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Also about a day before it switched, the pool said I found a block. Did we ever get anything from that? I know that there were only like 11 of us so each of us get like at least 3 litecoins since different people had different hash rates? I'm asking because if litecoin ever becomes like bitcoin, then if we hold onto some litecoins for a while they could be worth something in a year or even months.
I am trying to pool mine with the host: But Litecoin Wallet is saying that I couldn't connect to check my sn and pw. Yeah it'd be good to have some kind of update as to whether we should be waiting, or create a new account.
It appears as though ztrain is feigning ignorance to our concerns, or perhaps is caught up with some personal stuff and will get to fixing our accounts on the site in due time. He did mention that he just finished moving and has gotten an internship in his personal life. We cannot possibly expect his full attention, but I do hope he recognizes and is aware of the issue at hand here.
Depends on the hashrate of the pool. So just check out your pool's hashrate and input it into a litecoin calculator. Shares are basically how much you contributed to each block I think I'm also fairly new and depending on how much you contributed determines how many litecoins you get from each block.
If someone more experienced than me knows more, please correct me. You kind of contradicted yourself there, solo-mining doesn't have a server name or port. So what does it mean if I have like 80 roundshares?
Reaper is mining off of my CPU Hello Can you please help with Litecoin-qt Solo mining! What is the server name and port please? Well you could be right but that is what the screen is asking for? So do you know what is neede to solo mine litecoin?