Build Plate Tape for MakerBot Replicator Mini

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When you have a print that stuck too well to the build plate it can be very frustrating. Here are some techniques we use to make this process a little easier. The first step is if possible remove your build plate.

It makerbot mini build plate tape much easier to both damage your print and injure yourself if you are struggling to remove a print in the confined space inside the printer. Another widely used item to remove prints is a putty knife as it slips under prints very easily, but the downside to a putty knife is that it is very difficult to avoid damaging your build tape. On a tall and skinny print with limited contact to the build plate it is often possible to use the handle of a screwdriver or something similar to whack the print to loosen it.

Although this method is very fast and easy, it does risk damaging the print especially if it is fragile or has very few shells and infill. With your chosen tool the best bet is to start at corners or areas with protruding shapes as they are more likely to be easy to makerbot mini build plate tape under.

Once you makerbot mini build plate tape started under as many corners as possible it then makerbot mini build plate tape time to try to work towards the middle from each corner. If you can safely grab the print and apply slight upward pressure pulling away from the corner you are working on you will often have better results.

If the print is too well stuck then get a can of compressed air, turn it upside down and spray your print near its base. This will rapidly cool the print cause it to shrink a tiny amount often breaking the bond to the build plate.

Be aware that the print and glass build plates may be more brittle like this. If all else fails sacrificing your build tape is often a decent option rather than risking damage to your print. This can be done by removing the tape from the build plate if possible and then using rubbing alcohol, water or another liquid to weaken the glue on the tape and help break the bond to the tape.

If you have designed something to 3D print it may seem like there is no easy way to remove it from the print bed no matter what you do. Here are some tips that may help you with better preparing for a print that may not be easy makerbot mini build plate tape remove. When you are designing your part, keep in mind that large flat surfaces without any corners can be difficult to get off the print bed.

Consider adding small notches around the print to make starting the removal makerbot mini build plate tape by allowing you to get underneath it safely and easily. This plate allows you to print even extremely difficult to remove prints and remove them simply by flexing the plate.

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