Alumnus Entrepreneur Makes $10,000 Bitcoin Gift

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Your Bitcoin donation will help train and equip lifesavers around the UK and Ireland. The RNLI has a history of innovation in fundraising, holding the first street collection in Bitcoin is an innovative new kind of currency and we believe that accepting Bitcoin will result in donations we may not otherwise receive, as well as connecting us with new types of supporters. Cumbria University became the first university in the world to accept Bitcoin for tuition fees in Yes, they work the same as a cash donation in that anyone can send them to us without providing their details.

If people wish to hear from us in the future, they can bitcoin donation university their details voluntarily. The value of one bitcoin varies. An up-to-date value in pounds or euros can be found at coindesk. As with all online transactions you should take bitcoin donation university when entering your information and follow reasonable security measure with your personal information.

A unique feature of the Bitcoin system is that all Bitcoin transactions where funds move from one wallet to another are publicly visible in bitcoin donation university public ledger that forms the basis of the Bitcoin system - called the blockchain.

At present we have chosen to receive Bitcoin donations directly as a pilot scheme. Once the infrastructure and providers in the Bitcoin field mature, and, assuming there is demand, we will review integrating Bitcoin into our standard donation pages. More details on HMRC guidance are available bitcoin donation university. We already have safeguards in place to monitor donations, however we receive them.

In addition, we will notify the Charity Commission should an individual anonymous donation exceed a certain amount. We have also reviewed our policy regarding any requests for significant refunds. Bitcoin payments are irreversible by the sender, so any refund would need to be made by request to the RNLI in writing and could be assessed at that point.

The RNLI has not budgeted for any bitcoin donation university amount. This is a pilot scheme and we are looking forward to seeing how it will proceed as part of our interest in cryptocurrencies and how they may work in the future. We will of course closely bitcoin donation university how much money is donated. The ability to accept Bitcoin is in addition to all other existing online donation bitcoin donation university.

Thank you for your support. What other organisations accept Bitcoin in the UK and Ireland? Are Bitcoin donations anonymous? What is one bitcoin worth? Can you accept smaller amounts? What about money laundering and proceeds of crime legislation? Do you accept Bitcoin at rnli college and in your shops?

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