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Matter decided in favour of Bhayana Tents. Case filed before High Court of Delhi O. Matter decided in favour of ITPO. Case filed before High Court of Delhi W. ITPO was proforma respondent only. Arbitrator appointed case withdrawn. Case before Shri S. Gaur, Sole Arbitrator issue involved reg. Extension of license period. For loss of business on account of non-permission during the fair period. Gaur, Sole Arbitrator, issue involved reg.
Recovery amount of Rs. Anju Sharma, Delhi Please intimate the Computation of the number of vacancies available has been carried out in all the establishment and further identified the posts for disabled persons within a period of three months i. Status of Action taken on the No. If so, please provide the copy of Recruitment Rules, Gazette Notification of the same. Not applicable in view of reply given at Sr. What are the work responsibilities assigned to them in detail.
The amount of budgetary allocation for the year and The budgetary allocations were made for Rs. In — with the approval of the Board and in consultation with Social Welfare Deptt. The total cost of above initiatives was Rs.
In — at the instance of Social Welfare Deptt. ITPO would spend amount Rs. Steno in ITPO and would like to have certified copies of the relevant pages whichever is required. I want to inspect the roster of Test Quota and Seniority Quota maintained for promotion to the post of Sr.
Manager F 5 -- 5 5. The information of above may please be furnished in the following manner. Photocopies 19 page of correspondence made with CVC and Dept. Copy of the LPC has already been provided to you. Additional information sought is not available in the LPC. Srihan, provide the copy of his representation. The information sought is not available in the file. Hence, participation level by them in sq.
In the case of States, the information computed keeping 50 for small and participants for large States. III related to Shri N. The information sought by you is not available with ITPO. You may contact CII directly for the same. Their official address is as under: Any other related important information related to it. Vishwanathan with regard to Recruitment Rules to the post of Sr.
Steno by handwriting expert. Copy of letter dated Kindly provide the following information: Cut-off marks in interview and consolidated cut-off for final selection to the post of Deputy Manager. On the basis of marks obtained in written test, a panel was prepared as under: For 3 UR posts; a panel of 12 candidates.
For 1 OBC post; a panel of 5 candidates. For 1 ST post; a panel of 3 candidates. On the basis of marks obtained in written test and interview, one OBC, one ST and 3 UR candidates were finally selected for recruitment. List of all candidates finally selected along with marks obtained by them at different stages of exam i. List, showing marks obtained is as under: All the candidates have joined; hence, there is no waiting list.
Leather Good Fair, Kolkata; http: Websites should have detailed directory of key contacts, details of officials of the Public Authority.
Every public authority must endeavour to integrate the information mentioned in these sub clauses while preparing voluntary disclosure materials. The challenge is to present a simplified version of the decision making procedure that is of interest to a common citizen. The Action Taken report on the compliance of these guidelines should be sent, along with the URL link, to the DoPT and Central Information Commission soon after the expiry of the initial period of 6 months.
Proactive disclosure should be done in local language so that it remains accessible to public. Website should contain all the relevant Acts, Rules, forms and other documents, which are normally accessed by citizens. Every Public Authority must endeavour to integrate the information mentioned in these sub-clauses while preparing voluntary disclosure materials.
Please provide copies of all URLs regarding compliance with above guidelines. Name of the official responsible for compliance with above guidelines. Copy of tentative programme for compliance with above guidelines.
Please intimate the Computation of the number of vacancies available has been carried out in all the establishment and further identified the posts for disabled persons within a period of three months i. I want to inspect all the files since to till date promotion files pertaining to the promotion to the post of Sr. Please provide the following documents from the File No. Please supply the authenticated copy of the following information under RTI Act Cut-off marks in written exam to be eligible for selection interview stage for all categories i.
Candidate Written Interview Total 1. All Public Authorities shall proactively Disclose RTI Applications and Appeals received and their responses, on the websites maintained by Public Authorities with search facility based on key words. Ensure that websites disclosures are complete, easily accessible technology and platform neutral and in a form which conveys the desired information in an effective and User friendly manner.