Scammed on eBay
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Online scams and fraud are increasing every day and, sadly enough this activity often includes cryptocurrencies. Moreover, fraud is not about the darknet only, one can be cheated on trusted sites like eBay as well.
If you check Bitcoin price at eBay, you will see something really extraordinary: One might think of a great speculation opportunity — just buy bitcoins at an exchange and sell them on eBay with huge profit of 40 per cent a week which is an average item time.
What we actually see is a fraud scheme that works as follows:. You post an item Bitcoin in this case on sale. The scammer buys it from you and sends money to your PayPal account. You send the bitcoins to the scammer.
PayPal contacts you requesting the tracking number of the item sent. PayPal ignores your evidence and, for reasons only they know, makes one of two decisions: Unauthorized transaction is not proven, so you keep the money. This way, you have successfully sold your bitcoin. The transaction is considered unauthorized, and PayPal sends the money back to to the scammer who now has bitcoin ebay scams selling his own money and your bitcoin.
And all you have now is the negative feedback rating. Just to have some fun and at the same time in order to test Bitcoin for deliberate double spending via manipulating priorities of block additions, Emercoin experts have designed and tested a counter-strategy ensuring you per cent sell bitcoins to Ebay scammers at a higher price.
To be honest, we have experimented with this only twice, yet our assumptions were fully bitcoin ebay scams selling. After that we stopped researching the topic as it no longer interested us. However, people kept on asking, so below is our counter-strategy in detail. It is all about the artificial double spending to get your bitcoins back. So, this is how you cheat the cheater on eBay.
You post an item bitcoins for sale. The scammer buys the item from you and sends money to your PayPal so far everything is going according to his plan.
You create a backup of your bitcoin wallet, wallet. You send bitcoins to the scammer with zero fee on any business day. The zero-fee bitcoin ebay scams selling normally freezes in pools awaiting confirmations. It might take several days. If the transaction is still not confirmed i. And since the PayPal transaction is not authorized, the payee is not entitled to receive your bitcoins.
You check the wallet outputs used for the payment to the scammer for instance, on blockchain. You recover the wallet. It, of course, has no information about the transaction to the scammer, while the UTXO outputs it employed look unspent. Using transaction control, you spend the same outputs actually, one will be enough, but you may use all of them just to be on the safe side to create a transaction sending the same bitcoins to yourself or any other trusted address.
After bitcoin ebay scams selling the second transaction with a higher fee and, consequently, with a higher priority miners will be happy to add bitcoin ebay scams selling to the blockchain.
Now blockchain contains a transaction see item 10while the bitcoin ebay scams selling transaction see item 4 causes conflicts and never makes it to the blockchain. Furthermore, even bitcoin ebay scams selling the scammer has already spent the money, his spendings are now in conflict as well, and more problems with his counterparties are guaranteed.
As a result, you have your bitcoins and turn the tables bitcoin ebay scams selling the scammer. In such a manner, if PayPal acknowledges the transaction is not authorized and repays the scammer, you still keep your bitcoins. One of the scammers opened a dispute a week after the purchase and was reimbursed by PayPal.
However, the other scammer faced the music: Eventually, we managed to sell bitcoins at the eBay price and proved our counter-strategy successful.
Also we proved vulnerability of the Bitcoin priority queue. We do not recommend the aforementioned counter-strategy bitcoin ebay scams selling profit-making. Even if you succeed, PayPal will soon close your account as the one that causes constant troubles. I can understand a little vigilante justice, but how do you know this was really a scammer versus a legitimate attempt to purchase your bitcoins?
Let just see possible cases:. This is scammer, who would like cheat you. If so, this is correct withdraw payment to bitcoin ebay scams selling. Account really has been compromised, and hacker initiate that payment. Again, bitcoin ebay scams selling must not receive BTCs, and this is correct to withdraw payment to hacker. In both cases, you must not send your goods BTC in case of unauthorized payment — no matter, is this really unauthorized payment, or just cheating.
Let just see possible cases: