Bitcoin exchange volume charts of the great wall of china
Bitcoin exchange volume chart autism
Crypto For The People. Video Share Download Add to. Mobile miner is announced to come out March 5th. More deals signed in Barcelona. This industry is just being born. Jeff at Alt coin buzz has a new video out as well with 3 sleeping giant coins and ETN is one of them.
Remember we are a Monero privacy coin the move up will be grand regardless and then as use case increases. I for one am excited to see this all happen as we change the daily money. No more banker BS, thefts, inflation, and so on.
We will get to keep our earnings and pass them to our children with out a local Gov't grubby blood soaked paw out demanding a cut. Once we have it all in a paper wallet Nobody can mess with it. I do not trust the ledger wallets they can have back doors to them we will not be told about. Here to ETN may they fulfill their vision and some of our dreams all at the same time. Guys Aitheon Flash sale is ON now. Only for 2 days.
If you wish to partcipate, use this ref. Are we talking about "actual" mining or a mining "simulation"? John Christopher Velayo Tantoco 4 months ago. Is anybody else getting sick of the missed deadlines and hollow promises???? Mobile miner was supposed to be released November 1. D awesome news on the Mobile Miner announcement btw.
It's hard to hold notes, pretend that someone is talking to you in your ear and use a computer while doing a RUvid video and keeping your compsure! Loving the new security features they adding.
Seems like what Qryptos is doing with IP addresses. Dear Sean would you mind sending me a direct message i would like to talk to you directly, on behalf of a project. For those in, or interested in cryptos positive influence in the medical field www. The news stopped the blood letting. Long term this coins team have the long view of the coin reliance and reputation. I just searched the Historical Snapshots on coinmarketcap and here is what I found: They dumped one billion coins at one time between the date shown below on the market.
Since there is no way they could have 'mined' that much ETN in 9 weeks it appears they're dumping coin. Hope we can find out for sure because this just does not add up! This is perfect for me. I have some bitcoin that becomes available tomorrow. Now that the miner and the exchanges are taking longer than originally thought, I can move more money into ETN before whenmoonshotlambo.
We need pull our mined coins and donate them to the mobile miners in the 3rd world counties to increase their shares. Please pass this on. Holder and fan here..
But if they are trying to reach people that thank God for 2 dollars a month, do they really think they can afford a Samsung 8 or 9? And why would partners care about mass adoption to millions of people who won't be ordering new Nikes anytime soon ETN is so bad at doing what they say i feel sorry for bag holders you must be gutted by there total lack of professionalism they didnt have it running for the conference thats so fail.
Litepay is out next week ETN missed there chance to go big now timing is everything and they totally missed every target they set and had not 1 but 2 failed launches and still there blockchain is riddled with bugs and problems because they just fork monero instead of creating a custom blockchain for there currency whats the point of having a centralised privacy coin its not private at all because it centralised this project such a hot mess.
I guess that's why its called Electroneum it sucks all your electricity. But many quite poor folks do. I was in tunisia and they are a poor 2nd world country and they all have cell phones.
If you don't want your ETN, sell it to me and move on to another one that you like better. So the two or three dollars that people will receive from the mobile miner is coming from where? Because it's not real mining, so how is electroneum monetized?? To those having a whinge - Remember, this coin is to benifit the underdeveloped countries first more than us lucky fucks who could buy thousands on etn easily without starving.
Yes i would love a lambo, but id rarther see potentially millions people in poorer countries benifit from etn first, even in small ways, way before me buying a red penis extention. The company has been around for 3 fucking months! If it took 3 years just to get to a single dollar. Thats fine by me. ETN is the pinnicle of what blockchain is all about, to unite the world equally one day. Not just merely to make us rich cunts more rich. Yes of course, i , like all, want it to go up, and it will in due course.
But maybe lets all just chill , and let million of the most needy get some chocolate with their rice for a while first, before we fuss about our "poor mobile mining only being a few bucks per month now " problems, while somehow forgetting about our 10, Love ya work as always Sean, thanks mate.
Not sure if mobile mining will work on an Obama phone or not.. ETN is not meant to be globalized distributed income for everyone. If you are here to quit your job and farm ETN you've misinterpreted what Electroneum is all about. Free coins is to get people to see how easy it is to move money in a decentralized way so that the world can begin to utilize this technology mainly in underdeveloped countries.
Then once people understand that they can be their own bank, the hope is that decentralized marketplaces sprout up where they could not before because there are no banks or reliable central munnie systems. Think about the electricity used to maintain a charge on your phone. I remember hearing people complaining when btc wasn't moving off of If you believe in the project, sit tight be patient and see how it plays out. It's only the second inning of the game.
Sean love your vids but ETN is starting to get to me. Always announcements and never the follow through. I guess they are the king of marketing announcements.
We been waiting on all their same announcements since January. This is all getting old. They need to make the exchanges happen. New coins and new fork coins are on new exchanges the same week they launch.
Keep up the great vibes and great vids. Exactly expecting a pump, but simply not going to happen especially in this kinda BTC focus market right now. I don't see more than 10cent ETN. Brendan Purkiss , oh I know. Been around crypto a while. I know how the exchanges work. They have Applied to the exchanges already The Exchanges decide when to list for whatever reason NOT up to Richard March 5th isn't this week. Do you live in the real world?
Get a grip of yourself. How can anyone thumbs down this video?! Well done Sean, brilliant as always! Will it work on iOS because they still don't have the app released on it yet?
I agree, the higher the price before the miner goes live the better. Annastasia, you are right on point, but hopefully all the Newbies will start to learn this an stop complaining about Lambos.
ETN has a targeted plan in mind , that makes the most sense to investors and potential big partnerships - they are being very calculated for a reason. And I think in the long run, the belly aching impatient investors will be able to appreciate their master plan. I think for everyone so impatient and being negative - log off for a month, stop checking every hour and be pleasantly surprised at the momentum after weeks and months, not hours and days.
They have our best interest in mind. I'm willing to bet Annastasia is right. In my mind, the ETN team likely wants the price to pump up towards a more sustainable level before they start giving out coins. My bet is that ETN is waiting for the price to moon from new exchanges, then when everyone sees the price moon and everyone is clamoring to get their hands on some ETN, that's when the team goes "oh look we conveniently came up with a way to get free coins".
It makes no sense to give out something that is about to rapidly appreciate.