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Is bitcoin a bubble? Does gold have an intrinsic value? Is bitcoin a ponzi or pyramid scheme? Peter Schiff thinks so. Stefan Molyneux and Peter Schiff discuss Bitcoin vs. Gold and the future of money. Want to Buy Bitcoins? The True Value of Bitcoin: Please support the show by signing up for a monthly subscription or making a one time donation at: Get more from Stefan Molyneux and Freedomain Radio including books, podcasts and other info at: Amazon US Affiliate Link: Freedomain Radio Bitcoin vs gold the future of moneypeter schiff debates stefan molyneux Media Facebook: That's what they said at the foot of Mount Sinai with the cow made of Gold.

How that work out. Some things just don't change. Schiff is out of his league and gasping for air. Good job Stefan that guy has no idea what he's talking about — I can tell for instance he's not a computer programmer but someone who evaluates thing on his inferior knowledge, I have been programming for 35 years and I have not seen anything like this it is complete genius. This guy will be eating his words especially when countries like India and Japan have made Bitcoin currency!

Stefan you started slow in the early rounds ,but after you let him punch himself out you destroyed him ,like I knew you would. Blockchain Technology is the greatest invention in many many years and that is a fact!!!!! But the banks are not gonna' let people spend and buy without getting their cut. We all know this. Stefan you are my very favorite person to listen to. Mostly 'cuz you never try to sell me junk,and I seem to always agree with your views.

The federal reserve is a pyramid scheme. Perhaps bitcoin is as well. Goldmoney is essentially today's currencies backed by gold. Replenish by purchasing more gold, etc. I can bitcoin vs gold the future of moneypeter schiff debates stefan molyneux the bitconners already, this time is different!

Gold and silver — money for years. Peter said "bitcoin isn't backed by anything" and "bitcoin has no intrinsic value". He's dead wrong and Molyneux should have corrected him as this is a monumental mistake to make about bitcoin. Bitcoin with a capital B is a distributed, decentralized value transfer network and bitcoin with a small b is the currency created by and used on this network. So we can say that Bitcoin and BTC have a symbiotic relationship. In fact one cannot exist without the other — this is how the protocol was designed.

Stephan …How can Bitcoin have any intrinsic value? Just because it is rare does not mean it has value. How much for a piece of Roman pottery I dig up in the garden? How much an odd shaped stone or bitcoin vs gold the future of moneypeter schiff debates stefan molyneux or an unusual feather. Nothing Stephan…well unless you can find someone else who wants it…well Bitcoin is not ven that it is really just virtual…its not even a piece of Roman pottery It is intrinsically a bubble the day it is mined and just like the Tulip frenzy.

One thing that neither Peter or Stephan has talked about is the price of silver and gold and how it has been manipulated. Mostif not all holders of PM's expect this manipulation to stop and the true price to bitcoin vs gold the future of moneypeter schiff debates stefan molyneux discovered ….

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Bitcoin possible future value. Of course he doesn't like bitcoin, he's invested in gold. I would say Buy Gold with Bitcoin's and make him happy. Where do these people come from BaHumbug The dollar is fake. Pull yourselves together ladies. This is the first time I've seen Stefan get out smarted Peter clearly won the debate. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

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How to earn bitcoin online - List of affiliate programs paying in bitcoin ;. Peter Schiff makes valid points, however, I think bitcoin is not a pyramid scheme. Bitcoin and other digital currencies are here to stay and will only grow: Fast forwarding to today. Oh, the thoughts in my head right now When I first learned about bitcoin I was like everyone else and brushed it off. I regret that now.

And Peter Schiff is very knowledgeable regarding things like this so I will continue to hear him out. Good points on both sides. This debate is a must see if your into bitcoin and cryptocurrency. Stefan Molyneux debates Peter Schiff on whether or not bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post. I wish I had seen this video in I wish i had of bought bitcoin in or earlier! Agreed the past is the past, only thing you can do is prepare for the future.

Bitcoin is only a pyramid scheme if one user buys it only to sell it to another person. Now with automatic buys and a large demand for bitcoin i think its past that stage: Can't think like that tho hehe..

Took me a year or two again to actually figure out what it is: Gold backed crypto by the end of the year?