Separatist supply ship

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View unanswered posts View active topics. Users browsing this forum: Google [Bot] and 5 guests. It is currently Thu May 24, 4: Mon Jun 14, 3: Mon Jun 14, 4: The director's cut includes 2 more kills, so I'm adding them to this trade federation ship destroyed by kraken. Tue Jun 15, 2: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Trade federation ship destroyed by kraken Chest Many of Davy Jones men are wounded, but they can't be killed, and aren't counted. Here's Die Another Day re-done: Kil's mouth, killing him Ice Chase: Here's my counts that need fixing: The Search For Spock Episode I - The Phantom Menace Episode VI - Return of the Jedi Tue Jun 15, 7: He's still alive when last seen, but presumably is killed by Vegard later.

Hanna also kills a crow. One thing Rorschach the character's are called Erlend and Vegard, not Erland and Vergard, maybe your version had some bad trade federation ship destroyed by kraken or something, but Vergard is not even a name. He sexually and physically abused Kari Wuhrer and killed another whore in Boulevard. If that's not badass then I doubt you guys know what is Wed Jun 16, 4: Page of Previous topic Next topic.

Kain, are you going to do a Delta Force 2 video? Thanks for the correction. I'm gonna get a copy of its DVD for sure!!! You should, it's pretty awesome. Display posts from previous: You cannot post new topics in this forum You cannot reply to topics in this forum You cannot edit your posts in this forum You cannot delete your posts in this forum You cannot post attachments in this forum.

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This site is best viewed in a modern browser with JavaScript enabled. Close to their home galaxy there were the Tau'ri via lactea, the skyriver galaxy star wars the star trek via lactea and many others. As their power expanded to their neighbor galaxy's, they growth without anything to stop them. One day they discovered a device capable of sending them to another universes. They are now exploring the Cosmoteer universe. The Empire is divided in 4 main Corps.: The Diplomatic and humanitary corps.

They call that day A God Fall , they never imagined that the "God" wasnt fully dead First era, BBX The Zankaran were born on a galaxy at war, the conflict caused many worlds to collapse, entire races being destroyed and poverty to spread. They were on a outer rim planet, they had no army, ships or defense. At that time, the Zankaran called themselves "Kions", they were a industrial era civilization, governed by an Emperor. Their reassemble humans, but with little "feathers" like sith purebloods and their skin varied from red, to blue.

They generaly poses tatoos covering the body. One day, a ship was discovered buried within the Capital, they proceed to learn in secret and the misterys of the ship, quickly realizing the ship was old and powerful. They began forming a small military, and when the time comes, they manage to defend their homeworld from the faction which was the strongest at the time. They swear to bring peace and order to their galaxy, even if they don't wanted it. When they turned on, the ship began to charge, and a voice was heard.

They manage to talk to the Ancient, explaining that she awoke millenia later, and if she move, she will kill bilions on top of her.

She agree, and she help them by giving them many secrets, for better weapons, shields, infrastructure, trade, etc. She called herself Great Zafiira, the 2nd Ancient. She was very emotive and compassive.

She reefer to them as:. Which in Ancient language means: My children , from which they take their name: Old Empire ships were still used. They are now afraid of what lays beyond their galaxy, but actually they began exploratory and military campaings to other galaxys. At this point they had upgraded the hyperspace tech. They created the Hyperspace Slipstream, much faster than anything the other ever had.

The Grand Zafiira is free from the capital, she goes away, but swear to return. A Cold War kicks in. The Zankaran oficially call themselves Zankaran Empire. G and the Z. The Zankaran developt the first Interphasic Cloaking Device.

They stole the Death Star plans and build it on some capital ships. The Hunter class and the Warbird desings are first created. Most Old Empire ships are phased out. Another Cold War begin. A replica of The Grand Zafiira is put in a museum in orbit of the planet. Its discovered about the Ancient Ship race and the Ancient War. The Executor and the X starfighter are desings. Nihil Stella is found. The Galactica class are desing.

With her help, the Zankaran defeat Nihil Stella. She refuses to receive new tech, but she stays in Zankaran territory to help them.

The Galor class dreadnought and the flaship Titan class mk1 is desing. The ZE sends their whole fleet at the Excalibur passage, a hyperspace anomaly. The CUG counters by sending every ship they have to the passage forming a blockade. The confrontation ended with Zankaran victory and theres nothing more in their way.

The Titan mk2 is desing, the Shadow hunter and the Akira class are desing. The ZIE and the Grand Zafiira discovers an artifact capable of breaking time and space, they first adventure to this universe.

QHS and Quantum weaponary is develompt. The Zankaran symbol is created to represent the ZIE. They officialy call themselves Zankaran Infinity Empire. They reffit their ships with drone tech adquired from the Drone faction. The Zankaran engage in war with the AA. They also engage the Star Reapers and join the Pact of Honor.

They reach a golden age, creating the Breacher class and dozens of new desings. After months of consideration, the Zankaran Emperor and the Council voted in favor of making the Empire a Republic, giving rise to the Zankaran Universal Republic.

Following the dismantle of the Empire, the Zankaran Senate voted for the Zankaran Attack force to be shut down, remaing only defense forces, however there will still remain a military presence in the Cosmoteer Galaxy, with most if the old Attack Force being directed to there.

The Great Zankaran Wars. Attack on the Star Reapers conflict. Victory Order vs Chaos Brood discontinued and Moira are good. Unknow Voidborn Empire reclamation: The Shadow hunter and The Silencer starfighter poses Interfasic cloaking device, allowing it to spy our alli.. Ships will detect a energy spike, but wont be able to fire on the ships. A powerful FTL drive that can cross intergalactic space in hours. A drive infinitly more powerful and faster, being capable of creating a breach in the multiverse to enter another universe.

The drive is very rare, reserved for Dreadnoughts and Flagships, which is the reason of the need of Breachers and Entrance One. QHS is also capable of incresing the hull strengh of thr ship its in, making it almost indestructable. Weapons used on prototypes to cause great damage to other ships. Present on breach makers, the Singularity allows safe passage of any starship the size of the breach to any universe on the know multiverse. Multi espectrum scan scout: The ship will leave HS for less than a millisecond and do a scan of a strip of the battlefield, then they will go back HS and repeat this process hundreds of times until they have enough data in order to start an attack.

The ZIE navy is divided in Legions: Insode the legion there are 10 fleets. Each fleet os compose of: Such standart fleet os generally used on patrols and defenses of the ZIE border. The diplomatic corps are divided in 30 legions of diplomatic, humanitary and exploratory fleets. And 10 fleets for exploration, these are compose of whatever ship the admiral feels is right for where they are exploring.

Old Zankaran Empire flag. The lines represent space and time, and where they met, there is the Empire symbol. Nothing will stand in our way, Not time and space, neither our enemies, the Empire will last forever! The Zankaran govern about a to world near the outer rim of the main galaxy. And all of their universe.

Made by DogeGoodGuy and Jared. They also have multiple colonies and territory in the companion galaxy in the opposite side of the hyperspace roadways. The capital colony is Nova Prime. After the birth of the Republic, they began to build a new flagship, focused on self defense.

After many attempts, they got to this desing, the Esperanza class. The ship is 16km in lenght lore, irl is only meters and has a huge arsenal of weapons. The ship main purpose is diplomatic missions and defend the Republic. X Starfighter is the bulk of the Zankaran attack force and is one of the cheapest ships Cost: The fastest undercover stealth ship of the fleet, capable of performing surprise attacks an fast Kills Cost: Zankaran Military Outpost is a Deep space base of operations and a fearsome object in the sky Cost: The workhorse of the Empire and the Republic, serving as main capital ship.

Received a refit in the recent years. A capital ship following the thinking "bigger is better, and moar dakka", making it a fearsome warrior, however ita not much used in this universe. Titanic Leviathan Class With stunnig meters in long and meters wide, this behemoth really fit this class.

Its armament included 94 nuke lauchers, over 40 Nihil Stella, both the op and the shield buster, and over shield generators.