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Wallets are just numbers. So you don't actually need a client at all to own and operate them. Here's a few Bulk wallets from https: Now, the keys on the right ARE the wallets.
Lose these and you're screwed. So park them in a text file and make copies and printouts and keep them safe. Now, to explain how wallets and addresses relate, here's another example from https: From this, you can calculate a public key, like so: We don't bother with the public key normally, as all we need is the address to send coins to, and the key to spend them.
The business about not reusing wallets is bullshit. The thinking behind it is that you don't want people to be able to trace all your transactions. But that's unnecessary paranoia. What you do want though is a wallet dedicated to each purpose. So one for each person or service you interact with, one for each purpose, like savings for example, and a bunch of empty ones as spares, for times when you need a change wallet or something.
Keep all these wallets in a text file, and label each one as to what its for. Make copies, and printouts. Following this user will show all the posts they make to their profile on your front page. Hi, i have a glowing sign and a part of the cable is missing. Is the android wallet safe to use? You should read the ELI5s. And maybe my history too. Send a Private Message.
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