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Yobitchuaries track two
You know, I heard Skinner say the teachers will crack any minute. Especially for that purple monkey dishwasher remark. That it came on a blog named after a Simpsons joke is just aggravazing. The tire fire is just superb. Say this for the guy, he knows how to attract attention.
The Decline and Fall of The Simpsons: He is a violent man with a history of criminal activities. He has variously been depicted as homicidal, syphilitic and even as a stalker who is also a registered sex offender.
And yet the character has been allowed many moments of nuance and tenderness too. Although an especially-ugly yellow-skinned cartoon character, Moe Szyslak is a recognisably-human character who has clearly known love and loss. That freedom and willingness to make people mad, groan, and complain, and then still get great viewership is what has set it apart from everything else on TV.
More relatable to the original older audience the show was targeted for, before the YA crowd elevated it to current popularity. On paper you would not think two shows like this could really do a crossover.
On the internet, dumb ideas just ripple into the infinite future. Has a nice Season 1 feel to it, well done. I bought a giant roll of drawing paper and wax crayons and felt tip pens. My brothers and sisters and I are now attempting to make a really long drawing.
We started off by drawing trees and buildings, but then moved on to cartoon characters such as The Simpsons. It made me wonder what the internet thought of the classic episodes when they first aired. Well thanks to The Simpsons Archive , we can observe just that, via the Usenet reviews in their episode capsules. The results were as expected: In fact, this premise is so thin that it falls apart right here in this single sentence.
Kamp Krusty had a few good gags and a lot of potential, but it was often predictable and drawn out. Smith was that abysmal, it should accept the responsibility for most of the jokes falling flat. To be fair, and to my slight surprise, the SNPP capsule linked there is clearly incomplete and has only those two reviews. I really liked the scenes with Mr. Black and the evil camp consellors. Later, during the revolt, they were going to escape by hydrofoil! In other words, they were acting like James Bond villians ….
A good show, but not great. I also like the scenes of most of the family except Marge, of course eating like animals. The sound effects are great. Is every comment positive? And these guys and it does seem to be all guys were hung up on the animation, since this was right around the time it switched from Klasky-Csupo to Film Roman and Akom to Anivision and Rough Draft. Oh, if only they knew the horrors of lifeless computer animation that awaited them!
Moreover, and to reiterate my point from five! This is deliberately misleading editing, at best. By the time season six rolls around, there are much stronger critiques, where even the compliments are backhanded. Just as important, there are a lot of straight ahead compliments, not just backhanded ones. Were those criticisms representative of the entire population of Simpsons fans? Were those criticisms even representative of just the tiny number of fans who were on-line?
I was trying to get this magic eye thing to work. Ah, look at that: What can poor people pay you? Who wants to help poor people anyway? Subscribe in a reader. By Charlie Sweatpants Closed. Grift of the Magi. Share Twitter Reddit Facebook Email. Tell Aaronson and Zykowski: So far, so good. But this particular Spruce Caboose is about to jump the tracks: Here are some criticisms starting in season four: In other words, they were acting like James Bond villians … And: I wondered if I would ever pan a show.
Well, I need wonder no longer. Also, a lot of the animation was not up to par a few scenes were quite well done, though -- like Lisa giving the letter. This is already a tad on the analytical If you loved this show, great. That makes one of us. This makes my Top 5 worst list of all time, easily.
The racing form in the 1st 60 seconds of the show was the only thing that made me laugh out loud. After that, it was nothing but about 10 jillion stupid "Jurassic Park" jokes. I thought the beginning was good, but those silly robots kinda killed it for me. I liked it a lot. Agreed that the robots were a bit on the lame side, but not as bad as the James Wood sub plot in Homer and Apu.
We still haven't seen Mr. I wanna see him soon. The first episode this season that I found myself laughing out loud at. Now, what was that I was just saying about the long dry spell just prior to "Flaming Moe's"?
That show just didn't cut it. The best episodes are plot driven, this was just one long excuse to make fun of Jurassic Park. I thought it was a big wasted opportunity. If this is any indication of how the sixth season will be, we're in for a treat. After a dragging first act, the second and third acts were some of the best OFF I've seen; vicious shots at Disney, meta-humor about cartoon violence, and Bart as his mischievous self.
Not one of the best, not one of the worst either though The show was great, I was laughing through the whole show. The plot tied together well, and plenty of choice gags.
I watched this twice last night, and the second time was even funnier -- kudos on the blackboard and couch scenes, too. I'd have to say this WAS a pretty mediocre episode, but compared to what has been shown so far this season, it was a marked improvement.
Was it just me or did "Itchy and Scratchy Land" overstep the bounds of parody and become what it was mocking? The violence, IMO, was quite extreme and came very very close to crossing "the line" or possibly overstepped it?
It got to the point when it just stopped being funny. A-minus - the only things that stood in the way of this episode getting a maximum rating were a the animation was weak at times, and b the ending was much too abrupt; it was as if there was 20 minutes of material written for a minute show and they just tacked on something at the end.
I thought the Disney barbs were great recall the "Evil Gene" from The boy who knew to much. I loved the detention center when Bart got arrested. I give it an A.
One of the best episodes ever. This episode contained all of the positive, but none of the negative aspects that were characteristic of 5th-season. This also proved that OFF could still be funny outside of Springfield. This episode was a vast improvement over most of Season Five. The "Jurassic Park" refs were well done, although the revelation that flashes disabled the berserk robots was poorly done with no atmosphere. And finally - a decent ending!
A very funny episode, IMHO. The takeoffs on amusement parks were grandly amusing. Once again we see OFF poking fun at Disney.
It's no pleasant commentary on our society that a funland called "the violentest place on earth" is conceivable. I'm in awe of the "Fantasia" parody Elfman's music was spot on.