Doge (meme)

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As someone who writes about cryptocurrencies on a regular basis, I tend to get the same questions from friends and family members over and over again. The most common one I get is,? Do you own any bitcoins? How do you pronounce the word?

Answering the first two questions relatively easy. But the third one is a little tricky. Additionally, since most conversation about Dogecoin takes place on text-based Internet forums, even people who send and meme pronounce dogecoin Dogecoin on a daily basis could theoretically go dog years without actually saying the word out loud to another Dogeficionado. Or is there hard? Some cursory research shows that the first option, the one using the soft? Dogecoin is based off the Doge meme, which features a skeptical looking Shiba Inu surrounded by captions depicting its grammatically challenged inner monologue rendered in multicolored Comic Sans.

According to Know Your Memethe first appearance of? In the video, the character Homestar Runner tells the character Strong Bad,? Strong Bad, you crack me up. The meme was eventually picked up on Tumblr and 4chanwhere it gained enough notoriety for creators Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer to chose it as the theme for a cryptocurrency they created with the intention of having it be more approachable than Bitcoin. Based on its lineage, keeping the same meme pronounce dogecoin would make sense.

But what about people who are really, really into Dogecoin? Meme pronounce dogecoin do they say the word? There is no correct way, and anyone who tells you that you are pronouncing it wrong is lying! For their part, Palmer and Markus told meme pronounce dogecoin International Business Times that neither of them have adhered meme pronounce dogecoin a standard pronunciation. Markus added that he originally pronounced it with a hard?

The moral here is that attempting to enforce a single, universal pronunciation of Dogecoin is largely antithetical to the entire spirit of the meme pronounce dogecoin. Aaron Sankin is a former Senior Staff Writer at the Daily Dot who covered the intersection of politics, technology, online privacy, Twitter bots, and the role of dank memes in popular culture.

He lives in Seattle, Washington. He joined the Center for Investigative Reporting in What are you talking about? Aaron Sankin Aaron Sankin is a former Senior Staff Writer at the Daily Dot who covered the intersection of politics, technology, online privacy, Twitter bots, and the role of dank memes in popular culture. Cryptocurrency Doge Dogecoin Pronunciation. Up next after the break: How much Dogecoin would it take to actually go to the moon?

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