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Bitcoind is a program that implements the Bitcoin protocol for command line and remote procedure call RPC use. Tagged Questions info newest frequent votes active unanswered. Learn more… Top users Synonyms. Createrawtransaction - rpc connection bitcoind when I'm trying to prepare and send an rpc request to my bitcoin-qt wallet via JSONRPC2 connection I don't get anyresponse String is empty. When I put command into bitcoin-qt konsole is working fine Unexpected end of file from server Error I am very new to bitcoin and this is my first experiment with bitcoind.
We have been trying to develop an Java based application on BTC using bitcoind using testnet. Manjunath 64 1 Accepting Bitcoin - monitoring transactions coming in I want to accept Bitcoin on my site.
I add records to the pool of non-used addresses by generating How to connect to a Bitcoin testnet running in a docker container I am testing some Bitcoin related code and in order to test it have installed bitcoin-testnet-box within a docker container.
It's running fine, and, within the container I can execute commands and Dave Sag 7, 6 56 I was wondering, it's possible to do proof of existence with the blockchain. How many bytes can we put in the 'OUT' of the transaction? Is there a limit? If yes, how many? Is it possible to implement a pseudo-anonymous login using a signed bitcoin transaction as proof of payment? I think something like this is possible, but I'm a little fuzzy on the details. As I understand it: I have one or more bitcoin addresses Users send bits to that address Users can log into my app by Assuming the nature of the service results in more Bitcoin deposits coming in then Bitcoin leaving the Upstart script for bitcoind, respawn feature I have an upstart script for the bitcoind, it based on the script in this topic: Aleksandr Chapkin 50 7.
What should I use as a login and password while connecting to the bitcoin daemon I'm creating a pool, right now I'm trying to connect to bitcoin daemon, it responses with error "", "HTTP Error Unauthorized". What should I enter in "login" and "password" fields?
Konrad 1 3 Bitcoind RPC - create a new address for every payment? I'm currently working on a PHP library which will help web developers receiving payments in BTC and other cryptocurrencies. My question is - should it create a new address for every payment? Is there a way to send funds from a specific bitcoin address in a wallet? The first result from Google gave me an answer from so I wondered if there was a better one than 'use armoury' now? It's fine if I have to decode the raw transactions, I would be grateful if Bitcoind daemon - network syncronizing error I have bitcoind installed on a VPS debian server, i started bitcoind 2 days ago for syncronizing with bitcoin network but i got the following error today.
Nagy Ervin 2 6 SocketTimeoutException after four requests to local bitcoind I want to connect to bitcoind using java. My plan is to use htmlunit and gson. Right now I can complete a single request successfully. However, I can not do more than exactly four subsequent requests Mooh 2 14 I got a step by step tutorial how can i do this installation, but everytime when i tried to add repository i got the following error message Is listunspent scalable and efficient?
Say I had daily transactions on my bitcoind and I pinged bitcoind with listunspent every minute to keep my db updated, for example How to use Bitcoind's getreceivedbyaddress function I have the Bitcoin Core version v0.
I have a small PHP script Bitcoind testnet mode No block source available 0 connection In fact I know this question is hard to answer as it has many reasons for, but is there any clear way to check in "steps" how to configure or know why such a behavior happen and what is the other Mohamed Farrag 13 I am trying to create a new raw transaction, i got a lot of example over How to deposit testcoin in peatio?
Cannot assign requested address error with bitcoin-abe I have been playing around with bitcoin-abe for the last few days, getting it to load the dogecoin blockchain. Everything works perfectly on my localhost and when I go to http: Jeff Thomas 2, 10 31 When attempting to compile an How to compile litecoin osx mavericks I am trying to make a demo cryptocurrency based on litecoin but before even starting to do this, I am currently unable to compile litecoin unaltered source code into litecoind.
Bitcoind account negative balance When using the accounts feature, an individual account balance may get negative if you spend more than its balance. That often happens, even if tou check the balance, due to transaction fees that are But i get network exception: Server redirected too many times. I would be very glad if someone helps me understand. It went all good. I started the client. Now I have a problem that since its a new coin, the wallet keeps saying Bole Grat 33 9.
Last night I got an error saying: Fatal command argument is too long. The following is the output: Exception in Boost library when running bitcoind.
How to get last transactions made to a non-wallet bitcoin address? Kurtis Bro 25 7. Installation process and configuration of bitcoind, coinpunk and redis went good, according to this guide: Canceling a Bitcoin transaction I am writing a bitcoin app and looking to implement a 'cancel' feature. All over reddit are references that if under 3 confirmation have occurred, technically a payment can be stopped. Noah Buscher 66 8. However, I can't seem to find Petar Vasilev 1, 2 17 The examples for libjson-rpc-cpp are sufficient for sending calls, but there is no mention I How can I know the address that sent the BTC?
I made a transaction with bitcoind. I sent money from address A to address B. At the client which holds the address B, when I issue "gettransaction" passing the transaction id, it shows information Is there a general way to get difficulty from any cryptocurrency coin? Is there a way to get the difficulty from any coin even if there isn't a blockchain site like http: I need to access it programmatically and i want to have it Sultanen 2 14 Bitcoin api - how to create wallet I was looking at bitcoin api, but I haven't find any way to create wallet and account.
I'd like to create them on local server with just rpc calls. Are there any way to create it? When does walletnotify event occur on bitcoind I have configured the walletnotify and the blocknotify event on the bitcoin daemon based on the documentation from https: Abishek 5, 14 53 Stack Overflow for Teams is Now Available.
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