How to get Active Directory Users and Computers with Exchange Management Tools working in Windows 7

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Since my migration to Windows 7 there have still been a few things missing that would be nice to have. One of those is the Exchange System Manager tools. There are ways and methods out there to getting this to work but most will involve uninstalling outlook and reinstalling after you have installed ESM tools. Although I did find a really quick and easy solution this morning after reading the following posts on TechNet Exchange System Manager for exchange Finally open up a Command Prompt as Administrator.

This worked perfectly and with far less complication than other suggestions. Thank you very much! I had downloaded esmvista. Tobi Hrm, never tried it on 64bit. Has anyone else had any luck with 64bit? Everything works fine except the exchange tabs.

I exchange 2003 with vista 64 bit tried installing this on a bit Win7 with no luck. It appears to work, but then there are no extra tabs in ADUC. Still working it out. This is so life saving.

Jon Smith No luck either with Windows 7 64 bits. DId you receive any replies from people that made it wotk with 64 bits win 7 Thanks for your help. Claude Cardinal Unfortunately not. I am no longer in an exchange environment so I have no way of testing this any further. It worked to a point… as far as using the Exchange System Management tools, which was previously unavailable after this process.

Hey guys, I think I might have found the solution to your problem. When executing the above command I saw an error in the event log immediately afterwards as copied below. Exchange System Manager — Error You do not have sufficient privileges to complete this installation for all users of the machine.

Log on as administrator and then retry this installation. To remedy this, even while logged on as a exchange 2003 with vista 64 bit admin I went ahead and launched command from the windowssystem32 folder as an admin. But along the way, I googled and believed that there must be some easy way. There I saw this article and cancelled the installation of the SDK installer. Looks amusing when the MSI installer goes backwards: This is not supported by Microsoft.

OK, If they are not willing to fix it, than I should look at another email system which is more compatible. I am sure it is not that complicated. Many of us are not ready exchange 2003 with vista 64 bit just to a newer version of Exchange. Now my question is i cant run it as a different user.

I log in with an account with basic rights but i run the mmc as my admin account. Anyone doing the same thing i am doing?

I used exchange 2003 with vista 64 bit following bat script to run it and it worked C: MSI is 32 bit so it will install the 32bit version. Download the file Extract to C: I did a fresh install of Win7 and it would be nice if we had start to finish instructions on getting the Exchange tabs working.

I was having the same issues with Windows 7 Bit. Install Service Pack 1 for Windows 7, fixes the problem. That is the bomb! Works like a charm! I now use the. I have the Exchange tabs and tasks in my AD snap-in no problems. Details shows here as well: I gave up on getting Exchange tools on my win 7 x64 workstation exchange 2003 with vista 64 bit couple years ago and was happy to find this thread.

Happily running it now. Thanks for getting a solution posted for us! This method is using Windows 7 bit. I was able to get this working once before using a similar method, but this time, this is what I did. I followed the directions and it works great. The only hitch is I saved exchange 2003 with vista 64 bit snap-in to facilitate ease of use. Does anyone have any suggestions to create a shortcut that incorporates the exchange tabs permanently? To check to make sure it is working: Works every time now.

For those of you that use ADUC shortcuts all i did after performing the esmvista. Your email address will not be published. The Lazy Sys Admin. March 1, at April 12, at April 29, at 6: April 30, at 1: April 30, at May 1, at 8: May 3, at May 6, at 1: Jeremy ESM is installed on Win7 bit.

However, it is not in ADUC as of yet. May exchange 2003 with vista 64 bit, at 3: May 21, at May 25, at 1: May 28, at 9: June 3, at 5: June 16, at June 17, at June 22, at 3: June 22, at 8: The only hope exchange 2003 with vista 64 bit that someone else finds a solution and lets us know. June 29, at 7: July 14, at 5: That has worked for me and I also have the exchange tabs.

August 17, at 9: August 27, at September 6, at September 14, at 6: September 16, at September 17, at September 18, at 5: September 22, at That works on bit too. September 23, at 7: November 9, at 6: Hmm when I add the active users snapin mmc crashes. Anyone experienced this issue? November 21, at 6: December 6, at 8: December 14, at 7:

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