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Also, thanks to all who contacted us about sponsorship. Gorbachev, bring down that sell wall edition We are on a lunar mission boys. All moonmen report in! Volume is going throught the roof and the 1 sat barrier has been broken. Coinmarketcap link - https: Remember, HODL at all times. I made my mistake with RDD by selling at 10, never again. This is reddcoin 2. We can do this. I'm a no coiner and have bleutrade bitcointalk down clue how to operate the other sites even though it should be simple.

Please help, I wanna go to the moon also: Please help a no coiner get to the moon, biz!! Try something useful like DopeCoin, its a real investment. Devs are working on features like MoonWord and SmartLikes. Help adding on Poloniex via bleutrade bitcointalk down MOON is nearly at 3, in 24hrs. Just think about where it will be in a weeks time Also get this baby past 2 sat on nova.

I've never seen a pump like this and the shilling is making nervous. Worried about when to sell. Just opened a wallet, is there any chance someone could give this poorfag a ticket to the moon? I just think that its a fallacy to think that this will get to 18, what makes you think it will? Think i'm gonna close out my DGB position at a bleutrade bitcointalk down for this baby Already 2. Over IF it is placed on bittrex or poloniex. Bought 19mill, just in case bleutrade bitcointalk down rocket takes off.

It's a damn great lottery ticket. Keep it a le secret club But yeah trollboxes whatever, everyone there's bleutrade bitcointalk down looking to invest in stuff. You just get laughed at every time you try to say anything about it. Or even bought it. I only care about the pump coming but does this coin really have an active dev team? RDD was this last week who the fuck would buy rdd at 80 sats?

Sold half of my wallet for 2 tamagochis because I'm afraid of losing everything: Bleutrade bitcointalk down I couldn't buy at 1 sat, would have loved that: Plan to hold this a few weeks boys, we won't get traction with any other exchanges sooner than that Help with the memes.

Where is the address in bleu that I copy? I missed out on more. Idk how can anyone sell already Alright faggots ive put a few bucks down on this, when is this shit gonna pump? Please help get started: Does this ETH take a while to go through? I withdraw all the time and now bittrex gives me this generic error with no google results.

The second one took 7 minutes, not sure what caused the time variation. Damn it's been almost 45 mins and my ETH hasn't gotten to bleu from bittrex yet.

I copy and pasted the address perfectly, no extra characters or anything. Btw everyone, it's 3 bleutrade bitcointalk down necessary for BTC to go through pending. So tell me guys. What are the most realistic, no bullshit chances that this will go over 3 sats?

Be careful with this one. Do not expect to sell above 5 sats. Look at the bitcointalk thread and dead github. Sent ETH from bittrex to bleu bleutrade bitcointalk down an hour ago, still bleutrade bitcointalk down There goes 40 bucks. Don't send that kind of person here holy fucking shit. Time is money though so quite annoying especially when I have two factor turned on. Probably got scammed from the site. My last deposit worked fine. They want to make money off your trades, it's very unlikely they're going to steal anyone's coins.

Missing the moon mission. Dev is definitely active. Guys chill, the fucking site is just slow as fuck with deposits. It will eventually show up.

Come chat and learn about mooncoin https: Looking to buy some what's the fastest coin bleutrade bitcointalk down transfer from bittrex to novaexchange with?

Hopefully this serves me better. It literally cannot go lower than 1 sat. If you are in at 1 sat, you literally cannot lose. Lost all of my bitcoin to a scammer when I trusted a banker. FML guys, wish me luck. OR just stay on bleu? That's the only thing I don't get. A difference in 1 satoshi is very big right now. Watch a YouTube video or something, then move your investment to Bleutrade and come to the moon with us.

Nova doesn't have LTC, and there might be some shitcoin that's faster. Shits fucking easy all these fucking normies on social media eat up shit like it's hotcakes. I wish the mods would just ban these people that keep shit posting shills for the same coin its is really tiresome. I remember when this board used to be good to visit.

I bought in bleutrade bitcointalk down night,and might buy some more because this is going to reach seats at least. And finally HODL this, if you wanna make some cash. Which one of you guys is good at marketing? Bleutrade bitcointalk down planning spending a few bucks on some bleutrade bitcointalk down person to try and push this out to normies but I need you guys to bleutrade bitcointalk down your best and push this bitch so we can take it to take off to Pluto.

Go read the fucking forums theya bleutrade bitcointalk down literally "oh this again" It got pumped and dumped, go look bleutrade bitcointalk down the graph on coinmarket cap. Pum dump then stuck at 1 satoshi till it got shilled today and now its getting pump dumped again. This one we happen to be in the right place at the right time. Literally trying to trick people into buying ur shit. That's all this is. Damn son really, you have no shame. Try making money through legitimate trading for once.

Is this not technically a case of fraud? Also for any of those interested: Its a dead coin being revived for a scam. So is mooncoin a good investment now or no, someone be serious and stop bleutrade bitcointalk down about rocket ships made of lambos going to the moon, is this a crap coin?? Gosh what's that thing rising from the horizon?

Bleutrade bitcointalk down is purty, laws yes. It's going to work this time, it has to. They're updating it and everything.

This is going to make us get somewhere. They have no special tech or disruptive ability and normies will never adopt them. But they mooned, for literally no reason. That's the nature of this market.

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I recently discovered https: I have not done much research about the development or the individuals behind it. However, for the price I saw it at, I could not resist. I feel as though it really only has one way to go. Regardless of whether it is a pump and dump, I have my portfolio diversified enough to where I don't mind taking a small risk to gain a huge reward.

With that being said, I'm not here to broadcast coins that I invest in to get people to pump them. I am only two months in to this journey and watching profits grow is so amazing. A few weeks ago I was crushed when nearly 30 billion dollars left the market cap over night and cut my portfolio in half. I began panic selling and losing coins that i should have held on to.

Now as I am becoming more seasoned I understand that holding on to your coins is where the real value is. Set goals and take your rewards when you have withstood the storm of everyone else buying and selling. Watching your value go down 20 or 30 percent is no fun, but waiting it out is usually so much more satisfying when you originally had doubles or triples a couple days or weeks after you sold or considered doing so. From what I can see, Bleutrade is a relatively small exchange.

When I load pages I will typically see no more than thousand users. I would advise many of you to check this exchange out. This was before I really knew about Bittrex. So I refused to purchase, because I knew I would be a bag holder for a while until the price corrected. So I decided to shop elsewhere. Bringing me to Mooncoin. Now, I stated that I started 2 months ago, but I saw Mooncoin a week ago when it was sitting around 2 or 3 sat.

So I hopped in. It has now grown to 8 satoshi and the volume is climbing on Bleutrade. Im skeptical that it will really take off, but I would just like to post this to give you a heads up and help you become aware of really inexpensive coins that could help you make a small or large profit in a relatively short amount of time.

Read up on the coin, dig the website and spread the word on anything you think is of real value. That's not a bad thing. I would think holding this coin through a few ups and downs will be well worth it. I bought some DGB at 60 on Poloniex and the trollbox was laughing at me, every one of them. It went up to 65, then down, down, down to 45, I felt sick. Then it went to and I rejoiced! Then it fell, sickness returned. Well, you know how this story turns out. Patience really paid off and I also, like you, learned a valuable lesson.

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