Are devotees of the new Paleo diet right to think our prehistoric ancestors ate and lived better?

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Adam Rutherford speaks to 2 scientists from bitcoin billionaire prehistoric animals major new study who with the help of seals and Boaty McBoat face will be investigating what goes on under the glacier and what drilling into the rocks under the sea can tell us.

And while the work of the new Antarctic team-up is studying the impact of the rise of sea levels, here in the UK, researchers are similarly concerned about the warming of the oceans, but on the specific effect it could have on sea birds. Inside Science's Jack Meegan reports from the Yorkshire coast.

The Temperate House at Kew has undergone a 5 year restoration and now is about to open to the public, Adam goes along to get a preview. Who owns ancient DNA? A recent article in the journal Science argues that we need to think harder about the living relatives of indigenous people and not simply treat their human remains as "artifacts". As the field of neuroscience advances, scientists are increasingly growing brain tissue to study conditions like autism, Alzheimer's and Zika virus.

But could it become conscious? And if so, how far away is that scenario? Wind, changing water temperatures and salt are all factors known to control ocean currents. But new research suggests there's another element in the mix. When sea monkeys amass, the thousands of swimming legs can create powerful currents that mix hundreds of meters of water.

Whenever a baby is born, we ask whether it's a girl or a boy. But when it comes to puppies, the question is often about the breed, especially with mongrels. And when we think we know what it is, we make assumptions about how that dog will behave. For instance, if you think there's some golden retriever parentage, you may expect it to be good at playing fetch. But do our perceptions of dog breeds change the way it behaves? That's the question of a new citizen science project called MuttMix, which asks you to guess the ancestry of various mongrels.

Finally, Charles Dickens is known as one of the best novelists of the Victorian era but bitcoin billionaire prehistoric animals new exhibition is questioning whether he should be also known as a bitcoin billionaire prehistoric animals of science. Dickens campaigned for paediatrics and bitcoin billionaire prehistoric animals powers of description lead to a new conditions being medically recognised. The exhibition will be at the Charles Dickens Museum and it opens in May.

Click here to refresh the feed. A breakthrough for closed loop plastic recycling? Two years ago Japanese scientists discovered bitcoin billionaire prehistoric animals type of bacteria which has evolved to feed on PET plastic - the material from which fizzy drink bottles are made It was isolated at a local recycling centre. An international team has now characterised the structure of the plastic-degrading enzyme and accidentally improved its efficiency.

John McGeehan of the University of Portmouth led the team and talks to Adam about where the discovery may lead. If you can't recycle plastic, you can re-use.

Sheffield University chemist Tony Ryan is working to convert old polyurethane foam mattresses into hydroponic allotment beds so that people at a Syrian refugee camp in Jordan can grow their own crops. How southeast Asian bitcoin billionaire prehistoric animals nomads evolved the life aquatic. The Double Helix, fifty years after its publication. Biologist and historian Matthew Cobb and science writer Angela Saini discuss the place of James Watson's compelling and controversial memoir in the annals of popular science writing.

His account of the discovery of the DNA's structure was unlike any science book that had come before. Does it stand the test of time and what of its blantantly sexist treatment of the gifted X-ray crystallographer Rosalind Franklin? A few weeks ago, Inside Science featured an item on neonicotinoids and the negative impact these pesticides have on insects like honey bees.

The discussion turned to alternatives, including organic farming. Many listeners wrote in about some issues that went unchallenged. So this week, Adam returns to the subject to get into the nuts and bolts of both organic and conventional farming.

The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite is surveying the brightest stars near Earth and looking for habitable planets. But recent excavations of smelting sites in Uttar Pradesh in India suggest that this date might be a few centuries late and that it might even originate in Asia. Our ancestors bore a very prominent brow ridge, which scientists think was a symbol bitcoin billionaire prehistoric animals dominance.

Modern humans, however, have lost this ridge in favour of a flatter forehead. Dr Penny Spikins and her colleagues think the answer lies in social interaction and in particular, bitcoin billionaire prehistoric animals ability to raise your eyebrows.

Adam Rutherford presents a special tribute to the science of Stephen Hawking. He is joined by Fay Dowker, a former PhD student of Hawking and now a professor of theoretical physics at Imperial Bitcoin billionaire prehistoric animals, Professor Carlos Frenk, a long-time colleague and friend and fellow physicist and science communicator Professor Brian Cox.

They look at the scientific legacy of Stephen Hawking and the role that his work played in bringing us a step closer to a single grand theory that explains how the universe works. A widely reported study published last week suggests that on average children at selective schools have more gene variants associated with higher educational attainment than children at non-selective schools.

It also suggests that selective schools achieve better Bitcoin billionaire prehistoric animals exam results because their selection procedures favour children with those genetic variants, and not because of the teaching and facilities at private and grammar schools.

John Goodenough invented the lithium ion battery, the power pack that makes our smart phones, tablets and laptops possible. At the age of 95, in his lab at the University of Texas, he's now working with colleagues such as Portuguese physicist Helena Braga on an even better next generation battery technology: Roland Pease meets the jovial battery pioneer and his team. Hunting regulations in Sweden are having a profound bitcoin billionaire prehistoric animals on the behaviour of brown bears in the country.

Since the s, hunters are not allowed to shoot female bears with cubs. Historically, mother bears stayed with their cubs for 1. Now more than a third of mothers look after their cubs for 2. According to Andreas Zebrosser of the University of Southeastern Norway and Joanie van der Walle of the Universitie de Sherbrooke, hunting appears to be acting as a powerful evolutionary force on the species' reproductive behaviour.

The story of how Cambridge Analytica had scraped Facebook data in its attempt to influence voting behaviour has been reported widely this week. Andrew Steele, a medical researcher at the Crick Institute in London, explains how data bitcoin billionaire prehistoric animals or scraping actually works and how it is used by many scientists to find ways of improving human health.

The Government Office for Science published a massive report this week, entitled the 'Future of the Sea' which sets out the UK's stall with regard to our future relationship with the seas, and to put science front and centre in that plan. Debris in space is a huge issue - it's estimated that there are more than million fragments of satellites, rockets and other stuff that we've sent up, all orbiting the Bitcoin billionaire prehistoric animals at ballistic speeds.

All of these have the potential to lethally strike a working satellite or worse, a crewed space station. Graihagh Jackson met Professor Guglielmo Aglietti at Surrey University who's researching the best technology to safely remove space junk. Dinosaurs were incredibly successful and lived on earth for over million years.

Francois Therrien from the Royal Tyrrell Bitcoin billionaire prehistoric animals of Palaeontology in Alberta, Canada, and colleagues explored how living crocodiles and birds, the descendants of dinosaurs, rear their eggs. Dr Therrien told Adam how their findings have suggested that dinosaurs used a variety of ways to hatch bitcoin billionaire prehistoric animals eggs in the many environments on earth.

The pesticide has been shown to harm bee populations by many scientific studies. Now, the largest report of bitcoin billionaire prehistoric animals kind bitcoin billionaire prehistoric animals put pressure on the EU to vote on whether three types of neonics should be banned.

Will the UK follow Europe's lead if the ban is legislated? Fly tipping is a problem faced by most authorities. But conservationists at the Creekside Discovery Centre in Deptford are embracing the carpets and shopping trolleys that have washed up in their creek in south-east London.

They even argue that the rubbish provides a safe haven for wildlife. Graphene is often touted as a bitcoin billionaire prehistoric animals material but now this carbon sheet could be making an unexpected appearance in your bitcoin billionaire prehistoric animals cabinet as hair dye.

The world-renowned physicist Stephen Hawking has died at the age of The British scientist was famed for his work with black holes and a general relativity. Inside Science examines his scientific legacy. A former Russian spy, Sergei Skripal, and his daughter Yulia are in a serious condition bitcoin billionaire prehistoric animals being exposed to a nerve agent on Sunday.

The first police officer to attend the scene also remains in hospital. It is being treated as 'a major incident involving attempted murder. Its aim is to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.

Discussions on how we could achieve gender equality have been ongoing for years, so why has there been so little change? And how can this bias affect the technology we all use?

Scientists are warning of bitcoin billionaire prehistoric animals infertility 'crisis' among men. Sperm counts bitcoin billionaire prehistoric animals been falling for over 40 years and now, 1 in 20 men have low sperm counts. The cause is unknown and this week, doctors are calling for more funding to better understand the issue. The red squirrel has found an unlikely ally: Grey squirrels were introduced to the UK in the late s from America and have since caused the native red population to diminish.

However, with the reintroduction of a predator, the mal-adapted greys are being hunted and as a result, red squirrels are bouncing back. With many parts of the country seeing large snowfalls bitcoin billionaire prehistoric animals ask what's driving our current weather? What factors need to be in place to create snowfalls, bitcoin billionaire prehistoric animals how do these differ from sleet or frozen rain?

And we address the impact of climate change, while a series of weather events might show a pattern, at what point should we go looking for explanations beyond natural events? Dutch Elm Disease laid waste to millions of British Elm trees back in the 's, Now a new tree bacteria which mimics the effects of drought has spread from the Americas to Europe.

It has already been detected in some tree imports to the UK. Unlike Dutch Elm Disease it affects a huge variety of trees and shrubs, from mighty oaks to fruit trees and Lavender bushes. New directives have just been introduced to try and halt its spread. Can we beat dementia? Research from the US amongst people in their 80's and 90's provides grounds for optimism, showing that elderly people with good memories have brain structures which can be more developed than those of people 30 years younger.

And yet at the same time they bitcoin billionaire prehistoric animals carry factors usually associated with dementia. And how violent are we? Compared with our past that is. Research from collections of gruesome medieval remains paint a picture of a violent society, where men and women commonly carried weapons bitcoin billionaire prehistoric animals inflicting or receiving severe wounds may have been a part of daily life.

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There's no denying that the latest Wolfblood has been incredible, so to celebrate the end of another explosive series we've gathered together just a few of our highlights. Which moments did you love? Leave them below in the comments! This page contains spoilers from Wolfblood series four so, if you haven't watched it yet, you might want to catch up here before you read on!

It was a dramatic start to the series as we were introduced to feisty new wolfblood siblings Matei and Emilia in episode one. They managed to get themselves caught by an animal warden but luckily Jana and TJ were on hand to break them out! Episode three found Jana and Katrina living together in the flat above the Kafe. The new flatmates were woken up in the middle of the night when they heard crashing noises coming from downstairs.

While Jana went to investigate, Katrina handled the important job of calling the police…. In the wild with Jana, TJ finally got to transform and experience life as a 'full wolf' in episode ten. TJ loved it, but was upset that Selina wasn't there with him.

The three Ks were reunited in episode eleven and, having discovered the truth about wolfbloods, Kay and Kara expressed their concern for Katrina's safety. Despite Katrina's attempts to tell them that Jana and the other wolfbloods were her friends, Kara dropped a bombshell….

This one was a shocker! Jana and her pack decided they had no choice but to reveal the wolfblood secret to the world. Did they make the right decision? These are just some of our best bits from the series; which were your favourites? Let us know below, and don't forget to head over to the Wolfblood Fan Club Page to chat with other Wolfblood superfans!

What's in store for the Wolfbloods? Start your search here Love Loved Unlove All Wolfblood Wolfblood - Our favourite Wolfblood moments! When we met Matei and Emilia It was a dramatic start to the series as we were introduced to feisty new wolfblood siblings Matei and Emilia in episode one. When TJ had his first transformation In the wild with Jana, TJ finally got to transform and experience life as a 'full wolf' in episode ten.

When it all started to go wrong The three Ks were reunited in episode eleven and, having discovered the truth about wolfbloods, Kay and Kara expressed their concern for Katrina's safety. When the secret was out Wow. Funniest Moments Wolfblood 12 BBC Sport 4 4. Looking for CBeebies shows?

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