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Posted by brickrobot on November 4, This video is a good example for that: Posted by brickrobot on January 22, This is a really nice build that was created by Daniele Benedettelli: A Lego Mindstorms spider robot that is able to make turns and best of all, it uses only one motor. A clutch mechanism, easy and effective. Posted by brickrobot on January 12, Instead of writing new posts when I find a new sensor, I decided to create a page for all Lego Mindstorms Sensors.
Go to that page for the most up to date list of sensors. Posted by brickrobot on January 10, Someone send me a link to a new site of a group that claims to work on an iPhone software that remote controls the Mindstorms NXT.
I assume they use Bluetooth for the communication between the phone and the NXT. Posted by brickrobot on January 8, Lately I was playing around with different variations of steering mechanisms for my Lego Creations.
The most current idea was to create a car like steering: Posted by brickrobot on January 5, This week I was shopping at our local Home Depot and stumbled upon these fancy laser distance measurers.
You point them somewhere and they tell you the distance. Why not trying this with NXT? Posted by brickrobot on January 4, The other day, I was playing with a simple car type construction and was looking for a way to actually accelerate the car slowly from zero to maximum speed. Posted by brickrobot on January 3, Apart from using nearly every single piece from the box, the robot itself is more like a toy than a journey into robotics.
Posted by brickrobot on January 2, Welcome to the first post of brickrobots. The first one was the same idea but with wheels and a stationary Ultrasonic sensor. Skip to content Toggle navigation Brickrobots.