What Is a Ledger-to-Ledger Transaction?

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You can perform miscellaneous debit to a customer account with the corresponding credit to a GL account. The option list displays all valid account numbers applicable. Choose the appropriate one. In case of multiple accounts with the same account number, the system will display a list of account numbers with account branches to select. By default, the transactions ledger displays the logged-in branch.

When you specify an account number, the system displays the account branch based on the account number specified. Select the GL account transactions ledger to which the cash needs to be credited.

Based on the account number specified, the system displays the GL currency. However, you can modify it, if required.

In the single stage flow, if there is an transaction level override or error during approval then the transaction will be moved to the pending queue.

Without save action being initiated, the transaction will not transactions ledger in pending queue. On clicking Pickup button, the system populates the vales in all the callforms of the screen and clicking pickup button transactions ledger mandatory if transactions ledger make any changes to the Transaction amount and exchange rate after first pickup. On pick up, the fields that are currently enabled in the enrich stage will alone be retained as enabled fields.

On saving, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data entry. If the data entry is found alright, it will calculate the charge based on the transaction type. The exchange rate used for the currency conversion is displayed here. The amount credited to the GL account is displayed here. This amount will be in terms of the GL account currency.

Specify the negotiated cost rate transactions ledger should transactions ledger used for foreign currency transactions between the treasury and the transactions ledger. You need to specify the rate only when the currencies involved in the transaction are different. Otherwise, it will be a normal transaction. Specify the unique reference number that should be used for negotiation of cost rate, in foreign currency transaction.

If the negotiated cost rate transactions ledger specified then you should be needed to specify the negotiated reference number. The system displays the type of charge that is applicable to the transaction. Transactions ledger could be any one of the following:. You can waive a certain charge for the customer by checking this box against the charge component.

The system displays the charge amount to be deducted for the corresponding charge component. You can transactions ledger the amount. In case the transaction currency is different from the local currency, the system will compute the local currency transactions ledger of transactions ledger charge and display it here. This block allows you to capture details pertaining to MIS.

The system displays all the MIS classes maintained in the Host. You can to select the appropriate MIS code for each of these classes from the adjoining option list and link it to the transaction. Click save icon to save the transaction. The authorization process is similar to that of cash deposit. Similarly, you can perform miscellaneous credit to a customer account with the corresponding debit to a GL account.

You transactions ledger also specify Virtual Accounts in this screen. These virtual accounts can be used as a routing account to credit the underlying physical account. If a virtual account number is specified in this screen, then the F10, F11, and F12 keys will not display any value, however the following error messages will be displayed for each of these keys:. You can also specify a virtual account number in this field. The physical account number is identified based on the Virtual Account Number and Account Currency combination.

If there is no physical account available for the combination, then a default physical account number is selected. The account currency changes as per the default transactions ledger account number. Based on the account number specified, the system displays the description of the account. For a virtual account, the virtual account name is specified here. For a Virtual Account, the GL currency is defaulted as the account currency.

The physical account number is identified based on the account currency transactions ledger virtual account number combination. If physical account number is available, then the account currency remains the same. If the physical account number is not available, then the default physical account number is selected and the account currency changes as per the default physical account number. On clicking Pickup button, the system populates the vales in all the callforms of the screen and clicking of Pickup button is be made mandatory if you makes any changes to the Transactions ledger amount and exchange rate after first pickup.

The amount debited from the GL account is displayed here. When a customer submits a request for advance by account credit in case of emergency, you can disburse advance that are maintained in the external system where transfer from GL to CASA account is allowed.

You can also perform reversal of transaction in this screen. In the Offset account specify the Offset GI that is configured earlier and add a charge code as per requirement. Specify the advance reference number. For example if transactions ledger Nature of Advance transactions ledger Loan then the loan account number should be specified and if the Nature of Advance is credit card then the Transactions ledger Card number should be specified.

Specify the currency in which advance transaction is initiated. Alternatively you can select the transaction currency code from the option list. The list displays all valid transaction currencies maintained in the system. Specify the tenor of advance in days. If you specify a value beyond permissible range, the system transactions ledger display an error message.

Specify the tenor of advance in months. Specify the category of the document that is uploaded. Alternatively you can select the category of the document from the option list. The list displays all valid document categories maintained in the system.

Specify the type of document submitted by the customer. Alternatively you can select the type of document from the option list. The list displays all valid document types maintained for a document category. The system displays the exchange rate used to convert the transaction currency into GL currency.

The system displays a unique number generated based on the branch specific sequence number generation logic. The Host system transactions ledger a branch transaction transactions ledger the External reference number. If the customer requests for transactions ledger account credit, transactions ledger the following accounting entries are passed:. You can capture details pertaining to charge. You can capture details pertaining to MIS.

You can capture details pertaining to UDF. You can perform miscellaneous debit to a GL account with the corresponding credit to the cash account. This transaction lets you enter a miscellaneous debit to a General Ledger GL account with the corresponding credit to the cash account.

Select the GL account number from which the funds are to be transferred to a cash account from the option list. Specify the currency in which the cash account is transactions ledger credited. You can select transactions ledger appropriate code from the adjoining option transactions ledger that displays all the currency codes maintained in the system. The system displays the total transactions ledger debited from transactions ledger GL account inclusive of the service charges in the transaction currency.

In this block, you can capture details of the currency denominations involved in the transaction through the following fields:. Specify the denomination of the currency used in the transaction. For every currency, the various denominations are assigned separate denomination codes.

These codes are displayed in the adjoining option list. The system computes the face value of the denomination and transactions ledger it. Indicate the number of transactions ledger of the specified denomination. By default, till contents are decremented for outflow transactions like GL debit.

To reverse this default behaviour, you can specify units in negative. The system computes the denomination value by multiplying the denomination value with the number of units. In this block, you can specify the charge related details. This block allows you to capture details pertaining transactions ledger UDF.

You can perform miscellaneous credit to a GL account with the corresponding debit to the cash account. This transaction transactions ledger you enter a miscellaneous credit to a General Ledger GL account with the corresponding debit to the cash account.

The transactions ledger displays the total amount credit to the GL account inclusive of the service charges in the transaction currency. In this block, you can transactions ledger details of the currency denominations involved in the transaction. Select the GL account number from which the funds are to be transferred; from the adjacent option list. The system displays the description of the corresponding From GL Account. If the length of the data goes beyond the screen section size, you can view transactions ledger edit the description in the popup window.

Select the GL account number to which the funds are to be transferred; from the adjacent option list.

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