XFX AMD Radeon R9 280X Double Edition (3GB) Graphics Card

4 stars based on 43 reviews

Building a gaming system. That case is huge I've grown to like smaller-sized cases. Otherwise 3 thumbs up: My feedback on that build: I'd go with a K, it offers insane overclockability.

There is a vid on YouTube showing it reach 5. The 5 frames it gives on average over a non-ti does r9280xtdfd litecoin mining justify the extra you'll pay on two of them. The power supply with those components will be fine at W, save the cash and get a gold certified model from Corsair or Seasonic. Plus I gotta fit that fucking radiator inside.

And small cases are for homosexuals. Ask Venti Quattro he built a 50k Mac recently iirc. Therein lies the challenge You ever beat off to a benchmarking program? Pics or bs R9280xtdfd litecoin mining not in yet. Sometimes it takes a week to get your shit when you choose free shipping tbh. It's not in yet. I r9280xtdfd litecoin mining wait to see your set up! I know your not bsing You have a good rep here I decided to get a PS4 instead: Just kidding; PS2 You nearly drove your fanboy to suicide tbh.

Was it r9280xtdfd litecoin mining it? You nearly drove your fanboy to suicide tbh. What's most important to me r9280xtdfd litecoin mining a gaming system is the ability to play Vice City and San Andreas tbh. Ps2 is an amazing system tbh, probably the best gaming console of all time. Bought this not long ago to play on my I have GTA3 for Android. That sounds bad playing GTA on a portable device. Ninja Gaiden and Super Mario were much more fun to play on such a small device. Not HTPC specifically, but it's no different.

They're just slim line components. Don't the newer AMD chipsets blow intel away as far as onboard video at way less? I was gonna get one for my daughter's comp for christmas.

I just stick with Intel though. These are the extras I referred to in the OP. If it's strictly movies, then a downgrade wouldn't matter. Yeah i stick with intel too mostly, but the cost on the AMD is too hard to pass up for my daughter's system.

There's no need to resell it considering it will be a solid machine years down the road. So I'm having buyer's remorse with those dual Titan Z's. You need a fucking super computer to max Ubisoft crap these days. LOL buying the highest end Nvidia cards ever.

Yeah, I want to get one of the new series of cards. They've milked this architecture dry. You're saying they have milked Kepler or they have milked Maxwell? Because I think they're going to be on Maxwell until or so. If you already have a badass card you should just wait for the R9 x in February. Even if you don't want to buy AMD, that'll probably force Nvidia to release GM and drop prices on the to something sane. I can't really see the dropping in price any time soon though.

I'm pretty happy with the though. Plays most games on x at 60FPS even r9280xtdfd litecoin mining lots of anti-aliasing on. But their CPUs are dogshit. Come on son, u should r9280xtdfd litecoin mining buy graphics card on the launch: This is the best deal I have seen: You can buy it cheaper if you bid on one. Oops, forgot the was a 3GB card and not a 2GB one. Nah man, they're going in my HTPC with my ix. I heard the Nintendo 64 emu is kinda shitty on those Ran that shit at stock son.

It r9280xtdfd litecoin mining out to more than that with the water blocks tbh. It came out to more than that with the water blocks tbh did u had a custom water setup or was it just for the titan only r9280xtdfd litecoin mining u the same clown who shelled out 30k for a powermac system? It came out to more than that with the water blocks tbh son I can rig up something for the cheap. I can install a hose running from your sink into your computer and it will power a mini sprinkler inside your case.

It'll look like shit through the window on my case though. I thought it was the R9 x. It's a great time to be a PC gamer. I would think they'll put out a piece of crap there that they can get a lot of profit off ignorant Nvidia fanboys while leaving a huge performance gap so that PC Master Race will still buy the like crazy. I mean the piece of shit GTX Ti still sells like crazy because of the brand name, so I figure they'll make huge money off a lame r9280xtdfd litecoin mining I'm sitting on crossfired s, so I r9280xtdfd litecoin mining even think I'll be upgrading since they're roughly equal to a I hope AMD continues to kick ass, because we need them in the game.

Right now you have to be a moron to buy any Nvidia card below the GTX It has always been the same with AMD though. These niggas need to start advertising like Intel does, though maybe r9280xtdfd litecoin mining should keep quiet about their FX series and stick to talking about how awesome their GPUs are.

I can't wait to see what x and x have in store. Not that I'll be r9280xtdfd litecoin mining another video card for 3 years or so I'd guess though. I'll send it http: PCPartPicker part list http: Intel Core i 3. If you putt around for deals, you can get stuff on sale and drop that price down. I wonder how many jackasses will instead get an Alienware Alpha for after taxes. I was looking at the specs, and that shit is garbage. It's on par with an Xbox One for That's retarded buying laptop parts for anything other than a laptop.

Obviously those are black friday sales, but the point is good r9280xtdfd litecoin mining for PC hardware are really frequent. The only thing that doesn't seem to get discounted much is processors. But GPUs, ram, etc all drop here and there. Runs great, wasnt sure what to expect - onboard gfx works very well.

There was a fire sale on amd gpus this summer on craigslist after litecoin mining became unprofitable. Sapphires are pieces of shit at least for mining, I had to send in everyone I had. Runs great, wasnt sure what to expect - onboard gfx works very well Why was it a mistake? All that mining ensured gamers couldn't get those cards and a golden opportunity for AMD to r9280xtdfd litecoin mining some more allegiance to their brand went up in r9280xtdfd litecoin mining.

Runs great, wasnt sure what to expect - onboard gfx works very well Yeah, I was surprised r9280xtdfd litecoin mining how good their integrated graphics are when you match that CPU with high speed RAM. Why was it a mistake? Yeah she forgot about Minecraft for a day now.

Yeah she forgot about Minecraft for a day now Fucking Minecraft. I can't play that game because if I do, I'll be on it 4 hours straight without thinking. I thought Tetris was addictive in the Game Boy days, but it had nothing on Minecraft.

That chica is long gone, dude. Post her nudes since that bitch left.

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