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The project has been made by cherry-picking various commits from various other projects. Being based on AOSP it provides a smooth and lag-free experience out of the box. We will constantly try to add more features and make it even better in future updates. A ROM by a user, for a user. We release monthly updates with latest security patches, right after Google releases them. It comes along with tons features which we call Extensions. Extensions allow you to customize your device on to the next level.
Extensions are integrated in the default settings app itself. Get notified about the latest update through OTA app built in the ROM and also download the build and necessary addons within the app itself. We also have our OTA bot for Telegram which notifies you when an update is available. It provides you a smooth and lag free experience on your device. It makes your device perform snappier and thus helps you to handle your device with ease. Our source code is open on our Github organisation, hence anyone can conribute, make their own build or just take a look at the code.
For any help or support we have community and group on Google Plus and Telegram respectively. Besides that every official device has a thread on XDA forums. Why is it so great? Latest security patches We release monthly updates with latest security patches, right after Google releases them. Extensions It comes along with tons features which we call Extensions. Performance It provides you a smooth and lag free experience on your device. Open source Our source code is open on our Github organisation, hence anyone can conribute, make their own build or just take a look at the code.
Support For any help or support we have community and group on Google Plus and Telegram respectively.