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Replace transaction merkle tree with a Merkle-sum-tree. This allows SPV nodes to stochastically validate the subsidy in blocks by fetching a random leaf and then fetching its txins. This way if you have a stream of utxo queries coming in, you can make the work of them mine for you. Validation then, is mining. If you don't have enough queries coming in you just make some up at random. Represent the script as a merklized abstract syntax tree. The P2SH address is the root.

When bitgo github tutorial the spender bitgo github tutorial may provide only the branch they are executing, and hashes for the unexecuted branches. This increases privacy and can compress long scripts on spend.

Pruned history Structure transactions so that the parts needed for validation txins, scriptsigs are separate from the output data scriptpubkey, output and fee values and bitgo github tutorial them in separate hash trees. All nodes fully prune all data more than a few thousand blocks back. Massive space savings and improvements in syncup speed. Massive security loss— an attacker that can construct a large reorg can steal all the transacted coin beyond a certain depth.

Normative and committed merklized UTXO data structure allows full validation of current blocks by storageless nodes with SPV security Can be complimented by proof-of-misbehavior messages that show a block is invalid by packing up the tree fragments that provide the data needed to see its invalidity. ZKP Validated checkpoints— Is it possible to use computational integrity to create compact constant size checkpoint proofs that show that a checkpoint was the result of a faithful bitgo github tutorial of the blockchain?

This could be used to give pruned history the same security as full Bitcoin up to the limitations of the integrity proofs. Chain folding If nodes don't actually need to validate old chain data because of committed UTXO and pruned historyit would be possible to 'fold up' the historic chain: Nodes which are validating just to gauge difficulty bitgo github tutorial skip the intermediate blocks.

This can be applied recursively. If the backpointers are randomized and every block is a candidate summary you end making the chain a merklized skiplist. Alternatively, do not store a UTXO set. Instead encode the transactions outputs in the blockchain in a merkle mountain range an insertion ordered fully populated binary tree, setup to make appends cheap over the whole chain. Transactions are required to provide the update proofs that show their inputs in the tree and thus also allow you to null them out.

This means that fully validating nodes and miners can be basically storageless, bitgo github tutorial wallets must take on the cost of remembering their own coins. A transaction is mined but it isn't clear which inputs its spending. Fees are paid by unblinded inputs to prevent DOS attacks. Blinding is bitgo github tutorial in such a way that double spends are still obvious. If full nodes become expensive to operate in the future then they may become uncommon and this could compromise the security of Bitcoin.

This risk can be reduced if it's made possible for Bitcoin nodes to check all the rules at random and transmit compact proofs of rule violations. If this is done even if there is only one honest full node in the world the system is secure so long as it can communicate to all others.

In general, in any deterministic computation process if you have simple state updates and commit to the sequence of states a compact proof of invalidity can bitgo github tutorial generated by producing a hash tree fragment to the first invalidate bitgo github tutorial transition.

Ideas in this space have been previously discussed under the banner of proof-of-treachery [1]. Right now not all of the rules can be checked randomly or have compact proofs.

SPV header checks bitgo github tutorial time, target, difficulty, already have them. But if future SPV nodes don't really check all the headers in the future it may be useful to arrange old header times in a merkle mountain range to proofs of sum difficulty and compact proofs of incorrect difficulty.

Proof of invalid script Possible in the current system: Proof is tree fragments for the invalid txn in question as well as one invalid input no need to include more than one. Could be made more efficient by including commitments to intermediate states, but with the opcode limit all scripts are compact to verify in Bitcoin without doing anything fancier. Also proves nlocktime, etc. To prove bitgo github tutorial value greater than inputs all inputs must be provided in the proof. Proof of double spend Possible in the current system: Bitgo github tutorial is tree fragments for the two transactions which spend the same input.

Proof of false inflation Not possible without more bitgo github tutorial The coinbase payment is the sum of fees in a block and the subsidy. Fees require knowing the transaction's inputs output values, to check subsidy you must not only have all the transactions but all their inputs as well. Nodes can randomly check this by grabbing a random txn and checking its inputs, and bitgo github tutorial prove violation by showing where the fees don't match their commitments.

Proof of block too large Similar to false inflation, requires all the transactions, can similarly be solved by including the sum of txn sizes in the tree. Proof of spending a non-existing input Requires additional data: Proof is a pair of tree fragments for the higher and lower records for the missing entry, and another pair for the outputs created within a block but consumed.

I think you can even pull that off as a soft-fork I get your point, sometimes just trust-less is enough I think the big question is do you need the self-modifying code that forth makes possible?

IE things like SPV-verifiable colored coins I think it makes most sense when the only pow is in tx's, although exactly what that'd look like is an interesting question I'd still be in favor of improving things generally, e.

What I'd do is just implement a bitgo github tutorial snark validation, and providing the snark verification key in the transaction. Though I'm not aware of any way to do that which we'd consider in scope for this discussion. I propose that if our choice operator s are good then a maximally efficient winternitz signature will be completely natural.

The public key is just the root hash over this data. So, is there a way with ECDSA, given three messages pick a pubkey,r,s such that pubkey,r,s is a valid signature of any one of the three messages? I think bitgo github tutorial most fundemental thing I've discovered is the concepts of how mining can be bitgo github tutorial into timestamping and proof-of-publication Is it back in your possession now?

What if that data has been further split into multiple parts with an error correcting code and spread to multiple machines. Now where does the coin reside? But there is no need that the best analogies need to be physically intutive, in fact basically all of higher mathmatics is about manipulating abstractions which are in no way physically intutive. I think relating to a payments ability to require transferable restrictions on the next transaction.

But make the covenants temporary, the coins themselves perishable, bitgo github tutorial applied to user issued assets not colored coins but separately issued assets a la freimarketsand it is a different story IMHO. Some of your competition doesn't mind disclosing this however. I think they should just take the scheme we discussed previously and execute it under a ZKP for general programs.

It would be similar in size to the zerocash bitgo github tutorial. Verifer does this too. Both prover and verifier get a hash root. The verifyer verifies the signature and the zkp. But it shouldn't be terrible. I believe it would be cheaper than another sha hash in any case.

Or of an encrypted value or. I think not, at least not with the GGPR12 stuff as the arith circuit field size is set by the size of the pairing crypto curve. You could get more elaborate, like timelocking the funds and show that funds beyond the withdraw daily limits are actually unspendable by the network, but perhaps I'm getting to cipherpunk there. I'm thinking for a merklized AST what makes sense is merklized forth.

The forth dictionary concept is perfect for it, and bitgo github tutorial you have a simple, easy to implement language already used for embedded andother things and bitcoin scripting along with all the usual nice things like editor modes and what not So you've got your parameter stack and return stack, and are thus at the point where you can recreate Bitcoin scripting.

Now the interesting thing to do is add TPM functionality, which means a PCR opcode and stack to allow you to select what you want to consider as the start of the current trusted block of code. Then add an encrypted stack, as expected encrypted with H sec PCR tipand some sort of monotonic counter thing.

That should give bitgo github tutorial enough to do trusted computing with an extremely stable API, and that API itself can be just AST heads of useful library function calls that may actually be implemented directly in C or whatever rather than the opcodes themselves.

I don't know that explicitly supporting that makes sense. Equally, forth is already common in applications, IE spacecraft, where you need relatively bare metal languages with simple frameworks and symantics; note how with forth it's much easier to get to the level where you trust that the code being run is what you actually wrote than, say, C.

Equally, forth is already common bitgo github tutorial applications, IE spacecraft, where you need relatively bare metal languages with simple frameworks and symantics; note how with forth it's much easier to get to the level where you trust that the Just be clear what the maximum's are for the variou bitgo github tutorial of the stack.

Dunno yet what the stack datatype should be, MPI's are nice but there is the subtle issue that it'd be good to have some clear idea of bitgo github tutorial many operations an operation takes. Of course, really simple would be bit ints and implement everything higher level in forth. Maybe a merkle mountain range of every value ever associated with a given key?

I mentioned to TD earlier today the idea of miners committing to a merkle tree of txids in their mempool, just to bitgo github tutorial visibility, bitgo github tutorial could use that if the commitment included txins being bitgo github tutorial. Appending needs to touch only the "mountain tips", that is the perfect merkle trees already stored, and for n items stored you'll have log2 n trees.

I've got an idea where you'd make transactions have commitments of previous ones with a merkle-mountain-range-like scheme so you could efficiently reference any previous transaction up to the genesis block. This is easiest to understand if transactions can only have linear history, but a dag history is doable too.

Anyway, bitgo github tutorial software would receive that history to know the coins are valid, thus pushing validation directly to bitgo github tutorial users. Obviously some way of pruning that history is important, SCIP is heavy-weight and complex but could work.

So one bitgo github tutorial accumulator would be to construct a merkle tree of a bit field with one bit for every integer between 0 and 2 You can prove you added an integer to that set by showing the leaves for an operation updating bitgo github tutorial appropriate bit, and you can remove an integer with another set of bitgo github tutorial.

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We support just about every currency in the world. The currency is configured on each machine before shipping, and can be updated anytime afterwards. Each machine can handle one currency at a time. Almost any language is supported. Yes, the purchase agreement is available on our website as well as the due diligence questionnaire for US buyers.

In addition, all of our support desk is openly available: VAT is not included in the price of the machine. We pack your machine with the utmost care, using superior packing materials and reinforced, heavy duty wooden crates. Multiple shipping services are offered, or you can arrange for your own courier. Ex-works pickup is available in Portugal. We accept bitcoin and wire transfers. We do not yet have a clear position of the compliance requirements.

We strongly recommend formulating one with an attorney or compliance firm. Not all states do. States such as Texas and New Hampshire have made it clear that if no third party is involved, no license is required. This means that the operator sells directly to the end-user, without involving additional parties, such as exchanges or agents. We recommend contacting any state in question and inquiring. The user scans the PDF barcode on the back of their license, which pulls up their name and address.

For this level of compliance there is no method for confirming the identity of the user, but the use of the license may be limited to a certain daily amount. Yes,in fact, the default state of the machine is with ID verification disabled. If the operator is obligated to verify ID in their jurisdiction, we will help them get set up in no time and enable the option on their machines. Our next option will be registered phone number verification, via IdentityMind. Jumio identification is planned as well, as they accept many different forms of ID.

We made a decision to keep the network of Lamassu machines private and distributed. You own the hardware outright and the software is open source. Support will be provided at no cost for the first month of any new machine, and payment can be suspended for machines that are not live. This would depend on traffic and your convenience. How many bitcoins are you selling every day, and how often do you plan to replenish your wallet?

By using our exchange trading option on your back-end. With each purchase of bitcoin at the machine, the back-end will convert the same amount from fiat to bitcoin in your exchange account, capturing the present value. The back-end office is software that is intended to be installed on a server run by the operator. We have a simple installation guide for Digital Ocean, whose set up process we provide support for, but some operators have run it on an Amazon instance as well.

An Ubuntu Server Some options are available of the GUI, some via command line. Many more are to come. The wallet is currently stored on the server if the operator chooses the bitcoind option.

Wallet replenishment must currently be done manually, for security reasons. If your back-end server were to be compromised, the attacker would be able to get not only the bitcoins but all the cash reserves on your account, via sell orders and withdrawals. You can expect the first few months to be slower and have traffic pick up as customers hear about the machine and learn to rely on it for repeat purchases.

One thing we know for certain, the numbers are going up rapidly. For some, operating BTMs is their primary business.

For others, a steady stream of additional income. Train stations, trendy shops in trendy neighborhoods, easily accessible in and out for return customers , etc. Experience is another important factor. We have a guide for suggestions to gain publicity from your launch and would be glad to lend advice on your press release. One requirement that keeps coming up is the need for an electronic audit lock, and we have begun researching this option. The machines feature two Abloy Protec2 locks, one for the 2.

The machine is designed to be bolted to a secure surface, and comes with an 8mm mounting plate and five massive M12 bolts. If secured properly, they will be just as theft-proof as a standard ATM, if not safer. The Santo Tirso features the same secure locking mechanism and vault structure as the Douro.

The Douro is mounted atop the Santo Tirso or Braga with four M12 bolts, and the stands themselves are designed to be anchored into the floor with an additional four M12 bolts. A wired connection is highly preferred. If wireless, a dedicated connection such as a 4G hotspot is best. Powder coating in different colors is an option for larger orders. It would have to be a RAL color. Vinyl cut logos are an option as well. Graphics must be supplied. Without the Santo Tirso, the machine Douro model is cash to Bitcoin only.

We do not currently use a recycler at all. An additional webcam angle will be available in the future. The only thing that will take up bandwidth are the updates when we push them. They can be 10mb or more. We do not recommend changing the client machine software as we are not able to provide support for non-Lamassu versions.

We also encourage that all software development remain open source. Zero-confirmation payout limits are defined by the operator.

If the limit is exceeded or if the transaction does not pass basic tests powered by Chain. When the transaction confirms, the user will receive an SMS with a redeem code. If the local connection drops in the middle of a transaction, the back-end will automatically send the balance of the bills which have been inserted so far, with the remainder if any sent immediately when the machine regains connection.

Our project is on GitHub: Screenshots of user screens may be found here. You have full control over your back-end and private keys. We emphasize security during setup and have resources to help you maintain a high degree of security for your machine and wallet. We use industrial components and hardware issues are rare, but when they occur we are quick to ship out replacements via courier at our expense.

Our operators know they can rely on our support. Take a look at our support desk and the guides we provide for our operators, it speaks for itself: If any hardware fails in the first 12 months, we will either fix or replace it and provide guidance. Beyond that period we will provide spare parts for a charge. Troubleshooting and shipping of replacement parts when necessary. All components are easy to replace and do not require a professional. We have a lot of guides and video tutorials to walk you through the process.

Basic Linux command line knowhow is helpful as well. It is also possible to install the back-end server prior to the purchase of the machine: Our support portal provides many relevant articles on getting your machine running and troubleshooting any issues.

We offer support by email and live chat sessions. Updates to the machine image are pushed remotely by our server. We will only update your machine with your permission. Updates to the back-end are accomplished by a quick update script. Which languages are supported?

They are crafted, assembled and tested by our small and skilled team in northern Portugal. Where do the machines ship from? Our machines ship from Portugal. Is VAT included in the price? What is the shipping weight and what are the shipping dimensions? The shipping weight and dimensions are: What are your payment terms? What HS code is used for customs? No, they are not, buyer is fully responsible for customs and duties in destination country.

How is ID verification performed? Are transaction limits for ID verification customizable?