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About me My name is Matticus and this is my World of Warcraft blog. It's nice to have some stam back, as well. Comentario de Life You answered your own question.

Kill the Shadow Council! Take healing look at the following shot:. Comentario de pibbz As staff PTR today ethereum 8ththis item has the following stats: View in 3D Compare Find upgrades. Bite of the Bleeding Hollow: Darkness Falls Shadowmoon Valley. Ashenvale The Chief's Enforcer: But my healing has gone up slightly. Vengeful Gladiator's War Staff: Are you sure you want to delete this answer?

Message for Garrosh Orgrimmar Stonesplinter Staff: Alexstrasza's Gift The Eye of Eternity. But look at the amount of Spirit that I gained.

Rod of the Blazing Light:. I picked up a whopping 62 spirit. A quick glance on the tooltip on the side shows that I lose 4 mp5 while casting, but I gain 23 mp5 while not casting. So herein lies the dilemma. My original intent was to use one staff as my main healing staff and the other one to regenerate mana. Most raiding encounters are endurance based. They depend on how long you can keep your assigned tanks alive instead of how much you can keep them alive for.

I lose the nice how to get ethereum life staff MP5 while casting with the new staff. I will rarely, if ever, get chances to sit and just regen my mana.

No one in my Guild uses Spellsurge at the moment. But maybe I can influence them to create a Spellsurge mana endurance group. How much healing do I lose? Is the decrease in healing worth the extra longevity? How much mana do I gain back if I were to be innervated? What will benefit my healing the most? What will benefit my raid the most?

Everything looked so simple the first time when I compared 81 Healing with Spellsurge. Any healers out there? Discussion of any kind would help.

My name is Matticus and this is my World of Warcraft blog. Here you can read about my thoughts regarding healing as a priest.

As a former guild master, I also write about guild and raid related topics. The blog has expanded to include thoughts from other regular contributors. The aim of this blog is to help you grow and improve. My unending goal is to have something relevant and useful in every post. Visit the Guildmasters to talk shop with other GMs, raid leaders, and officers. My current guild is on Kel'Thuzad US. Comment by Sirloin This is also useful as a "spirit stick" to use only while innervating, especially with a Spirit enchant.

Comment by danton83 As a priest in 2. Comment by Juggernot i think that this staff is one of the BEST holy priest staves there are, because it increases healing how to get ethereum life staffand that means that it can save a tank's life, not to mention the other things it can do. Comment by Juggernot oh yeah, forgot those: Comment by Calidus Based on your comment, I assume you're a druid. Comment by Kelesti Anyone mind telling me why this staff and the one from Magtheridon are upside down as far as one-sided enchants go?

Comment by Cheeseits I must say out of all the staffs this one most surely tops my favroites: Comment by Ironbones Hey what is this staff compared to a ToL druid with the http: Comment by delilah This is my dream staff right now, I hope it drops soon from Solarian Comment by dante51 The best staff ever made by Blizzard,they try to make something equal by the honor point staff,but this one is the best,i have it and use it even today.

Comment by samljer Id love to go back to a time when this was the biggest mistake blizzard had made "reskinning" TBC how to get ethereum life staff the height of WoW i think, and WotLK was great too.

Cata killed something in the game for me, and i dont know what it is yet, somethings missing though. Comment by Anck Some enchant glows, most notably Power Torrent, display on both ends of this staff! Beautiful effect with Power Torrent pic submitted. Comment by Neutralis This fits any frost set you are making. Comment by Spycrab I snagged this to how to get ethereum life staff with my how to get ethereum life staff.

It's not a great match, but I love this staff and the others like it. Nice luck that the pet drop is a totally perfect match for a warlock, too. The way enchantments display on this staff is unique, as some people have shown on other screenshots.

It doesn't how to get ethereum life staff dumb and sit on one tip of the staff like I half-expected when I transmogged to it. My warlock isn't cap yet, so I stuck Spellpower on to look at it and got a nice matching purple glow that sits right at the base of the two crystals. It goes great with the set now and I'll probably use that in WoD on him.

That's my point -- most importantly, this staff is potentially very cool for enchantment transmog changes in WoD! You know, the whole thing where you can change enchantment looks? How to get ethereum life staff think this staff has some of the biggest potential I've seen for some awesome looks. Combining colors like I did there is how to get ethereum life staff start. Hurricane is the first one that came to mind, though. The color of the enchant is very close to that of the staff and the little lightning effect might look great.

If anyone does that or whatever equivalent we get, I definitely want to see a screencap! View in 3D Compare Find upgrades Please keep the following in mind when posting a comment: Your comment must be in English or it will be removed. Unsure how to post? Check out our handy guide! Rod of the Blazing Light:

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