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The cold wallet is created by running Bitcoin Core in an offline Tails session. Once created, keep the wallet cold - never enter the passphrase within anything other than an offline Tails or similar session. You will also need the Bitcoin Core binaries, which you can get here. On a modern computer and decent USB drive I find it stable, quick-booting and responsive. The first time you boot into Tails, create an encrypted persistent storage partition on the USB drive - this is straightforward, just follow the instructions here.
KeePassX is actually bundled with Tails. Boot into your Tails USB disk. At this point, Bitcoin Core will have created two receiving addresses that are managed by the wallet. Access these addresses via the Bitcoin Core File menu:.
Two unnamed accounts are created by default during wallet setup. The API still has lots of references to accounts - for example, to list out addresses, the getaddressesbyaccount method is required.
If you were to send funds to a public address controlled by this wallet, they would be irretrievable. You can open a wallet by passing in the -wallet option when opening Bitcoin Core - BUT the wallet must be located in the Bitcoin core data directory. You can add a symlink to set this up:. If required, you could dump the private keys of the cold wallet. Access to the private keys equates to full control over the Bitcoin. On the plus side, you could store these keys on paper which would ensure that you will always be able to import keys.
Personally, I have decided not to backup private keys - instead relying on multiple copies of a cold wallet encrypted with a strong passphrase. The wallet can then be safely stored online, since it is effectively useless without the encryption passphrase. Note that if someone gained control of your encrypted wallet without the passphrase, although they would not be able to transfer funds they would be able to access your transaction history.
The passphrase should be stored securely for example, in multiple copies of an encrypted KeePassX database in more than one location. To do this in Ubuntu:. This will load your cold wallet into your Bitcoin Core client. This article describes how to: Create a cold-storage wallet using Bitcoin Core in a live offline Tails session Generate and collect public Bitcoin addresses for the cold wallet Manage the wallet and wallet passphrase The cold wallet is created by running Bitcoin Core in an offline Tails session.
Open a terminal and cd to the Bitcoin Core binaries directory: Access these addresses via the Bitcoin Core File menu: Save the generated wallet to your persistent volume. You can add a symlink to set this up: Transfer Funds Transfer Bitcoin to one of the public Bitcoin addresses managed by the cold wallet.
Backup Private Keys If required, you could dump the private keys of the cold wallet. To do this in Ubuntu: Encrypt wallets with a strong passphrase Secure your passphrase and your wallet - there is NO password reset option if you forget!