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Some peeps are really annoyed that Epic's code is running in the background while they illegally pirate torrent movies and Adobe Creative Suite Linux ISOs, and say they didn't ask for it to be installed.
Epic's software tries to do more than mine crypto-currencies, we're told: But it mostly mines Litecoin. We do not spy on your browsing behavior or scan your files or anything litecoin mining calculator uk that. The biz today scrambled to update its website to include prominent instructions on how to uninstall its code, as more and more people complained on torrenting forums about the slightly hidden software. Your humble hack was offered software that claimed to be Skype when he tried installing the torrenting client, for instance.
He told El Reg his biz began as a non-profit, and donates a portion of its proceeds litecoin mining calculator uk charity. Mined Litecoins are converted into dollars litecoin mining calculator uk, and at litecoin mining calculator uk 75 per cent of its profit is given to good causes, we're told.
Olson told us he hopes to shift his distributed computing network from crypto-currencies to full-time contracts with science research projects. He said Epic will work with BitTorrent to show users a clearer opt-out choice during installation. You hold Epic Scale next to something like a [browser] toolbar, and it's night and day. In the meantime, Olson said disgruntled users can visit Epic Scale's uninstall instructionsor email its support address for help in removing the software.
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