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Ilan Kolet from Bloomberg News whipped up this chart and shared on twitter using our Manhattan luxury townhouse data. Gotta love the visual — the Lehman collapse exemplified in the high end townhouse market in the home of Wall Street. We published our report on Manhattan market sales for 3Q this week. The charts will be updated shortly but the data tables are already updated to include 3Q Here is some of the press coverage for the report.

Like any industry there are terrific appraisers, average appraisers and form-fillers. Post-Lehman there are a LOT more of the latter. The scenario that prompted these articles and others like them occurs when a sale is properly vetted in the market place and an appraiser enters the transaction and forex trading robot 2013 profesional realty appraises the property below the sales price.

It supposedly is happening in greater frequency now, hence the forex trading robot 2013 profesional realty in complaints. My focus of criticism has largely been centered on appraisal management companies AMCwho have tried to convert our industry to a commodity like a flood certification or title search rather than a professional service. AMCs serve as a middleman between the bank and an appraiser and they have thrived as a result of financial reform.

Most only require an appraiser to be licensed, agree to work for 50 cents on the dollar and turn work around in one fifth the time required for reasonable due diligence. Appraisal quality of bank appraisals has plummeted in this credit crunch era and as a result has prompted growing outrage from all parties in a transaction.

Of course, the market value of the property may not be worth it. The interaction an appraiser has with a lender when appraising below the purchase price now is not that much different than during the boom.

The sources for most of these low appraisal stories I began this post with come from biased parties so it makes it clear that low appraisals are the problem. In reality, the low appraisal issue is merely the symptom of a broken mortgage lending process. The problem is real and becomes more apparent when a market changes rapidly as it is now. Decimate the quality of valuation experts and you generate results that are less consistent with actual market conditions and therefore more sales are killed than usual.

This is even more amazing when you consider that most national lenders have only a handful of appraisal staff forex trading robot 2013 profesional realty tens of thousands of appraisals ordered ever month.

The cynical side of me thinks that rise in low value complaints reflects an over-heated housing market — that the parties are getting swept up in the froth and the neutral appraiser is the voice of reason.

The experienced me realizes that financial reform has brought new appraisers into the profession that have no business being here and pushed many of the good ones out and that the rise in the frequency of low appraisals has only seen the light of day because housing markets are currently changing rapidly. However the bank appraisal process has largely morphed into an army of robots on an assembly line — either because we are unaware of the problem until it affects us directly or we forex trading robot 2013 profesional realty want it that way.

Knight Frank [click chart to expand]. My latest Three Cents Worth column on Curbed: We recently published our report on the Brooklyn sales market.

You can build your own custom data tables on the market — now updated with 1Q 13 data. Charts updated with forex trading robot 2013 profesional realty data will be online shortly.

The increase in demand has not softened mortgage lending standards. In fact, mortgage standards have remained essentially unchanged since Lehman collapsed in The shortage is manifesting itself by also keeping people unaffected by tight credit from listing until they find a home they wish to purchase.

Record low mortgage rates keep the demand pressure on as affordability is at record highs. Rising prices are not really based on anything fundamental like employment and a robust economy. We published our Manhattan Decade report, a ten year moving window data compendium of the market from The finished result contained 3 parts:. Since the beginning of the global credit crunch inluxury real estate has morphed into a new world currency that provides investors with both a tangible asset and a cachet that cannot be found within the financial markets.

The US dollar has weakened in the years following the collapse of Lehman Brothers in the onset of the global credit crisis. That meant that our currency allowed us to buy less abroad, and the strength of other currencies provided international buyers with large discounts when purchasing property in US dollars.

But it went further than that. The luxury real estate market has become defined by the supply of available properties. While demand has remained constant and elevated, inventory has become a critical variable, particularly at the very top of the market, where surging international demand for one-of-a-kind properties has surpassed the limited supply.

One stratospheric price record is being set after another, and it is not only the list prices that are defining these record sales; the rarity of location, expanse of the views, quality of amenities, and the sheer size of these unique homes have all played an important part in attracting the interest of foreign buyers.

Forex trading robot 2013 profesional realty sat down with Dottie Herman and our friends across the pond, Patrick Dring, Head of International Residential, and Liam Bailey, Head of Residential Research at Knight Frank, to chat about the state of real estate in the prime markets across the globe and the rise of a foreign investment phenomenon.

Douglas Elliman has a broad coverage area that includes some of the most affluent housing markets in the US. Are you seeing any short-term issues that may influence luxury investor decisions over the coming year? At the end of this year, we may see a repeat of the consumer behavior we saw at the end of when US capital gains tax rates were expected to rise.

Ultimately, the rates did not increase, but many consumers in the luxury market forex trading robot 2013 profesional realty preventative action before the potential tax increase and raced to close their sales by the end of Despite the ups and downs in the quarters that followed, the luxury housing market was not adversely impacted in the long-term.

What does this mean for the luxury market? Foreign demand remains high and, notably, we have sold to over 62 different nationalities forex trading robot 2013 profesional realty the last 12 months. They are less affected by the changes in stamp duty, since the rates in London are still in line with many other European countries. Dottie, your firm has sold a large number of luxury properties this year, despite a lukewarm economy and tight credit conditions.

Record sales and listing prices are becoming nearly commonplace and a significant portion of this demand for luxury real estate is coming from abroad. Do you see this developing into a long-term trend? Several of the markets that we cover, Manhattan and Miami in particular, have been firmly established as highly sought-after international destinations. Luxury investors from much of Europe, Russia, Asia and South America have been buying here at the highest pace we have seen since the credit crunch began.

Liam, the US is seeing a higher-than-normal influx of real estate demand from foreign investors who seem to be focusing on the upper end of the housing market. These investors are well represented from Europe, Asia and South America. Are you seeing the same phenomenon when it comes to luxury properties in the UK? What are the primary regions where this demand is coming from? The focus of demand continues on London and its easily accessible suburbs. London is facing even higher global demand than New York, with the top end strongly led by Russia, Europe, Canada, and the Middle East, and demand in the new development investment market very much led by Asia.

In the US, access to financing is a key challenge to domestic purchasers, including luxury investors. What are some of the key challenges facing your clients who are looking to purchase real estate outside of their own countries?

Financing remains a consideration for many, although mortgages are more available in many of the markets than people are led to believe. Of course, the property needs to be quality and in a core location and have a more conservative loan-to-value ratio, however, many of our clients purchase in cash, so they are more affected by market sentiment and, of course, liquidity if they need to sell unexpectedly in the future.

Factors affecting market sentiment include the forex trading robot 2013 profesional realty considerations, such as exchange rate, a stable political base, as well as a sound legal system that guarantees clarity of title and tax considerations.

The latter of course is affecting not only the cost of acquisition stamp dutybut forex trading robot 2013 profesional realty, in some countries, the cost of holding wealth tax and ultimately selling capital gains tax.

Access, infrastructure, and climate if lifestyle-driven all remain key, as do low crime rates as people become more aware of their privacy and personal safety. How do international buyers fi t into this new world defined by tough lending standards?

Despite mortgage lending in the US remaining tight, luxury markets in the areas we cover have improved quickly. I can only imagine how much stronger the US housing market would be if we saw credit ease to historically normal levels. International buyers tend to pay cash or obtain financing from their native countries, which has given them an advantage over many domestic purchasers.

Combine the ability to pay in cash with both the weakness of the US dollar against many of their native currencies and a volatile global economy, and you can begin to understand why we are seeing a strong presence of international buyers in our markets. Like our friends at Knight Frank, these luxury investors are interested in our proven core forex trading robot 2013 profesional realty that already have a large concentration forex trading robot 2013 profesional realty luxury properties.

This chart is an enlarged version of a chart that appeared within our just released Elliman Report: The capital gains implications forex trading robot 2013 profesional realty the same — will the Bush tax cuts be extended? We created and published a new report on the Manhattan rental market for You can build your own custom data tables on the Manhattan rental market using quarterly data — our new monthly format will be available online shortly and will be phasing in monthly charts to forex trading robot 2013 profesional realty rental chart gallery soon.

If you haven't already, sign up for 'Housing Notes' to receive weekly insights and research. He is a state-certified real estate appraiser in New York and Connecticut, performing forex trading robot 2013 profesional realty testimony as an expert witness in various local, state and federal courts. You'll be able to choose from an array of robust housing metrics compiled using research developed during the preparation of our market report series.

Expanded significantly from prior offerings, use this resource to build charts and custom data tables or leverage your own information for more powerful research and presentations. In the meantime, here is a small sample of the aggregated data we will provide. One of the best finance people on Twitter. I spoke to appraiser Jonathan Miller 3 years ago. He's the guy with 'boots on the ground' when it comes to real estate.

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Given that the tariffs in question have been imposed under section of the US Trade Expansion Act whereby the national security of the US is supposedly at stake this American failure to treat New Zealand as an ally is historically significant. After all, our troops have fought and died alongside the US in every major global conflict — the two world wars, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan etc — for the past hundred years or more.

We have also been to the point of self harm a country wedded to free trade and open borders. There are fears of a tit for tat response by China, against US products.

In , China was the third biggest market for US exports. Boeing airplanes, US high-tech componentry and US farm exports eg soybeans, sorghum and pork would probably be first in the firing line of any Chinese response, for both political and economic reasons. Sorghum production for instance, is concentrated in states that voted heavily for Trump in Yet for now, the headlines about an imminent trade war with China may be overly dramatic: Under the terms of the memorandum, Trump will target the Chinese imports only after a consultation period, a measure that will give industry lobbyists and legislators a chance to water down a proposed target list which runs to 1, products.

But US tech companies are also vulnerable to retaliation, especially companies such as Apple and Intel that have manufacturing operations in China. Where did this come from? As Adam Davidson pointed out two years ago in his profile of Navarro, this is not how the world works: This is in contrast to most other market transactions, in which both parties can be made better off by exchanging with each other. For Navarro, the U.

For one thing, China has quite a few other options. As yet, Trump has shown little interest in building such a coalition. As Davidson added, even back in China already trades more with the European Union than it does with the U. A trade war would shatter General Motors, all of Hollywood, the music industry , Boeing, and the entire state of Washington , which exports more goods to China than any other. Navarro and Trump also assume a manufacturing universe that no longer exists.

American manufacturers have shifted away from making lower-cost commodity goods and focus, instead, on more expensive, complex products, like medical devices, automobiles, and airplanes. All of those goods require a steady input of smaller, commodity components like screws and circuit boards that are made in China and other countries. Some companies might react by beginning to manufacture those lower-cost commodity products domestically, but it seems unlikely that many manufacturers would do so.

Indeed, they would see it as an opportunity. Multinational corporations considering leaving China would face an easy choice: Finally, is China the real villain here? More so in the past, surely, than at it is at present. No doubt in the s and early s, cheap imports from China combined with its prior readiness to artificially depress its currency in order to secure trade advantages did destroy US manufacturing jobs, and did depress wages.

Yet as wages and production costs have risen in China that impact has lessened. All along, there have been key domestic drivers at work within the US job market, too. Workers have been displaced by technology and discouraged from getting more education because of the rising cost of public universities. Democratically aligned economists point to weaker unions, a low minimum wage, a lack of infrastructure spending, and a series of congressional and Supreme Court actions that shift bargaining power away from workers and toward corporations.

Many traditional Republicans believe that regulations and taxes prevent investment that could lead to more jobs. There is enormous disagreement about the proper response to global trade.

However, pretty much every economics scholar would observe that the United States is hardly powerless against China and that the fundamental solutions to adjusting to a global economy are domestic ones. We have, within the United States, all the power we need to improve our education system, to help workers transfer to more promising industries, to invest in infrastructure, and to improve worker bargaining power.

Trump has no appetite for those kind of domestic solutions. He seeks foreign villains, and China has played that role usefully for the West since the days of Fu Manchu. China — like Putin — will blame the outsiders. Still, Xi has good reason to want to avoid a trade war, given that the Chinese economy is still dependent on exporting, and far from completing its transition to domestic consumption.

The future is young duh It is also female. These Pew polling figures on political allegiance among millennials are astounding, and highly encouraging. Among millennials, which Pew identifies as people born between and , men lean toward Democrats by 8 percentage points — far and away a bigger tilt toward Democrats than older cohorts of men.

But millennial women favor Democrats by a staggeringly large margin. The graphs that chart the comparisons between the political allegiances of among the different generations millennials, Gen X, boomers, silent generation say it all. In the Silent Generation, women are 8 points more favorable to Democrats. In New Zealand, the same trend among women voters, and the young, was evident before the last election.