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BTC-e was a digital currency trading platform and exchange. Alexander Buyanov and Andrii Shvets. The US Justice Dept attempted to close down BTC-e on the 26th of July when they charged Alexander Vinnik and BTC-e in a count indictment for operating an alleged international money laundering scheme and allegedly laundering funds from the hack of Mt.
By October , they supported many different currency pairs, including Litecoin to dollars, Bitcoin to rubles and RuCoin to rubles. The BTC-e website is offline since 25 July , following the arrest of BTC-e staff members and the seizure of server equipment at one of their data centres. These events led to the suspension of the BTC-e service. BTC-e posted on 31 July that Alexander Vinnik was never the operator or employee of BTC-e and that they would be back working within a month or would put facilities in place to return funds and coins to users.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. History [ edit ]. The Daily Star Newspaper - Lebanon. History Economics Legal status. List of bitcoin companies List of bitcoin organizations List of people in blockchain technology. Retrieved from " https: Digital currency exchange Cryptocurrencies Computer-related introductions in Money stubs.
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