Quantum computers could crack Bitcoin, but fixes are available now

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I was a hacker who focused on phishing victims bank details and selling them. I was working full time in a company and doing this cracked bitcoin accounts market stuff in my free time.

It was not really lucrative. An anonymous payment system which mostly cybercrime hackers used to get paid. I sent the money in Liberty Reserve to other people in underground forums and they sent me hard cash to a drop-off point. As a hacker i need of course a non-logging VPN and a truecrypt crypted computer.

Luckily enough i cashed out my whole balance in Liberty Reserve some days ago. But i had to choose something else since i didnt want to shut off my business. This was the day i became a Bitcoin user. So i opened a Blockchain.

Part of my business was also to get e-mail addresses of customers to send cracked bitcoin accounts phishing mails. I dumped their databases cracked bitcoin accounts sent the phishing attacks.

I was lucky and hacked a small bitcoin website with around users. To my surprise the database saved e-mails, usernames and passwords in plain. Thats like a lucky moment for hackers because they dont have to go through cracking to get the passwords.

So what to do with these data. Phishing wasnt a good idea for bitcoin. So the first thing i tried was to check if some of these e-mail password combos would work for the email inbox. Around 5 people used cracked bitcoin accounts same password for their mail inboxes. One of those had an email which looked familiar to me. He had the same welcome e-mail from blockchain. So the first thing i tried was to login in blockchain. And look there - 5BTC. I felt like a lucky person. I had to work nearly one cracked bitcoin accounts with my old business for that amount.

This doing i realized back in the days you could login with username and password only on blockchain. It was clear what i had to do! I checked the whole username and password list i dumped on blockchain. A few accounts with nothing interesting in it and then: Around BTC on my first day!

I registered on localbitcoins. I felt like im in heaven. Money which i earned in at least 4 month with my old business now in one day. Back with the hard money it was obvious for me that i need to forget about my old business and concentrate on this Bitcoin stuff! So i tried to hack more websites. Cracked bitcoin accounts i was lucky. Hacked several Bitcoin related websites, dumped their databases cracked bitcoin accounts tried to check if the users were also registered on blockchain.

It was quite lucrative. So i checked the balance and i couldnt believe my eyes. But i only had the MTGox API details and no access to his email inbox because he used a different password for his email inbox than the password which was in the database. So i tried to withdraw these Bitcoins. And as i didnt cracked bitcoin accounts email access i couldnt try to lift the limit. But what i had to see was way too much for me. He saved his Blockchain. After some lucrative time i decided to try something new.

Because as time passed people started using stuff like 2 Factor authentification and blockchain. Why not cracked bitcoin accounts to infect users with trojans. But the question was how. I searched for vulnerabilities in bitcoin related websites which had software to download. I found some websites as example:. I packed the software with my trojan in it. Most of the users were sadly only people who were hanging most of the time on Bitcoin faucet sites and had not much balance in it.

But there was also people like this:. Then one person downloaded the infected software who worked on a russian cracked bitcoin accounts exchange. And while he was surfing i saw his BTC-E balance. I knew i had to get it. I saw he also used 2-Factor Authentification. So i waited until he was still logged into BTC-E but was afk toilet i guess. So cracked bitcoin accounts blocked his computer access to btc-e servers with hosts file and set up a fake btc-e website where the only window was opened was the 2 Factor Authentification code he cracked bitcoin accounts enter.

When he came back he cracked bitcoin accounts the 2-Factor Authentification Fake website opened on his window, he grabbed his phone and entered the 2FA Code, i copied it and entered it on my side, quickly confirmed the BTC-E Confirmation mail and deleted it. Not using 2 Factor Authentification, Saving passwords in clear text in databases, Using same passwords on different websites - All this stuff made cracked bitcoin accounts "carreer" much easier.

For more information about this award, click here. By upvoting this notification, you can help all Steemit users. I have a btc address I want you to hack. Up for the challenge? I only have an email address and btc adress for him. I got a family to support and I'm failing at it pretty bad because I'm "too nice" to get ahead in life. Is there a way,where cracked bitcoin accounts can help in getting back my stolen bitcoins by another Hacker: Hi Hacker0, i need your help pls.

This is my BTC address: Thanks for shearing your story, really interesting how people like you hack others. God damn bro what a true story I don't know hard you worked but since you said you felt lucky that's how I am feeling today so here's my address. Any amount will be highly appreciated. I would love to learn from an experienced hacker like you: I got hacked REAL bad and its been tough seeing through the mayem. I know a hacker who flips BTC and has made a shit load of money for himself,he now offers this as a service and i've been able to benefit from it too,seemed unreal initially but it was the easiest bucks i ever made,you can contact him at hacklordwiz gmail.

How I hacked hundreds of Bitcoins! It all begins 3 years and a 3 month ago. And then this happened: I continued my business and got myself cracked bitcoin accounts Bitcoin debit cards to cash out my bitcoins. In June i got an idea. I found some websites as example: But there was also people like this: Coming to an end i can say some cracked bitcoin accounts regarding security.

Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post. Cracked bitcoin accounts have received a personal award! For more information about this award, click here By upvoting this notification, you can help all Steemit users. Shame on cracked bitcoin accounts, stealing from hard working people and it seems to make you happy. I am just honest and wanted to write everything down.

Please how can i be your apprentice? You really inspire me.

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The researchers from Singapore, Australia and France say that scenario represents the worst case, and would see a quantum computer able to run Shor's algorithm against the cryptocurrency's protective elliptic curve signature quicker than the 10 minutes Bitcoin needs to record a transaction in the blockchain. There are two items of good news in the paper for Bitcoin: In their paper , which landed at arXiv in late October, Divesh Aggarwal and his collaborators say ASIC-based mining rigs are fast compared to even optimistic theoretical quantum computer clock speeds.

The extreme speed of current specialized ASIC hardware for performing the hashcash PoW, coupled with much slower projected gate speeds for current quantum architectures, essentially negates this quadratic speedup, at the current difficulty level, giving quantum computers no advantage.

Future improvements to quantum technology allowing gate speeds up to GHz could allow quantum computers to solve the PoW about times faster than current technology. As far as defeating hashcash goes, the numbers are daunting for quantum computer designers: Shor's algorithm, a quantum algorithm for factoring integers that's how it would attack cryptography , is a better path, they write.

Deploying a quantum computer against the secpk1 elliptic curve Bitcoin uses is much more dangerous: As with cracking the proof-of-work, the researchers assume quantum computers get big and fast relatively quickly, and even so, they fall slightly short: The Register - Independent news and views for the tech community. Part of Situation Publishing. Join our daily or weekly newsletters, subscribe to a specific section or set News alerts.

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