Hyperledger: how blockchain is changing the business world

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Our website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience. For more information see our Privacy Policy. Agileapplicationblock chainblockchainCodecodingethereumhyperledger fabricplatformprocessProductsolutionteam. In the previous post of our series here we have given an overview of how blockchain works.

In this post we will go through the differences between two major platforms in blockchain — Ethereum and Hyperledger. If you are contemplating which one to use in your project.

This blog sheds a little light and hopefully help you to decide. But before we get into detail: It is a decentralised system for the exchange of business assets. It uses shared distributed ledger that records all the transactions between the members of the network.

It is made up of connected hyper ledger vs ethereum logo computers that individually store the blockchain code. Networks can be public or permissioned and this will determine how a node communicates with other nodes on the network peer to peer communication. I will now aim to explain some of the common hyper ledger vs ethereum logo concepts in blockchain technology: Changes to the ledger are recorded across the participating systems in a matter of minutes or hyper ledger vs ethereum logo and records are protected through cryptography.

An important benefit of a distributed ledger is that assets can be tracked and traded without the need for a centralised point of control. Another key benefit is that the consensus mechanism used in distributed ledgers lowers the risk of fraud.

This can be treated as single source of truth within a network. For example, In bitcoin a block is a collection of transactions. There are 2 different kinds of nodes, which are as follows: Full Nodes — They act independently as authoritative verifier of every single transaction on block. They generally keep full copy of the blockchain on its hard drive or they could also keep a reduced copy of the blockchain.

It communicates with other peers on the network and more importantly it does not trust these peers and verifies the block containing transactions received from these peers.

It authoritatively reconciles with its own copy of ledger. Hence, quickly the node that the malicious block is sent from is quickly isolated. Light Nodes — They do not check or download the whole block chain. Mining and Miner — Mining is an act of participating in a given peer to peer network in consensus.

It is a computational intensive work that requires lot of processing power and time. Miner is an investor that devotes time, computer space and energy to sorting through blocks.

In simple words mining means the process of making money by doing work. Ethereum is fuelled by ether. So miners people who do mining mine to make Ether. Mining can be done at every full node. Once hyper ledger vs ethereum logo execute the contract, ledger is updated accordingly. Consensus — This is a process of keeping the ledger transactions synchronised across the network. Consensus is implemented in different ways by different platforms.

Ethereum is an open software platform that enables developers to build and deploy decentralised applications. It is a public hyper ledger vs ethereum logo network. It aims at users interacting with social systems, financial hyper ledger vs ethereum logo in a peer to peer fashion. Miners work to earn Ether. It has smart contracts that define rules and penalties around an agreement and also enforces those obligations.

Currently, Ethereum uses proof of work protocol and the plan is to update its network to proof of stake. It is a consensus Algorithm. This algorithm permit nodes of the blockchain to reach consensus about the current state of the blockchain. Consensus on the global state is reached approximately every 15 seconds on Ethereum. When a new block arrives to the node, it gets the hash of that block and then tries to validate.

It uses POW consensus algorithm that takes lot of computational power to generate some random bits. When the generated random bits are appended to the hash of the block, it gives certain value new hash.

Node already knows the hash value it is looking for. If the generated value matches the expected answer then hyper ledger vs ethereum logo block is valid.

Nodes keep trying with random bits by appending with hash obtained from transaction block. Once any of the miners find the answer then the block will be added to block chain. Ethereum is trying to switch from proof of work to proof of stake consensus algorithm. Proof of stake — It requires to show the ownership of the money. You no longer have to do lot of calculations, which saves lot of energy and the second advantage is you lock up ether which creates scarcity.

If malicious validators validate false nodes they lose ether. Hyperledger is an umbrella project under the Linux Foundation founded in It seeks to foster collaboration on hyper ledger vs ethereum logo projects across multiple companies. There are multiple projects within Hyperledger and there are several platform implementations of hyper ledger vs ethereum logo.

So far I have not got the opportunity to look into other platform implementation apart from Hyperledger fabric. Hence, I will consider Hyperledger Fabric to compare with Ethereum.

HyperLedger Fabric focus more on larger organisations, while Ethereum is more popular with smaller apps and smart contracts on its public. HyperLedger Fabric aims to create a permission blockchain specifically for corporate use. One of the important features for corporates are data secrecy and privacy. It uses smart contracts to provide controlled access to the ledger, these smart contracts can be written in go or java languages.

There is no crypto-currency for hyper ledger. Some of the key concepts in hyper ledger hyper ledger vs ethereum logo are: Ledger, Block, Chaincode, Consensus, Member, Hyper ledger vs ethereum logo services, Multi-channel, peer, transaction, policy, hyper ledger vs ethereum logo channels. We have explained the terms Ledger, Block, Consensus earlier. I will go through the rest of the terms that are specific to fabric. Membership Services authenticates, authorises, and manages identities on a permissioned Hyperledger fabric network.

The membership services code that runs in peers authenticates and authorizes blockchain operations. Peers are owned and maintained by members. Policies are defined through system chaincode, and contain the requisite specifications for a network action to succeed.

An invoke or hyper ledger vs ethereum logo operation. Instantiate is a request to start a chaincode container on a peer. A channel is defined by members organisations. Each party must be authenticated and authorised to transact on that channel.

Each peer that joins a channel, has its own identity given by a membership services provider MSP hyper ledger vs ethereum logo, which authenticates each peer to its channel peers and services.

Different industries have their own networks or even sub networks within a network. Hyperledger provides solutions for these requirements by providing pluggable consensus.

Ledgers must be able to operate continuously hyper ledger vs ethereum logo its lifetime. It should allow discoverability, search, identity resolution and perform other key functions. Even the number of nodes will increase over time.

Hence, performance is a key factor and Fabric is capable of scaling efficiently without any performance degradation. The figure below shows Hyperledger logical architecture aligned in their categories: Below is an equities market example from IBM Hyperledger fabric where it depicts uniform distributed ledger at the centre.

To sum up, some of the key features of Hyperledger Fabric are: The table below lists the differences between Hyperledger Fabric and Ethereum: After going through the differences I feel that the distinction between hyperledger Fabric and Ethereum is similar to that of intranet and internet.

I hope this blog offered you a bit of insight on the differences between ethereum and hyperledger fabric. DevOps specialist involved in advising clients and implementing all things DevOps.

Agileapplicationblock chainhyper ledger vs ethereum logoCodecodingethereumhyperledger fabricplatformprocessProductsolutionteam In the previous post of our series here we have given an overview of how blockchain works.

What is a blockchain network? Ethereum Ethereum is an open software platform that enables developers to build and deploy decentralised applications. What is proof of work POW and how does it work? How does this work? Hyperledger Hyperledger is an umbrella project under the Linux Foundation founded in These are as follows: This is smart contract in hyper ledger.

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