rate when it was booted firstly. After a while, there is 10 gh s bitcoin miner test my internet speed hash rate. A large number of antpools increased unreasonably.

Hash rate is normal. There is no use resetting the router. There is a short circuit inside one of the hash board. It leads to automatic protection. The miner will get burnt powered by the PSU of poor quality. Test the miner with multimeter to find which part is defective. Remove the defective part to repair. The PSU is defective. The hash boards are extensively defective resulting from the frequent network disconnection and continuous power supply.

The miner tried to connect network frequently, which lead to program error in hash board. Catkins are likely to cause internal miner cold road congestion.

The control board cannot get power as the power section circuit in IO board is damaged. Hi, mi new S9 it doesnt works with the 3 has board, i can see one of them in the miner status. What can i do? I tried switching the hashboard to a good miner and wasn't detected either. Also switched a good hashboard to the bad miner, and was working Ok. I believe the hashboard is broken, I can't get it detected in 10 gh s bitcoin miner test my internet speed of my miners.

Should I send it to repair? If you have not already done so please email us at support bitmain. We can help you with your specific issue. I'm having trouble with Issue 7. I get the hardware version x. I've been looking for a firmware update, but i'm not sure wich one to install. Curious 10 gh s bitcoin miner test my internet speed, I own 02 Antminers S7, and both came up with the same issue at the same time. Thank you for submitting a ticket. I have responded to the ticket with the information that you requested.

Hi, i have an S9, and one of the boards showme a lots of "x", then i restart my miner, from the control panel, now the board doesnt turn on. Only two of the 3 boards turns on the red led in the board, and the damaged card does'nt start, load or turn on. I need to remove the damaged board to send it bitmain. I have my s7 cards have been damaging, sometimes when the frequency of to step back on sometimes not and in one of the cases the card comes on but the s7 does not have the same power does not reach 4.

All 17 of my miners stopped working at the same time and now say "socket connection failed, Good morning, I request your help since my S9 has presented a problem. The temperature of the third hashboard is no longer displayed and two groups of zeros have disappeared in the ASIC state.

This has caused the hash rate to be less than normal, obviously the hashboard does not work properly. Reset the S9 and the 10 gh s bitcoin miner test my internet speed will not be reactivated. What can I do to resolve this situation? Air in fan spins at startup the exhaustr fans spins toward the end of 10 gh s bitcoin miner test my internet speed boot process at high speed only.

Hi, please submit a support ticket so that we can help you troubleshoot. You can submit the ticket right from our web site. I have a problem. Chain 6 is not shown in the tabs "Miner status". Chain 7 does not show the temperature of chip 1 and chip 2.

I turn on the s9, the red led light on the chain 6. What should I order for repair? 10 gh s bitcoin miner test my internet speed still have a guarantee. Same issue for me 6. One of my hashing boards does not show up or work anymore. It seems many of us with S9's are having this problem right now.

I put so much into this. What do I do now? Can't you just send me a replacement hash board asap please? I am seeing multiple people this month with the same problem as me, One hashing board and temps and zero's no longer show up or works anymore. Has this problem been addressed for anyone? Hi Edward, please submit a support ticket so that we can help you troubleshoot. Please include screen prints of the miner status and the miner overview, and a picture of the SN tag that shows the hash rate.

Yes I have submitted support tickets and I just added screenshots in the reply section of the support e mail. Can you confirm you have received it? I'm so stressed out over this right now been up all night. They will not send you a new card panelI was told to ship the device entirely to China.

You are lucky, there is a service center in the USA, but in Russia there is not. I asked to send me a fee, I will install it myself. I can not send, one of my devices was lost and three months I can not find out what's wrong with my device.

This is horrible news. It seems like if the other two boards are working fine then sending a replacement board would be the best option. I am still under warranty but I really do not want to send the whole machine back and pay shipping in addition to losing the mining profits and risk more damage or the miner getting lost in the mail. I talked bitmain up a lot and referred a lot of friends and now I am really worried. I was told by support when I ordered that these machines should last for years.

I've taken great care of it and spent all this time and money for a costly return and headache? So bummed out right now. What's the point if they break so soon and repair is so hard?

Wishing I never decided to mine right now guess everyone was right. Hi Edward, I just sent you instructions to first try resetting the miner. That sometimes fixes the issue and avoids the need to ship the machine for repair. I tried resetting and loading the firmware you sent me and it is still the same problem.

I emailed you all the screenshots you requested as well, Please help me thank you. I really hope bitmain can do right by me for this. I have been a loyal customer. I have placed several other orders with you and spread a lot of good word about you on facebook and referred many friends.

Please help me out on this I have placed much faith in you and am very nervous right now about my S9 I've only had it a few months. I am so upset. I have been patient and followed every step of your repair process with my S9 which is still under warranty. I created a support ticket, troubleshooted with support, was instructed to pay shipping and ship the whole miner to California for repair, which I did.

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When buying a Bitcoin cloud mining contract on websites like HashFlare, some contracts will have a daily maintenance fee. This means for every day you have the contract, you'll be charged this fee before you get any of your mining profits, similar to paying for electricity if you own a miner yourself. This guide will go through how these maintenance fees work for HashFlare, how much they are, and how they compare with competitors like Genesis Mining.

We'll focus on Bitcoin fees in this guide, but on this page you can see them for other contracts like Ethereum and ZCash too. When buying larger amounts, this fee can get quite large - and scary! An easier way to visualise this is that the daily fee is always the same percentage regardless of how much you buy. The daily fee is a fixed amount in USD value. The coins you mine per day vary each day in both coin amount and USD value, so day-to-day the percentage this fee represents of your mined coins will vary by a few percent.

If Bitcoin's value goes up, it will be a lower percentage. HashFlare are able to change their daily fee at any point due to section 5 of their Terms of Service , although historically they've decreased it over time. There are two main places for viewing mined coins each day, the 'BTC Balance' section of the Dashboard, and the History page.

On the Dashboard 'BTC Balance' section, a chart displays your daily balance on a line chart, and your daily mined coins in an overlayed bar chart. This amount is deceptive. This is the amount of coins you mined before you've been charged your daily fee, so the amount added to your balance will be smaller than this. To see the actual amount of Bitcoin you've received per day you need to go to the History page and scroll down to 'Log'. The amount under payout is the same as the value displayed on the Dashboard bar chart.

The maintenance amount is how much you've been charged that day. Both of these values take into account all active Bitcoin contracts you may have entries for each contract type, you'd have 1 of each if you just had Bitcoin contracts. At first, this looks to be very deceptive - where you need to do extra work to see how much you're actually earning, and we agree with this.

But on Genesis Mining's website, although any displayed values already take into account fees - from what we can see they don't make it clear how much their daily fees actually are. They don't seem to display them anywhere like HashFlare does. So although HashFlare's approach is deceptive - at least you can see this daily fee, and work out exactly what percentage you're being charged per day.

Well with the above said, viewing your daily coins mined and fees should be easy! What's more difficult is predicting your daily profit in the future. There are two main approaches; either you work this our yourself HashFlare posted a section under their FAQ explaining this well , or you can let us do it for you! As well as posting these guides, we also develop tools for scenarios like this. One is a cloud mining calculator, which takes into account these daily fees and estimates future Bitcoin price and difficulty changes.

Try it out here! This site cannot substitute for professional investment or financial advice, or independent factual verification. This guide is provided for general informational purposes only.

The group of individuals writing these guides are cryptocurrency enthusiasts and investors, not financial advisors. Trading or mining any form of cryptocurrency is very high risk, so never invest money you can't afford to lose - you should be prepared to sustain a total loss of all invested money.

This website is monetised through affiliate links. Where used, we will disclose this and make no attempt to hide it. We don't endorse any affiliate services we use - and will not be liable for any damage, expense or other loss you may suffer from using any of these. Don't rush into anything, do your own research.

As we write new content, we will update this disclaimer to encompass it. We first discovered Bitcoin in late , and wanted to get everyone around us involved. But no one seemed to know what it was! We made this website to try and fix this, to get everyone up-to-speed!

Click here for more information on these. All information on this website is for general informational purposes only, it is not intended to provide legal or financial advice. Dec 28th, Mining When buying a Bitcoin cloud mining contract on websites like HashFlare, some contracts will have a daily maintenance fee. How much is the HashFlare Maintenance Fee? How to predict daily profit? May 5th, What is the Antminer Z9 Mini? Written by the Anything Crypto team We first discovered Bitcoin in late , and wanted to get everyone around us involved.

Never invest money you can't afford to lose.