A pLaCe fOr ThE hOmElEsS sOuLs...

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Male from Lacey, WA. Have I made that clear, yet? Because if not I'll tell you right now that I do. And no, I don't think it's a Satanic holiday just because it's got Pagan roots, which really has very little to do with Satanism at all. Hell, almost every Western tradition we have has some sort of non-christian origin, like Christmas trees.

But anyway, I love Halloween. Only 3 days, 7 hrs, 35 minutes, and 20 seconds until the Eve of All Saints. I just saw Doom last night, and I liked it. Now to make this clear, this movie's not for everyone, it deterred www liquidgeneration com sabotage pumpkin_carve asp the main game a bit and it set me off but aside from that it was www liquidgeneration com sabotage pumpkin_carve asp hell of a time.

Also to be clear, it's not a 'good' movie, as in the original Star Wars or anything like that, but rather a 'fun' movie like the new Star Wars movies.

If you don't care about storytelling and just kickass gun battles where everything just www liquidgeneration com sabotage pumpkin_carve asp goes to hell in a hand-basket, then consider checking it out.

Also, remember, Halloween starts in 7 days, 12 hours, 4 minutes, and 30 seconds past the time this entry was uploaded Attack of the crazy ninja! Well, Jack Thompson has made another cheap shot at Penny-Arcade, two actually. I guess in response to the outcry of gamers that led to the Florida Bar Association investigating the retard, Ol' Jackie boy has sent another letter to law enforcement authorities. This time he's trying to get the Feds on his side fat chance with a letter to the Office of Attorney in Western Washington to try and shut down our PA allies.

I countered this measure with an email sent to the organization, declaring www liquidgeneration com sabotage pumpkin_carve asp concern and informing them of Jack Thompson's known nefarious past aggressions. Hopefully my informative letter will make something of a difference. I doubt the Feds will actually act on Jack's letter, but you can't be too careful with this guy. After all, crafty weasels are predictable, it's dangerous retarded dumbasses that you need to worry about.

Also, it has just come to my attention that Jack is also doubling his efforts with yet another letter, this one sent to an unexpected party. I found this letter in a webcomic, and I think you should take a look at it. I better inform the Fantastic Four and the X-Men, maybe they can help us out with this one. I've always held nothing but disdain for this geezer from the moment I first read about him.

It seems that he thinks that God put him on this earth to create a massive censorship and to allow teenage murderers to get off scott-free on the excuse that "Grand Theft Auto made me do it". He consideres video game companies to be worse than Saddam Hussein, he refers to people with research that contradict his own as whores, anyone who has an argument against him or even a different opinion are either called Nazis or threatened with lawsuits of harrassment, and he considers all gamers to be drug addicts with minimal frontal lobe activity.

He has painted a negative image representing game-makers and gamers alike, portraying us as lazy, jobless, irresponsible drains on society. As far as you're concerned, I'm just eventually gonna kill or rape somebody, and only then would you be on "my side" because then you'd be able to use me as legal sacrifice to sue game companies.

And now he's really done it this time. Just a few days ago he proposed the idea of an uber violent game where the father of a murdered teenager goes on a killing spree against game company and www liquidgeneration com sabotage pumpkin_carve asp employees, often using grotesque means of defacing their carcasses. Well here's the interesting news, Penny-Arcade, the online webcomic about gamers, donates five times as much as that during their annual charity drive. And then when somebody actually makes a mod of that game, he said that it was only a satire and insults gamers for not getting his so-called wit and refuses to make the donation.

And then you wanna know what the guys at Penny-Arcade did? They made that donation in his name. And you want to know what they got as thanks, a letter from Jack Thompson to the Seattle Police Department requesting that they be arrested. I've had enough of his propoganda and his slanderous lies! Most people say that he's not all that scary and that it's best to www liquidgeneration com sabotage pumpkin_carve asp listen to him.

Well, as Gabe from PA has said, the fact is that Jack Thompson himself isn't at all scary, the fucktard has the grammatical skill of a ten year old in an online chatroom. It's the fact that people in the mainstream media actually listen to him that's frightening. And I know that with the upcoming releases of the next-gen systems has reignited the console war, but this is something that we must all stand together against.

From owners of the Microsoft, to Nintendo, to Sony systems, we are all being threatened by this mad-man! Just as our brave grandfathers stood with the Russians to destroy the Nazi war machine, we must all stand together to bring about the downfall of Jack Thompson and www liquidgeneration com sabotage pumpkin_carve asp light to his dark shadow of ignorance!

Together, we can make a difference! Don't let this bastard win! Bringing down all threats to the gaming world, one ass-hole at a time.

It features quite a few helpful hints as well as a funny little simulated carving. I bought the following: A copy of Ninja Gaiden Black also a kickass game! And the third volume for the Chrno Crusade series kickass anime! I can't wait for the movie to come out next week.

Until then I'll continue posting new pictures of frightful themes. It's been a while since I last put some insight into Halo and EVA, but recent news have compelled me to dig deeper into the connections. Www liquidgeneration com sabotage pumpkin_carve asp now, let's look at some random similarities that don't belong into a single subject.

First off, there's Kaji and the Heretic Leader. Both are, in my opinion, very interesting characters. His one goal in life is to reveal the truth about the Human Instrumentality Project and stop a possible Third Impact, hoping that it would atone for an act he did in the past that led to his brother's death. In the mean-time he attempts to rebuild his love affair with Major Katsuragi, is the unwitting attraction of Asuka Langley Sourhyu, and acts as male role-model for Shinji Ikari, giving him the fatherly advice that the boy lacked all throughout his life.

The Heretic Leader, on the other hand, is a former Elite, defecting from the Covenant because he knows the truth about the so-called "Great Journey", and knows that the Prophets are www liquidgeneration com sabotage pumpkin_carve asp using Halo as a genocide weapon. He's not a particularly well-known character, appearing in a total of two levels from Halo 2, but his actions leave a big impact on the Covenant.

Both knew that eventually their actions would lead to consequences, their only hope was to get as much done in their short time as possible to prevent an unwanted disaster.

In the end they attempted to bring others with influence in the powers that worked against them to their side, with Kaji inspiring Misato to carry on his work after his murder, and the Heretic giving the Arbiter a propoganda speech about how the Prophets were corrupting the Elites.

This is my way of Getting it. They use kids to carry out their operations and use state-of-the-art technology. One specific similarity that I can think of is that both the Spartans and the EVA pilots were roughly the same age when they went into active duty.

Apparantly they've made some sort of secret deal, and now one of the characters from Halo will be a playable character in DOA4 Please, God, let it be Www liquidgeneration com sabotage pumpkin_carve asp But here's the coolest coincidence I've come up with today, and that's the comparison between the live-action movies, which now have one thing in common: That's right, the artists behind the special effects for Lord of the Rings are doing work for the Evangelion and Halo movies.

What's even better is that it's also www liquidgeneration com sabotage pumpkin_carve asp announced that Peter Jackson will executive produce Halo That's pretty much all I have to say on that matter.

In the mean time, look at my horribly drawn fanart of the Arbiter kicking a miniaturized EVAs ass. And remember kids, MS Paint sucks, use Photoshop if you know how to. Today I woke up at 7: That's a sad thing about www liquidgeneration com sabotage pumpkin_carve asp life, I've reached a point where something as special as this just seems trivial to me, I shouldn't feel this way until I'm thirty.

Maybe when I hit 21 I'll get my enthusiasm back. Anyway, today I went to my aunt to help her and her daughter move out of their apartment and into their new one-story house. And just for the record, she's not really my aunt, www liquidgeneration com sabotage pumpkin_carve asp I don't really know how we're related, and so I just see her as that way.

Anyway, not a lot people spend their birthdays carrying heavy boxes, moving furniture, driving a truck-load of material, and spending an hour trying to get a damn refrigerator through the front door. So on my way home I went to the Halloween shop and bought myself a new mask to add to my collection I've accumulated over the years. Let me tell ya, nothing relieved my stress better than shopping for Halloween supplies because it has always been my favorite holiday.

October is like late December for me. And no it's not the stupid candy, it's all the other stuff that make Halloween great. Creating Jack-o-lanterns help me dig into the dark recesses of my mind and use it to carve a horrifying face into a vegetable, watching horror movie marathons on AMC is a simple pleasure, and then there's the costumes. I don't care if Www liquidgeneration com sabotage pumpkin_carve asp fifty years old, you can never grow out of wearing cool masks.

Another interest is the mythology, such as the traditions of jack-o-lanterns, trick-or-treating, and dressing up as demons to ward off evil spirits. And finally there's the wierd time aspect I've come up with. The celebration of my birth begins October, the month when the seasons make the full transition from Summer to Fall and when Germans get drunk off their asses in Munich, and ends with Halloween, www liquidgeneration com sabotage pumpkin_carve asp Eve of all Saints.

I don't know about you, but I just find it very interesting that I was born on the day that kicks off October, while Halloween brings it to a close.

To further understand my point, take a look at my current avatar of Inuyasha surrounded by the various www liquidgeneration com sabotage pumpkin_carve asp of the moon and you'll know what I mean. Also, I saw Serenety last night, kickass movie it was. I've only seen one episode of the series, but I was still able to understand it, and I just loved the action scenes. And finally, with a new year of my life beginning, I thought'd I'd show you all a picture of me.

Well, imagine no more, my friends The face of sachiel, the 3rd Messenger of Destruction! Here's the normal me: One is a world-renowned foreign masterpiece portraying a multitude of sympathetic and highly defined and developed characters littered with religious, psychological, and human emotional themes wrapped up in a deeply science fictional plot, the other is a pointless plot-goes-nowhere military comedy made from machinima of an uber popular video game scrunched into story of a bunch of cliched self-absorbed characters who suffer through the mishaps of poorly planned military strategies.

I then realized that these two stories were at the opposite ends of spectrums, comedy versus drama, action versus situational humor, Red vs Blue versus EVA. I then thought 'It would to take the most dishonerable, despicable, and unjust writer to ever defile either saga by combining them together The story begins roughly just after the end of the second season of RvB and just before the first episode of Neon Genesis: The Reds' and Blues' attempts at catching O'malley have turned sour when a glitch in the Red teleporter sends all of the characters into different parts of the Eva world, with Grif and Church sent directly to the express train to Tokyo

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