13 of the best memes from 2013

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A few days ago, I saw someone comment "Much thin, such cloth, wow" on YouTube, as a response to the Surface Laptop ad. I have seen crypto geeks speak this peculiar language before. I asked around, and found out this originates from Dogecoin, affectionately called Dogespeak. Evidently, Dogecoin's original announcement used such language, and it quickly caught on.

The Dogecoin community invented many other popular crypto phrases, such as "To the moon! Today, it's not just a Dogecoin thing - it's a general crypto thing. But, of course, Dogecoin's developer didn't invent this Sorry, Dogecoin fanboys. Indeed, it was a pretty popular meme on dogecoin know your meme tumblr internet inwhich is what inspired Dogecoin in the first place. You'll notice that the text hadn't set in then - that came later.

There's no real documentation of the first time someone added text to the meme, but it was probably some time in August However, we do know where the colourful Comic Sans originated, on a Tumblr in However, the dogecoin know your meme tumblr origin of the Doge dates all the way back tothree years before it was turned into a meme.

So, the Shiba Inu and the word "doge" were set back in Then came the colourful Comic Sans inthe 4chan troll in Augustdogecoin know your meme tumblr came the language shortly after, then came the memes, and then came Dogecoin in December By the way, there's heated debate about how Doge is dogecoin know your meme tumblr.

There's the Dohzh camp and the Dohg camp. This matter remains unresolved to this very day, and is much too grave a matter to ever be resolved. I remember penny stock traders throwing that around on the yahoo. That is well done!!!! I don't have the time to do all that research but always wondered some of this stuff. I genuinely lol'd at each and every one desire having seen a lot of them. The doge soak cracks me up! A thorough investigation of the Doge meme.

The classic Doge meme consists of three attributes - A picture of a Shiba Inu dog. The peculiar language with short sentences always beginning with a modifier.

In colourful Comic Sans fonts. Of course, there very many variations of the Doge meme, but that's the classic form. The original image isn't uploaded anymore, but as you may have guessed it, it was this photo - So, the Shiba Inu and the word "doge" were set back in Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.

Just imagine that you're a 5-year old kid and you'll dogecoin know your meme tumblr the lingo down pretty well. Of course, dogs speak like 5 year old humans: I think that is a stellar overview of this matter and the pressing questions for this LOL That is well done!!!!

If Dogecoin know your meme tumblr could upvote this twice I would man! Haha, yes, it's truly hypnotic.

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The very longevity of Doge, the Shiba Inu meme that is still such popular. Photo via Know Your Meme. But the best, strongest memes evolve and survive. In , a lovable Shiba Inu dog, nicknamed Doge , was the biggest thing in Internet culture. Doge burst onto the meme scene in late with a lot to offer. There was very rejoicing and such happy. Doge fever caught on quickly, among the general Facebook and Reddit populace and from curious reporters and academics.

Linguists pondered the way Doge used quantifying words in the wrong lexical slots. Check out the Google Trends graph above: Does the undying love for Doge surprise you?

His new home is Tumblr. The numbers point to a doge renaissance on Tumblr. The admins of popular Facebook meme groups also have the impression that Doge is over on Facebook—at least in its pure, sincere, non-ironic form.

It seems the shibe has transcended its original frame and become the ur-dog, a synonym for dog itself.

So, rather than dying the death of Dat Boi , or being unfairly co-opted as a hate symbol like Pepe the Frog, Doge has found a friendly place to live out his retirement. Jay Hathaway is a senior writer, specializing in internet memes and weird online culture. His work has also appeared on nymag.

These Netflix shows will whet your appetite Chris Osterndorf — May 7. Police facial recognition had a startling number of false positives at major soccer match Christina Bonnington — May 7. Jay Hathaway Jay Hathaway is a senior writer, specializing in internet memes and weird online culture.

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